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“This is the Nakagyō Building. It’s been here for a long time. If what you said is true, Chitose should be on the fifth floor of this building,” said Abino, striding through the entrance.

It was beyond mysterious. This was downright unnerving. She had gotten Tangerine and Tank from that clinic. No matter what, she needed to find out what was going on.

Just as Tomoka remembered, the hallway was dimly lit. As they climbed up the stairs, she glanced sideways at the dodgy-looking tenants, until they reached the fifth floor.

Before Tomoka could explain that the clinic was in the second unit from the end, Abino was already standing at the door. It was obvious she knew this place. Yet, she stood there with her hand on the doorknob, unmoving. She furrowed her brow again and bit her lip. Without a word, Tomoka took Abino’s place and tried the door. It was locked.

There was a sudden harsh metallic clang.

A voice startled them. “That unit’s empty.”

They turned to see a sketchy-looking guy in a flashy shirt walking toward them from the other end of the hallway.

“If you want to see the space, you should give the management company a call. I don’t recommend it, though. That unit’s jinxed.”

“Jinxed?” Tomoka raised an eyebrow. This guy is odd. The situation perplexed her even more.

“Yeah. Even though the unit’s vacant, sometimes you can hear noises coming from inside. Like people talking or cats meowing. Maybe there’s still some lingering energy or something. Anyway, I’ve warned you. Don’t come complaining to me later.” He gave them a scrutinizing look as he passed. He specifically eyed Abino before entering the room next door.

“Vacant unit…” Tomoka muttered. This can’t be right.

Abino was already going back down the stairs, so Tomoka walked quickly to catch up with her. When they stepped outside, Tomoka looked up at the building again. It was still facing the street.

“I have no idea what’s going on here,” said Tomoka. “What is this place exactly? Who is this Chitose?”

“I don’t care about anything as long as Chitose comes back.”

Abino seemed lost in thought, appearing somewhat stunned and confused.

“Are you okay?”

Abino nodded, but tears welled up in her eyes. “Thank you for coming all the way here with me, Ms. Takamine. I’ll be sure to place an order for the bag.”

“Please don’t worry about that. I’m just worried about you.”

“I’m such a mess, you know. I cry at the drop of a hat, whether alone or at dinner with clients. I need to toughen up. Oh, by the way, just behind this building is the real clinic run by Dr. Kokoro Suda—Suda Animal Hospital.”

They parted ways, and Tomoka returned to the office, her mind distracted.

“Hey, Tomoka. You’ve reviewed the website layout for our seasonal products, right?” Junko asked.

Tomoka snapped out of her daze. “Sorry, not yet.”

“The developers have been pushing us for an update, saying we won’t make the deadline next week otherwise. It’s okay to take things easy, but let’s not take too much time.”

Tomoka clenched her fist under her desk. I haven’t been taking it easy. I do things right. I’m a bit out of it because the cats went on a rampage last night. And Abino’s sad face keeps flashing through my mind.

Tomoka had left work early the past few days, but today she worked until midnight to make up for being unfocused. Exhausted, she returned to her apartment to find it shrouded in darkness.

“I’m home. Daigo?” she called.

The living room was silent. Tomoka turned on the light and froze. The room looked exactly like it had that morning—a chaotic mess. As she stood speechless, the front door opened.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Tomoka. I got a last-minute invitation from a friend to go out for a drink.” Daigo stomped into the living room, his face flushed. He let out a laugh. “It’s a complete mess. Hey, kitty, where are you? K-tan, Ta-tan. Where did you go? Daddy’s home.”

As Tomoka watched Daigo searching for the cats, she had a realization.

It isn’t me who needs to pull myself together.

Nor is it everyone around me who needs to do things the right way.

The one I wish would get his act together is this guy right here.

Even at his age, he still can’t hold down a job. It’s not clear when he’ll marry me. Does he even want to get married? Even if he doesn’t, does he truly love me?

“Enough is enough!” shouted Tomoka. Everything she had been holding back erupted at once. “You’re too old to just up and quit your job! You haven’t met my parents, and you don’t seem to want to get married! You have no plans for the future whatsoever! Get your act together! I’m done. I’m done being the put-together, responsible one.”

That was right. She had voiced everything she’d wanted to say every time Daigo quit a job and pushed the prospect of their marriage further away. She’d finally arrived at her true feelings. She might act all high and mighty with Junko and Mitsuki, but she had plenty of flaws herself. But she wanted to believe that she had it all under control, that it was okay even if Daigo was aimless.

Daigo’s mouth hung open. With a look of remorse, he lowered his head.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so angry,” he said.

Seeing Daigo so crestfallen, she regained some of her composure. Embarrassment began to creep over her.

“I’m not really angry. I just want you to think about the future a little more. You don’t have to do anything right away, but just think things through.”

Maybe I’m pressuring him to get married after all. But regardless of Daigo’s response, she felt relieved to have expressed her feelings. She burst out laughing.

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