"Иду с закрытыми глазами" Киры Суворовой 💮 💮 — это психологический роман, который погружает читателя в мир внутренних переживаний главной героини. Она находится на распутье, борясь с неуверенностью, страхами и...

"Твои розы голубых оттенков" Камиллы Локвуд 🧩 — это проникновенный и лиричный роман, в котором любовь, потеря и внутренние поиски переплетаются в необычном сюжете. Главная героиня сталкивается с тайнами прошлого и...

"Действуем, сестра! Бизнес или любовь?" - Елена Коломеец☺️ ☺️ — это динамичный роман, который сочетает в себе элементы бизнес-драмы и любовной истории. Главная героиня, успешная женщина, оказывается перед сложным...

🌸 🌸 🌸 "Blake Blossom" by M.C.A. Hogarth🌸 🌸 🌸 is a vibrant and imaginative science fiction novel that centers on the adventures of Blake Blossom, a protagonist navigating a universe filled with intrigue, alien cultures,...

"The Empty Vessel" by Marcela Carbo📚 📚 is a gripping and introspective novel that delves into themes of identity, loss, and personal transformation. The story follows the journey of a protagonist who feels emotionally...

"In Any Lifetime" by Marc Guggenheim⚓ is a poignant and emotionally charged novel that explores the timeless connection between two souls destined to find each other across multiple lifetimes. The story weaves through...

Rancher's Snowed-In Reunion by Maisey Yates🌞🌞 is a heartwarming contemporary romance that tells the story of a couple who find themselves snowed in together at a remote ranch. The unexpected circumstances force them to...

Shoreline of Infinity (Issue 08, Summer 2017) offers an exciting array of science fiction and fantasy narratives that transport readers to new and thought-provoking realms. This issue features a diverse selection of...

Shoreline of Infinity (Issue 07, Spring 2017)📌 📌 continues to captivate readers with a rich collection of science fiction and fantasy stories that explore a variety of imaginative themes. This issue features narratives...

Shoreline of Infinity (Issue 06, Winter 2016-17) features a compelling selection of science fiction and fantasy stories that delve into the depths of human experience and imagination. This issue showcases a variety of...

Shoreline of Infinity (Issue 05, Autumn 2016) presents another vibrant collection of science fiction and fantasy works that invite readers into imaginative worlds. This issue features a diverse array of stories that...

📍 📍 Shoreline of Infinity (Issue 04, Summer 2016)📍 📍 features an exciting array of science fiction and fantasy stories that captivate and inspire readers. This issue presents a rich tapestry of narratives that explore...

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