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Rufian’s face instantly went serious. “How recent was this?”

“Last night actually. Roan’s.”

Rufian bowed. “I appreciate this intel, Headmaster.”

He chuckled. “And here I thought you two were interested in being hunters. Well, at least I was able to provide some assistance.”

Rufian smiled. “Believe me, our business in Mavriel is just as important.”

“Hmm? How so?”

“We cannot dive into much detail, but I promise. There is change brewing.”


After a little small talk and camaraderie with the cursed fae, we went out in hot pursuit of Clave. I had a little more understanding about the ideologies of a hunter, and how trekking out there for cyber monsters was more than merit badges and becoming a soldier in the fae army. It was about protecting family, and preserving the culture and heritage of the fae.

“So we got badass Clave’s location, what about Pixie? We still have no idea where she is,” I asked Rufian.

“Where Clave is, the rest of his guild will follow. Roan’s Bar isn’t too far from here. We will head there as a starting point.”

“Clave, master of shadows and teleportation.”

“And not the traditional kind. He doesn’t have a cooldown for the teleport, only the shadow magic. And he can phase items and energy through his portals, too.”

“Sounds real dangerous.”

“Clave is the strongest in the guild, and is one to pay careful attention to. He is a very skilled ex hunter.”

“So why did he leave? You know?”

“Every rogue has their own reason. His is a mystery. But what I do know is that his team followed him out, and after that, they made a name for themselves. The hunters became the hunted, and they were imprisoned for their crimes against the High Order.”

“Not a very serious crime if they didn’t stay long behind bars, or even banished for that matter.”

“Clave knows many people from within. I am sure their early dismissal has something to do with all of that leverage he has with the courts. He was a very popular hunter in his golden days. Now, everyone seems to become desensitized to his mischievous ways, some even calling him a hero.”

I snorted. “Kinda sounds like the popular kid in school.”

Rufian smiled. “Many hate him though, as with the rest of the Deo Guild. But they don’t intervene, because they value their lives.”

“If he’s stronger than Pixie, I don’t want to cross paths with him.”

This time Rufian didn’t teleport to our next destination. Instead we traversed through a dense forest, with the greenery enveloping us on all sides. He told me about the different kinds of fae creatures that inhabited these neck of the woods. He spoke in hushed tones, as if afraid of alerting any of the creatures to our presence.

“There are the mischievous brouers, who love to play pranks on unsuspecting travelers,” he said, “and the sprillans, who are known to guard the ancient ruins of our ancestors.”

I listened intently, fascinated by the diversity of fae. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes seemed to dance cautiously, the most cautious I’d seen Rufian so far. Did the notion of Clave being around spook him? Or was it the energy hiding in this forest?

“Ancient ruins,” I repeated. “You sure this isn’t another nymph home you’re itching to burn down?”

Rufian turned around and snickered at me. “I’m sure you’d appreciate that, hero.”

“Can’t help but notice you’re a little on edge, Rufian.”

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and signaled for me to do the same. I strained my ears, but all I could hear was the rustling bushes. Our bushes.

Rufian's grip went over the short dagger he’d looted from one of the cyber monsters we’d defeated in our journey and he scanned the area around us. His eyes were now alert and focused, and I could tell he was searching for something specific. I followed his gaze and spotted a shadowy figure in the distance.

“There,” Rufian said, pointing to the figure. “Do you see it?”

I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better view. It was hard to make out any features, but the figure appeared to be humanoid in shape. It moved like a specter, the hazy image floaty and faint. And then I realized it was a woman, dressed in a long, white gown that shimmered under the sunlight.

“Who is she?” I asked Rufian, who remained silent.

The woman ignored us, making no noise as she glided across the forest floor. She stopped moving for a short second, where I thought I could make out her features more clearly. But she was very pale, and ethereal, with white long hair cascading down her slender back. And then just like that, she vanished, leaving everything that was around her suddenly rotting in decay.

Death swept across with a rapid flight, my terrified eyes staring in disbelief.

As it dispersed, the grass began to shrivel, the earth dry and cracked. The trees that towered above us were slowly withering away, and the flowers that bloomed began to wither and brown as if they’d been scorched by fire.

“We need to move,” I instructed Rufian, the both of us running the opposite direction. She left a trail of sickness in her wake, and I could feel my stomach churning with fear. This mysterious phantom had brought death with her, and I didn't want to be swept inside of it!

The light of the sun that once filled this part of the forest was gradually being replaced by a numbing darkness that pounded my chest. The birdsong that used to echo through the trees had gone silent, and all we could hear was an eerie stillness that hung in the air like a heavy fog. A handful of small forest creatures escaped with us, the ones left behind not so lucky. The ones which were taken by the death fog were immediately consumed, struck with malady as they laid lethargic on the fruitless ground.

I could feel the dark energy inching closer and closer to us the more we ran, but after a few seconds more, the cascade fell short. I felt my heart tank and my brain flutter before I turned around to witness the depressing outlook behind us—there was nothing left, a place once considered ancient grounds stripped of its vitality.  

We finally stopped when we reached a clearing, gasping for breath. Rufian looked at me with an empty expression, like he couldn’t understand what had just happened.

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