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Etică şi integritate academică

28. Rachels, James, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, NinthEdition, Editions 5-9 by Stuart Rachels, McGraw-HillEducation, New York, 201 9.

29. Reverby, Susan M., Examining Tuskegee. The Infamous

Syphilis Study and its Legacy, The University of NorthCarolina Press Chapel Hill, 2009.

30. Sandu, Dumitru; Vasile, Marian; Ilinca, Corina, Integritatea

academică la studenţi. Sondaj în Universitatea din

Bucureşti (INTEGUNIV), Editura Universităţii dinBucureşti, Bucureşti, 2019.

31. Sikes, Pat and Piper, Heather (Eds.), Ethics and Academic

Freedom in Educational Research, Routledge, Taylor &Francis Group, New York and London, 201 1 .

32. Socaciu, Emanuel; Vică, Constantin; Mihailov, Emilian;Gibea, Toni; Mureşan, Valentin; Constantinescu, Mihaela,

Etică şi integritate academică, Editura Universităţii dinBucureşti, Bucureşti, 201 8.

33. Stenmark, Cheryl K.; Antes, Alison L.; Martin, Laura E.;Bagdasarov, Zhanna; Johnson, James F.; Devenport, LynnD.; Mumford, Michael D., ,,Ethics in the Humanities:Findings from Focus Groups" în: Journal of Academic

Ethics, Issue 8, 2010.

34. Şercan, Emilia, Deontologie Academică. Ghid practic,

Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, Bucureşti, 2017

35. Ştef, Conf. dr., Ana Felicia, Manual de Greacă veche,

Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti, 1 996

36. Zimbardo, Philip, The Lucifer Effect. Understanding How

Good People Turn Evil, Random House, New York, 2007.


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