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Groos, Karl; Elizabeth L. Baldwin, 2012, The Play of Man, Ulan Press, London.

Gunnell, Terry, ed., 2007, Masks and Mumming in the Nordic A rea, Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien for svensk folkkultur, Uppsala.

Haja, Gabriela, 2003, Structuri dramatice în folclorul românesc: balada, basmul, bocetul, colinda, descântecul.jocuri cu măşti, jocuri de copii, strigătura, Alfa, Iaşi.

Halperin, Rhoda, 1 977, ,,lntroduction: The Substantive Economy în Peasant Societies", în Peasant Livelihood, Studies in Economic Anthropology and Cultural Ecology, St. Martin's Press, New York.

Halpern, Joel, 1 976, ,,lntroduction", în Joseph Obrebski, The Changing Peasantry ofEastem Europe, Schenkman Publishing Company Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 1-7.


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