"Gangsters Don't Die" by Tod Goldberg is a gritty crime thriller that immerses readers in the dangerous world of organized crime. The novel follows a seasoned gangster who, despite years of evading the law and enemies,...

"Dinner at God's House" by Todd B. Lieman is a thought-provoking and imaginative novel that explores spiritual themes through a unique and uplifting narrative. The story revolves around a group of diverse characters who...

🎈🎈🎈"The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively" by Todd B. Kashdan is a compelling guide to challenging the status quo and pushing for change in constructive ways. The book explores the psychology...

🌈🌈🌈"Over the Hill and Up the Wall" by Todd Alexander is a humorous and heartwarming novel about the trials and tribulations of middle age. The story centers on a protagonist grappling with the challenges of getting...

🐆🐆"Embracing Magic" by Toby Wise is a captivating fantasy novel that transports readers into a world where magic is both feared and revered. The story follows a young protagonist who, after discovering their hidden...

🔍🔍"Vitals" by Greg Bear🔍🔍 is a science fiction thriller that blends cutting-edge biology with intense suspense. The story follows Dr. Hal Cousins, a scientist on the verge of discovering the secret to immortality...

🦂🦂🦂"Three Worlds Collide" by Gransom Hayes is a thrilling science fiction novel that explores the intersection of three vastly different civilizations. Set in a future where humanity has ventured deep into the cosmos,...

"A Governess' Secret Affair" by Emily Honeyfield is a captivating historical romance that follows the forbidden love between a young governess and a nobleman. Set in the elegance of Regency-era society, the story...

☘️☘️"Consigned to Oblivion" by Emilee Breanne Ward is a dark and atmospheric fantasy novel that delves into themes of memory, loss, and redemption. The story centers on a protagonist who has been cast into a forgotten...

💀💀"Little Monster" by Emberly Wyndham is a heartwarming and imaginative tale that blends adventure, humor, and important life lessons. The story follows a young protagonist who stumbles upon a mischievous but lovable...

💙💙"Becoming Marlow Fin" by Ellen Won Steil💙💙 is a coming-of-age novel that explores themes of identity, self-discovery, and transformation. The story follows Marlow Fin, a young protagonist at a crossroads in life, who...

💥💥"Do You Haunt to Know a Secret" by Ellen Riggs is a cozy mystery with a supernatural twist. Set in a small, quirky town, the story follows a curious amateur sleuth who teams up with a ghostly companion to solve a...

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