🕯️🕯️"Goliath" by Tochi Onyebuchi is a powerful and thought-provoking science fiction novel set in a dystopian future where the privileged and wealthy have fled Earth for colonies in space, leaving behind a decaying...

🔍🔍"The Greek Connection" by James H. Barron is a historical non-fiction work that explores the intricate world of post-World War II diplomacy, espionage, and international politics. The book focuses on the life of Elias...

"Heart So Hollow" by Emily Nealis is a poignant novel that delves into themes of love, loss, and emotional healing. The story follows the journey of a protagonist grappling with deep emotional wounds, as they navigate...

"Phantom Force" by James H. Cobb 🛫🛫 is the fifth installment in The USS Cunningham Quintet series, a naval military thriller that centers on high-stakes warfare and tactical brilliance. The protagonist, Commander Amanda...

📘📘"The Race" by James H. Jackson is a gripping political thriller that delves into the world of international intrigue, high-stakes competition, and espionage. The plot centers around a high-powered race for control,...

"Undefeated" by Emily Kimelman is a fast-paced, action-packed thriller that blends crime, suspense, and personal determination. The protagonist, a strong-willed woman, is driven by a fierce sense of justice and...

"Under the Earth, Over the Sky" by Emily McCosh is a fantasy novel that weaves together elements of magic, adventure, and emotional depth. The story is set in a richly imagined world where characters must navigate...

"The Dating Equation" by Emily Merrill is a lighthearted romance novel that combines humor, wit, and the complexities of modern relationships. The story centers on a woman who, after becoming disillusioned with...

"End of the Line" by Emily James is a gripping mystery novel that blends psychological suspense with elements of crime and personal discovery. The story revolves around a woman who finds herself entangled in a dark...

,,The Secret of Candlelight Inn'' by Carolyn Keene is a thrilling mystery that follows Nancy Drew as she embarks on a new adventure involving a historic inn. When Nancy and her friends, Bess and George, visit the...

,,The Puzzle at Pineview School'' by Carolyn Keene is an engaging mystery that follows Nancy Drew as she faces a challenging puzzle in her school. When strange things start happening at Pineview School — including...

,,Pointe, Shoots, and Scores'' by Carolyn Miller is a heartwarming and humorous romance novel centered around the world of hockey and figure skating. The story follows the journey of a young woman, Casey, who has always...

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