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Footsteps patter down the stairs. My stomach drops. I wasn’t paying close enough attention.

‘Rye, are you ready?’ Siara chirps, her cinnamon hair braided in an updo. There’s a long, stretched silence that ends abruptly with a loud thump. Siara looks up from the contents of her handbag.

‘U-Uh, y-yeah,’ Rye stutters, scrambling to his feet. All evidence of ice vanished.

‘You look really pale.’ Siara puts her hand on his forehead. ‘You’re so cold! Are you feeling okay?’

I can’t help but interject for my own amusement. ‘I agree. As pale as death, one might say.’

Rye flinches. I hold his fearful stare, confirming his interpretation.

‘That’s the saying, isn’t it?’ I continue as Siara looks over.

‘Yes, but it’s creepy when you say it.’

I shrug unapologetically.

‘W-we’d better get going,’ the boy stutters, practically racing out the door before gracing me one last terrified glance.

Siara makes a puzzled expression. ‘You didn’t do anything to him, right?’

I shake my head but her gaze holds firm. Still suspicious, she grabs the house keys and rushes after him.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow then?’ her voice calls, trailing out the door. My heart misses a beat.

‘Possibly,’ I say as the door closes. I tip out the tea she left behind into the kitchen sink. Who am I kidding? The last place I’d want to be is back at that cabin. So there in that townhouse I stay, avoiding my dreaded trip home for a few hours more. It’s not until I hear shoes on concrete bouncing up the front steps that I’m retreating out the back door into the fields behind.



‘Are you sure this is going to work?’ I say, wedging my feet into the thick black heels, my toes both white and red from the pressure. ‘I don’t feel any more mature. I just feel cold.’

Twisting and turning in front of the mirror, I eye the absence of fabric covering my pale legs. A sinking feeling starts.

‘It’ll work, trust me,’ Rye says, a grin forming on his face as I peek around at him. ‘You look great.’

I smile politely but even I can see it’s forced. It fades into a grimace. This isn’t me. I hug my chest, a breath sucked in tight. But I guess that’s the point. Predictable, the word lingers like a bad taste, rattling around in the back of my head. I’ll show him. I can be spontaneous. With newfound courage I release my hold, arms dropping to my sides. I give Rye, oblivious to my internal struggle, a small nod. He smiles brightly, opening the door for me.

Xander leans against the bricks, arms crossed, and when his eyes land on me he doesn’t bother hiding his scowl. It was his turn to visit me today, again. William has been absent as of late and I can only guess that he is avoiding me. No doubt spending all his time with the love of his life that I involuntarily almost died for.

‘I don’t like this.’ Xander huffs with a signature pout. ‘Or this,’ he says, nodding towards my outfit. A short velvet dress with thin straps clings to my body for dear life. A gift from Rye’s none-the-wiser elder sister. ‘And may I remind you that Heret-Kau–’

‘You may not. I know what you’re going to say and I don’t want to hear it.’

Xander frowns, following after us down the street. ‘This is not low profile.’

Rye waves the boy’s concerns away, his carefree personality big enough for the both of us. I, on the other hand, am riddled with self-doubt. If I let Xander continue, it’s more than likely I will not follow through with this plan.

‘Have you concealed yourself?’ I ask, redirecting his attention.

‘More than you have,’ the boy retorts back, grimacing again at my exposed legs. I know he’s a product of his time but it’s hard not to be a little offended. Letting out a long sigh, he continues, ‘Of course I have. I wouldn’t be standing out here otherwise. Everyone else is seeing a normal human boy.’

It takes a few moments but sure enough, Xander’s features change. Green skin fades to tan, his large eyes encompassing a warm brown. The demon boy’s swampish hair regains its chestnut hue. Sometimes I forget just how young he was. A lump forms in the back of my throat and I swallow hard, willing myself to once again see through the illusion to the Xander I know, warts and all.

‘Thanks for doing this, Xander,’ Rye says, shooting a charming smile. I’ll give Rye points for his relentless friendship.

‘I’m not doing it for you.’

Rye deflates a little. I give a weak smile as comfort but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t anticipated the response. Wounded, Rye jogs ahead of us, darting around the corner of a brick building. He reappears suddenly. ‘Okay, we’re here.’ He summons us forward, glancing unnerved at the demon boy beside me. ‘Don’t give me that look – it’s just a bit of fun. Plus, it’s not like she’s that far off eighteen anyway. We’re just celebrating a few months early. Would you rather have Siara cooped up in that house for the rest of her life?’

Xander looks puzzled, genuinely bewildered. Of course he would.

‘I’ll be fine,’ I say, hushed. Taking Xander’s hand, I give it a small squeeze. ‘Are you ready?’

He pulls back, apprehensive. ‘Heret-Kau really said no demon powers on you though, and she’s a really scary lady. Maybe I should check with Master first.’

Rye flinches; even I become unnerved at the thought, my heart racing a little quicker than before. No, I can’t have him here. Then I really won’t go through with this. I need to prove that I can do it. ‘It’ll just be a few seconds, just enough to get us through the door and then it’s done – not to mention there’ll be so many people inside. What sort of demon would reveal themselves to a whole venue of bustling people?’ Xander still isn’t convinced. ‘I’m not one for bribery but do this for us and I’ll owe you one. Whatever you want.’ Xander’s eyes alight. ‘Within reason,’ I say quickly.

‘Better be something good. This is going to be so embarrassing,’ he says before striding up to the bouncer, a disparaging expression creeping onto his face as we approach. ‘Remember, don’t say a word. It breaks the enchantment.’ I nod.

‘Hello, sir,’ Xander says with his sweetest, most innocent voice.

‘Hi, kid, can I do something for you?’ he grunts, amused. Xander holds the man’s stare, an eerie silence ensuing before he answers.

‘Yes, you can. You can let me inside.’ Xander’s words come out smooth, captivating like an enchanted prose. The glazed eyes of the bouncer drift over to me. Xander follows his stare. ‘She’s with me. You can let her in too.’

I give a small smile.

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