"True Light" by G. Bailey The story follows a young protagonist who finds herself thrust into an extraordinary universe where intergalactic beings and powerful forces collide. As the narrative unfolds, the protagonist...

"A Name Like Karma" by G. Bailey The story follows a young protagonist who discovers she is part of a world filled with ancient gods and supernatural beings, each with their own agendas and conflicts. As she navigates...

"A Vow of Dragons and Storms" by G. Bailey is the first book in the "Lost Fae Riders" series, an exciting fantasy adventure that introduces readers to a richly imagined world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and...

"Royal Reaper Academy: The Cursed Rune" by G. Bailey is the first installment in an enthralling fantasy series that blends magic, adventure, and intrigue. The story follows a young protagonist, who, after discovering...

"There's a Skunk in My Bunk" by Dan Gutman is a humorous and adventurous children’s book that captures the essence of summer camp through the eyes of a young camper. The story follows the misadventures of a boy named...

"Vanishing Act" by Dan Hampton is a gripping military thriller that combines action, espionage, and high-stakes adventure. The story follows a highly skilled military operative who is drawn into a dangerous game of cat...

🎨🎨"The True Story of Cleopatra's Needle" by Dan Gutman🎨🎨 is an engaging and informative children's book that blends history and adventure in a captivating way. The story revolves around the famous Egyptian obelisk known...

"In the Hour of Crows" by Dana Elmendorf is a poignant and evocative young adult novel that explores themes of loss, love, and the complexities of growing up. The story centers around a group of friends grappling with...

🎀🎀"Beautyland" by Dana Kline is a captivating contemporary novel that delves into the world of beauty, self-image, and the quest for authenticity. The story follows the journey of a protagonist who, caught in the...

🍭🍭"For Butter or for Worse" by Dana LeCheminant is a charming contemporary romance that explores the complexities of love, commitment, and the challenges of modern relationships. The story centers on the lives of two...

"Chasing Hope" by Dana Wayne is an emotionally charged contemporary romance that delves into themes of love, resilience, and personal growth. The story follows the journey of Hope, a young woman who has faced...

"Chronicles of Sword and Fang" by Elizabeth R. Jensen is an epic fantasy adventure that immerses readers in a richly crafted world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and intense conflict. The story follows a diverse...

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