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“Well, I’m glad you could find the time to get yourself dressed and join us,” Granny said in a rebuking tone.

“We are so sorry we’re running late,” Hailey jumped in before Grant had a chance to. “It was my fault; I just couldn’t decide what to wear, you know?”

Nora’s face contorted as she stood at the sink.

“Grant, give your Granny a hug,” Granny insisted, holding her hands off to the side as she pulled them from a mixture of powdered sugar and cream cheese. Grant offered her a quick squeeze. “Look here at this. Once when Eisenhower was just a tiny thing, I let him help me put this cake together, and your mama said he talked about that cake every time they sat down for a meal for months. Do you remember how much your brother liked…”

“Probably not, since I have no memory of him whatsoever,” Grant interrupted. “A fact that hasn’t changed since the last time you asked me.”

“That just breaks Granny’s heart! He would’ve set a good example for you,” Granny said without missing a beat.

Hailey rubbed Grant’s back, impressed that he seemed content to remain silent. “I’m sure Ike would be proud of the person his baby brother has grown up to be,” she couldn’t help but add.

“Thanksgiving was Ike’s favorite holiday,” Nora said, choking up.

“Yes, Mother, we know,” Grant nodded dismissively.

Hailey smiled, helping Nora wipe up the mess she had made on the counter. “Then I’m sure this day brings back special memories for you each year.”

“Oh, it does, Sweetheart,” Nora exhaled, thankful someone had given her an invitation to talk about it. “Ike would always insist that everyone gather around and we each take turns saying what we were thankful for. It’s been a long time since we’ve done that on Thanksgiving, but maybe it’s time we bring back that tradition.”

“I think that sounds like a beautiful idea,” Hailey agreed.

“I declare, you sure are a handsome devil,” Granny said, offering Grant a bowl of chocolate icing. “Here, try this. Ike used to say that getting to lick the bowl was the best part of helping Granny cook. This here chocolate icing was his favorite.”

“I don’t like chocolate icing,” Grant shook his head.

“Well, why in Heaven’s name not?” Granny exclaimed as though offended by the possibility.

“Don’t ask, Ms. Dottie, or we’ll likely get an hour long dissertation on tastebuds and how they work,” Hailey smiled as she dipped her finger into the bowl Grant was holding.

“I have never known a growin’ boy who didn’t like Granny’s chocolate cake,” Granny shook her head. Adding “um um um” as she went about her work.

“I know…it’s a sin,” Hailey nodded, bumping Grant with her hip as she sucked icing off her finger. “But…the way I see it…it just means there’s more for us!”

Granny smiled at Nora. “Jack sure did a great job with her,” she said as though Hailey wasn’t standing right there. “Throw a dress on her every now and then, and she’ll make a right fine little lady.”

Nora smiled at Hailey, embarrassed.

“Ms. Dottie, is there anything I can do to help?” Hailey asked to ease Nora’s tension.

“Well, you can start by calling me Granny,” Granny Miller insisted. “Because I’ll tell ya flat out, Darlin’, anybody who can successfully drag my stubborn grandson to the church house week after week has my respect. And bless your little pea pickin’ heart…you have managed to get him there every week.”

“Thankfully, I don’t have to drag him,” Hailey smiled. “He has never put up so much as a slight protest.”

Grant nodded. “Indeed, I have been there week after week, and I can categorically confirm that your favorite little preacher boy/sheriff/principal is a hypocrite if I have ever met one.”

“Like I told you last week,” Hailey pointed at Grant. “We don’t go to church for Pastor Jordan’s sake. It’s not about him.”

“Practice what you preach…that’s all I’m saying,” Grant shrugged.

“Why John Jordan is a fine man!” Granny reprimanded.

Grant scoffed. “It is worth noting that his disdain for me seems to have waned considerably since I started winning basketball games for him.”

Ignoring Grant, Granny focused on Hailey. “Hailey, do you know how to slice onions, Sugar?” Granny asked.

“No Ma’am…not really,” Hailey gulped.

“Well, get over here and let me show you,” Granny insisted. “I know your mama wasn’t around to teach you these things, but it’s a skill every good, country girl ought to learn. It’s a woman’s God-given responsibility to be able to make a meal fittin’ for her man.”

“Amen to that,” Grant whispered.

Hailey elbowed him in the ribs.

“You are the one who told me to try and find some common ground with Granny,” Grant whispered.

Hailey rolled her eyes.

“Go on, Babe,” Grant whispered. “Learn something, and we’ll go into town on Black Friday and get you your very own little apron.”

Hailey popped Grant on the butt, then quickly looked around and breathed a sigh of relief that no one had been watching. “Get lost,” she laughed.

“Go find, Daddy, Grant,” Nora insisted. “I think he’s taking a breather on the back porch. Joanna might be with him. I know they are dying to see you.”

“Do enough sucking up for the both of us,” Grant winked at Hailey as he set off to find his father.

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