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I began by untwisting the prince’s arm, laying it flat at his side, and then with much wriggling and pinching, I forced my hand under his shoulders and hooked them in his armpits. What people would think if they walked in now…

Crouching low, I hauled with all my inconsiderable might. Idris shifted maybe an inch. Great. Now what? Taking a deep breath, I heaved again, throwing all my weight back. Just when I thought I was going to give myself a brain haemorrhage, he moved, sliding up the bed. I staggered backwards, dragging him with me for a few ungainly steps. His feet still dangled over the edge of the mattress, but it was an improvement. It would do. I waded to the edge of the bed and hopped down, removing his boots from his limp, uncooperative legs.

My skin was hot and flushed by the time I tossed them aside, my hair like a bird’s nest. I had no choice but to abandon the party, even if I’d wanted to go back. Anwir would just have to carry on dancing with everyone else. I gazed at Idris’ pale, perfect face, so similar to his brother’s, but different, somehow. I couldn’t put my finger on it. There was no difference I could see, but maybe it was just a feeling. A sense. I knew Anwir better, and I’d thought I knew Idris as well as I wanted to. But now…

I’d been wrong about him. If he was cold or cruel, it was only because he was trying to push people away, to protect himself, or maybe them. Who was he, really? Someone who’d risked his neck to save me in the caves. Someone who’d hunted to feed his hungry campmates. Someone who’d knelt in the blood beside me and fought to save a life. He’d taken me with him to Tir o Hydref when he really hadn’t had to. He’d taken me flying, and cared enough to make sure I was warm afterwards. That was who he was, and no amount of pained lashing out would change that.

Poor, sweet prince.

I sank down beside him, rolling him onto his back. He stirred, muttering, his head flopping to the side. An errant tendril of dark, damp hair fell into his eyes. I reached to smooth it away, but he grumbled again, and closed a hand around mine, pulling it to his chest. He rolled onto his side, cradling my hand, curling around it, and my heart spasmed once more. Only this time, the sorrow I felt was all my own.

30Opening Pandora’s Box Was Not My Finest Idea

When I woke the next morning to sunlight streaming into my room, it was with a clear head and a renewed sense of purpose. For the first time since I’d gone into that God-forsaken Fairy Glen, I was doing something that I had decided to do, for reasons that belonged only to me.

I would stay.

Not forever, but at least until King Maelgwyn was defeated. And while I certainly applauded Anwir for his determination to right his kingdom, it wasn’t the only factor for me.

Idris was.

I couldn’t leave him.

Whatever haunted him, I would be there for him while he worked through it, whether he wanted me or not. At least for a little while. His early anger toward me was nothing more than him lashing out in pain at the worthiest target. I had woken him. I had brought his senses back. While I didn’t regret it, while I knew it was right, it was also my undeniable responsibility to support him, even if all I could do was hold his hand while he found someone better qualified to help. Before I could do that, I needed answers to my questions, and I doubted I was going to like them.

I dressed in a hurry, throwing on my trusty shorts and t-shirt and dragging a brush through my hair. I’d had the good sense to remove all the pins last night, even though my hands had been clumsy and shaking as I played over the evening’s unexpected turn in my mind. I’d barely noticed what I was doing, so it came as something of a surprise when I saw the beautiful, tousled head of curls I’d been left with this morning. I combed my fingers through the thick waves, smoothing the strands with a drop of oil, and left my hair loose.

Presentable, I dashed from my rooms in search of Anwir.

I didn’t need to look far.

The prince’s room was located in the same wing as Idris’, a short walk from my own. Nervous anticipation fluttered in my belly at the sight of his door. As Anwir wanted me to fool the world, he would have to agree to my requests. And answer my questions, however prying.

I knocked once, letting myself in.

Anwir was standing at his window, staring out at whatever his view might be. I’d never been in his room before, but a quick peek showed it to be almost identical to mine, even down to the closed door leading to what I presumed to be a bathroom. Was his bath made of rose quartz too, or did princes get something a little less pink?

The door closed behind me, and I turned my attention back to Anwir. He was still staring out of the window. Had he even noticed my arrival?

“Hello? Anwir?” I took a few steps closer.

At the sound of my voice, he turned, grim-faced. He held something glittering in his hands. I looked closer.

My tiara.

My mouth fell open, and I touched a hand to the top of my head. How hadn’t I noticed it was missing?

“Oh my God, where did you find that?”

“Perhaps you should tell me.”

His tone was cold. I frowned in confusion. “Anwir, wha—”

“Imagine my shame when the servants delivered this to my room this morning” — his voice rose steadily with every word, until he was shouting — “and told me that my queen’s tiara was found in my brother’s bed!”

He hurled the tiara. It hurtled past my head before I had time to do more than blink, close enough to ruffle my hair, and crashed against the wall behind me. Though my muscles tensed, I didn’t turn to look, but judging by the clatter and tinkling, some stones had fallen loose and scattered over the tiles.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” I screeched, my hands balling into fists. “That nearly hit me!”

“What was your jewellery doing in Idris’ bed?” he countered, his face alive with fury. “If your jewellery was there, then you were too!”

“Yeah, I was, and what? That’s actually why I came to see you, but if you’re going to be such a dick, then you can go fuck yourself.” I made to turn away.

“Because my brother is fucking you, is that it?”

“How dare you?” I rounded on him. I didn’t care that he towered over me. I’d never let any man scare me, and I wasn’t about to start now. “Not that I have to explain anything to you, but I’m pretty sure your precious brother was trying to kill himself last night. I stopped him, and I put him to bed. I guess my tiara got knocked off while I was struggling with an unconscious male twice my size. I was coming here to see if you knew anything about it, but if this is how you think you can speak to me, then as I said, go fuck yourself.”

I snarled the last words, before spinning away with every intention of leaving, but Anwir snatched my wrist.

“Aliza, wait. What did you say?”

The touch of his hand had my skin crawling. “Get off me.”

He didn’t. “What did Idris do?”

“Ask him yourself,” I said in a slow, simmering voice. “And get your fucking hands off me.”

He dropped my wrist. All traces of anger had gone from his face. “I’m so sorry, Aliza, I thought—”

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