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Gheorghe, Ştefan, rege al Moldovei 87

Durkheim, Emil 292

Giddens, Anthony r62-r63

Glassie, Henry 13, 302, 322-323

economia de piaţă 33, 37, 46, 56, 65, globalizare 7, 37, 4r, 66, 2r6, 260-261, IO� I I� 22� 25� 27� 291-292,

329-330, 374, 412, 4r4, 417, 423,

330-33r, 367, 373, 385, 4r9, 428


ecou, camera de ecou 3 77

Godelier, Maurice 294

Edictul de la Milano 3 5 5

Goilav, boier armean 85

Eforie Nord, jud. Constanţa 408

Graeber, David 235-236

Egipt r77, 39r

Grecia r38, 302, 36r

Eliade, Mircea 3 79

Green, Thomas A. 309-3ro

Estonia 90, 328-329

Grimm, Fraţii (Jacob şi Wilhelm), r88

etnocentrism 228, 235

Groenlanda 328

Eurasia 335

Gunnel, Terry 328-330

Europa ro, r5-r6, 40, 84, 90, 99, I I2,

r23, r36, r38, 212, 236, 238, 244, haiduc, haiduci 66-67, 70, 77, 342

247, 260, 286, 292, 294-295, 298, Halloween 65-66, 80, 86, 138, r6o, 273, 303, 307-308, 3ro, 338, 349, 390,



Halpert, Herbert r37, r5r-r53, r66,

Europeană, Uniunea 124, r34, r38

3r3, 3r7-320

evreu/evrei I I8-r2r, r26, 240

Handlin, Oscar E. 403

Evul Mediu I I9, r97, 313, 355, 361-362, Harari, Yuval Noah 337

372, 382

Hartman, Robert I I, 40, 230-233, 262,

exploatare, clase exploatatoare r2, 33,


85, r87, r90, 234-239, 290, 296-297 Hărmăneasa, jud. Iaşi 68, 76, 9r, 93, I04, I26, I27, I30, I5I, r53, 264,

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