"End of the Line" by Emily James is a gripping mystery novel that blends psychological suspense with elements of crime and personal discovery. The story revolves around a woman who finds herself entangled in a dark...

,,The Secret of Candlelight Inn'' by Carolyn Keene is a thrilling mystery that follows Nancy Drew as she embarks on a new adventure involving a historic inn. When Nancy and her friends, Bess and George, visit the...

,,The Puzzle at Pineview School'' by Carolyn Keene is an engaging mystery that follows Nancy Drew as she faces a challenging puzzle in her school. When strange things start happening at Pineview School — including...

,,Pointe, Shoots, and Scores'' by Carolyn Miller is a heartwarming and humorous romance novel centered around the world of hockey and figure skating. The story follows the journey of a young woman, Casey, who has always...

,,The Teen Model Mystery'' by Carolyn Keene is a captivating installment in the Nancy Drew mystery series. In this story, Nancy Drew is tasked with investigating a mystery surrounding a teen modeling competition. When a...

🐎🐎,,The Missing Horse Mystery'' by Carolyn Keene🐎🐎 is an exciting addition to the Nancy Drew mystery series. In this story, Nancy Drew is called upon to solve the puzzling case of a missing horse from a local stable....

💤💤,,The Clues Challenge by Carolyn Keene'' is an interactive mystery novel that invites readers to step into the shoes of Nancy Drew and use their detective skills to solve a series of intriguing puzzles. In this...

,,Danger on the Great Lakes'' by Carolyn Keene is a thrilling installment in the beloved Nancy Drew mystery series. In this adventure, Nancy Drew, along with her friends Bess and George, heads to the Great Lakes for a...

🏰,,The Lost Children'' by Carolyn Cohagan🏰 is a middle-grade fantasy novel that follows the story of a young girl named Miriam, who is transported to a magical world where children have been lost and forgotten by...

,,Escape from Devil's Den'' by Bonnie Vanak is a thrilling romantic suspense novel set in the dangerous and enigmatic world of covert operations and survival. The story follows a skilled operative who, after being...

🤍🤍,,Valley of Promises'' by Bonnie Leon🤍🤍 is a captivating historical novel that transports readers to the wilderness of early 20th century Alaska. The story follows the journey of a determined young woman, whose dreams...

🏫,,Home at Last'' by Bonnie Leon🏫 is a heartwarming historical romance that follows the journey of a woman seeking a sense of belonging and peace. Set in the rugged landscape of Alaska, the novel centers on a...

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