16. Breasted (1948): 45.
17. Breasted (1948): 50.
18. Abt (2011): 35.
19. Breasted (1948): 84.
20. Breasted (1948): 46.
21. Breasted (1948): 71.
22. Breasted (1948): 68.
23. Breasted (1948): 132.
24. Breasted (1948): 70.
25. Breasted (1948): 69.
26. Breasted (1948): 78.
27. Breasted (1948): 79.
28. Breasted (1948): 78.
29. Letter from Cairo, 24 January 1895, quoted in Tyldesley (2005): 214.
30. Quoted in Abt (2011): 51.
31. Breasted (1948): 87.
32. Breasted (1948): 96.
33. Breasted (1948): 93.
34. Breasted (1948): 103; see also Wilson (1964): 140.
35. Breasted (1948): 128.
36. Abt (2011): 136.
37. Breasted (1948): 184.
38. Breasted (1948): 189–91.
39. Wilson (1964): 136.
40. Breasted (1948): 185.
41. Breasted (1948): 173.
42. Wilson (1964): 137.
43. Quoted in Abt (2011): 228.
44. Abt (2011): 233.
45. Breasted (1948): 304.
46. Breasted (1948): 5–6.
47. Maspero to Henri Cordier, 17 January 1900, quoted in David (1999): 204.
48. Reid (2002): 195.
49. Petrie, Journal, I, xvii (Abydos 1902–3), entry for 17 November 1902, quoted in Drower (1985): 301.
50. Reid (2002): 3.
51. Quoted in David (1999): 259.
52. Barsanti, 8 March 1910, quoted in David (1999): 214.
53. Petrie, paper to the Royal Society of Arts, quoted in Drower (1985): 337.
54. Caillard (1935): 153.
55. Caillard (1935): 155.