📚 📚 📚"When She Sleeps" by J.A. Baker is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of human relationships, secrets, and the impact of past traumas. The story centers around Alice, a woman whose...

🎆 🎆"Goddess of Air" by J.A. Armitage is a captivating fantasy novel that transports readers into a richly imagined world filled with magic, adventure, and complex characters. The story revolves around Elara, a young...

"Guide Me Home" by Attica Locke is a compelling and poignant novel that weaves together themes of family, identity, and the search for belonging. The story follows the journey of a young woman named Jay as she navigates...

🎶 🎶 "Creation Lake: A Novel" by Rachel Kushner is a thought-provoking and intricately layered narrative that delves into themes of environmentalism, human intervention in nature, and the consequences of unchecked...

"Blue Sisters: A Novel" by Coco Mellors is a captivating exploration of family dynamics, sisterhood, and personal transformation. The story follows two sisters, each with distinct personalities and life paths, as they...

❄️❄️"The Woodcarver's Snow-Kissed Christmas" by Izzy James the story revolves around Reed Archer, a man burdened by his past, and Ann Wright, an independent artist determined to control her future. Reed's newly found...

"The Road Home" by Izzy James is a historical romance set on the Wilderness Road to Kentucky. The protagonist, Beti Boatman, is the daughter of a pirate who dreams of escaping to a place where no one knows her past....

"Hard Country" by Ian Loome is the fifth book in the Rogue Warrior thriller series. The plot centers around Bob Singleton, who travels to Bakersfield when his friend Marcus is wrongfully arrested for the murder of a...

🎗️🎗️,,The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love'' by India Holton is a historical romance that combines wit, magic, and ornithology. The story revolves around two rival birding professors, Beth Pickering and Devon...

“Ninety Blooms & a Wishing Well” by Inka York is a fantasy romance novel that follows the story of Bram, a trans man fleeing from an arranged marriage, and Oliver, who is heartbroken after the mysterious...

,,Daring to Fall for the Single Dad'' by Becky Wicks is the third installment in the Buenos Aires Docs series. The story revolves around GP Ana, who, despite her wheelchair, is determined to reopen her local clinic. She...

"Train to Murder" by Bella Lane🌌🌌 is a suspenseful romance novel that follows Boston Homicide Detective Shane Maguire, who is overwhelmed with a series of train murders originating from Maine. Realizing he needs help,...

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