"Freshman Firsts" by Cassie Hargrove is a delightful coming-of-age novel that follows the journey of a group of high school freshmen as they navigate the ups and downs of their first year in high school. The story...
"Mademoiselle At Arms" by Elizabeth Bailey is a captivating historical romance set in the Regency era, filled with intrigue, passion, and adventure. The story follows Miss Emmeline de Mouchet, a young woman of noble...
"Chasing Caitlyn" by Marnie Cate the first book in the Broken Girl series, is a compelling story about resilience, healing, and self-discovery. The novel follows Caitlyn, a young woman who is struggling to escape the...
"Remember" by Marnie Cate the first book in the Protectors of the Elemental Magic series, is a captivating fantasy novel that introduces readers to a world where elemental magic—earth, air, fire, and water—plays a...
"The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" by Alexander McCall Smith introduces readers to the delightful and astute Precious Ramotswe, Botswana's first female private investigator. Set against the backdrop of the vibrant and...
"A World Beneath the Sands: Adventurers and Archaeologists" by Toby Wilkinson is an engaging account of the history of Egyptology, exploring the lives and adventures of the key figures who contributed to the...
"Lives of the Ancient Egyptians" by Toby Wilkinson⌛⌛ is a fascinating exploration of the everyday lives of the people who inhabited ancient Egypt, moving beyond the grandiose monuments and famous figures typically...
"Crash" by Toby Vintcent is an electrifying entry in the Matt Straker series, following the adventures of the protagonist as he delves into high-stakes situations that challenge both his skills and his resolve. This...
🌈🌈"Picture Purrfect" by Hilda Eunice Burgos🌈🌈 is a charming and heartwarming contemporary romance that centers on themes of love, family, and the importance of following one's dreams. The story follows the journey of a...
"Tides of Light" by Gregory Benford is a compelling science fiction novel that continues the exploration of themes introduced in his previous works, particularly within the Galactic Center saga. The story is set in a...
"The Wizard Corps" by Guy Antibes is an engaging fantasy novel that immerses readers in a world where magic and military prowess intertwine. The story follows a group of elite magic users, known as the Wizard Corps, who...
"Her Alaskan Family" by Heidi McCahan is a heartwarming contemporary romance that explores themes of love, family, and the importance of community in a stunning Alaskan setting. The story follows a woman named Jenna,...