🖋️ 🖋️ "Doom Magnet" by Gregory Ashe is a thrilling mystery that delves into the world of crime, dark secrets, and personal struggles. The story follows a complex and flawed protagonist who seems to attract danger and...
"One Life for Another" by Greg Laird is a gripping thriller that explores themes of sacrifice, morality, and the complexities of human relationships. The story centers around a man who is forced to make an impossible...
,,For Fork's Sake'' by Karen Grey is a delightful contemporary romance that blends humor, culinary delights, and heartfelt connections. The story revolves around a food blogger or chef navigating the ups and downs of...
,,Resourceful'' by Kari-Lee Harmon💛 💛 is an engaging novel that blends elements of contemporary fiction with themes of resilience and self-discovery. The story follows a strong protagonist who faces a series of...
,,Crown of Thunder'' by Karissa Laurel 🖤 🖤 is a compelling installment in the Norse Chronicles series, continuing the epic journey of the protagonist as she grapples with her newfound powers and responsibilities. In...
,,Quest of Thunder'' by Karissa Laurel is an exhilarating fantasy adventure that continues to expand the richly woven tapestry of her Norse Chronicles series. The story follows a young hero who embarks on a perilous...
,,The Norse Chronicles'' by Karissa Laurel is an enthralling series that blends elements of fantasy, mythology, and adventure. The narrative follows a young protagonist who discovers her connection to Norse mythology,...
🥀 🥀 ,,Lore and Lust'' by Karla Nikole is a captivating romance novel that intertwines elements of fantasy and desire. The story centers around a strong, complex protagonist who finds herself caught between the allure of...
🎆 🎆 ,,The Awakening'' - by Karla Nikole🎆 🎆 is a compelling novel that delves into themes of personal growth, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships. The story follows a protagonist who experiences a...
🦋 ,,Maria Mariposa'' - by Karla Arenas Valenti🦋 is a beautifully crafted children's book that tells the story of a young girl named Maria who feels different from those around her. The narrative explores themes of...
,,Grim Death'' - by Karin Kaufman is a captivating mystery novel that weaves together elements of suspense, intrigue, and psychological depth. The story follows the protagonist, a determined detective who finds herself...
🌸📖 🌸 "Scrape the Barrel" by Karley Brenna🌸 📖 🌸 is a gripping contemporary romance that dives into the complexities of love, addiction, and personal redemption. The story follows the journey of a flawed protagonist who...