🧑⚕️"This Is Not a Pipe" by David Jarvis is a thought-provoking exploration of art, representation, and the relationship between language and meaning. The title references René Magritte’s famous painting "The Treachery...
"The Rule" by David Jackson is a suspenseful thriller that delves into the intricate world of criminal behavior, morality, and the consequences of breaking the law. The story centers on a detective who is drawn into a...
🏵️🏵️"Love Kills" by David Jackson🏵️🏵️ is a gripping psychological thriller that dives deep into the complexities of obsession, love, and the darker sides of human nature. The story follows a detective who becomes...
"Broken Empire" by Brady Hunsaker is a gripping fantasy novel that explores themes of power, revenge, and redemption in a richly imagined world. The story follows a protagonist who is thrust into a brutal struggle for...
🕯️🕯️"Goliath" by Tochi Onyebuchi is a powerful and thought-provoking science fiction novel set in a dystopian future where the privileged and wealthy have fled Earth for colonies in space, leaving behind a decaying...
🔍🔍"The Greek Connection" by James H. Barron is a historical non-fiction work that explores the intricate world of post-World War II diplomacy, espionage, and international politics. The book focuses on the life of Elias...
"Heart So Hollow" by Emily Nealis is a poignant novel that delves into themes of love, loss, and emotional healing. The story follows the journey of a protagonist grappling with deep emotional wounds, as they navigate...
"Phantom Force" by James H. Cobb 🛫🛫 is the fifth installment in The USS Cunningham Quintet series, a naval military thriller that centers on high-stakes warfare and tactical brilliance. The protagonist, Commander Amanda...
📘📘"The Race" by James H. Jackson is a gripping political thriller that delves into the world of international intrigue, high-stakes competition, and espionage. The plot centers around a high-powered race for control,...
"Undefeated" by Emily Kimelman is a fast-paced, action-packed thriller that blends crime, suspense, and personal determination. The protagonist, a strong-willed woman, is driven by a fierce sense of justice and...
"Under the Earth, Over the Sky" by Emily McCosh is a fantasy novel that weaves together elements of magic, adventure, and emotional depth. The story is set in a richly imagined world where characters must navigate...
"The Dating Equation" by Emily Merrill is a lighthearted romance novel that combines humor, wit, and the complexities of modern relationships. The story centers on a woman who, after becoming disillusioned with...