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Hunt for the villagers of Citron

Reward: Eye of Zeppu

Creed offered me a gift for my services, even though feeding their people was satisfying enough. Rufian mentioned the eye of Zeppu distributed a special rare item when eaten, and also added that the eye of the endangered beast tasted like fermented durian. He said he wished it tasted extra ripe for forcing him to come with, and I snapped back with having him eat it instead.

“You have a twisted motto, Rufian. Yes to smashing girls, no to saving people in need,” I teased him.

“What do you mean? We helped the slave women, didn’t we?”

“They still fall under the same category,” I said, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled. “I’m sorry my priorities stray from yours. I never did like children.”

“You sure fuck around like you do.”

“My childhood wasn’t the best.”

I grunted. “I hear that…”

“I guess I project my shortcomings on those just as unfortunate. Hmm?” Rufian stopped short, his head turning over his shoulder. “Do you hear that?”

“Yeah, now that you mention it,” I whispered, hearing shuffling a few yards behind us.


“No, not getting any alerts…”

Rufian summoned a fireball and turned back around, searching for the source of the crunching grass. But instead of finding a threat, he jumped in between a cluster of foliage and found a boy ready to piss his pants.

“AghhhH!” Creed cried, falling on his ass as he dropped his bow and arrow.


“What’s going on?” I approached them, Batto not too far from his brother.

“Hey! Watch where you’re pointing that thing!” Batto cried, stepping in between Rufian and his young brother.

“Wait a minute, were you guys following us?”

“Yeah!” Creed smiled. “We decided we want to come with!”

“How did you come to that decision?” Rufian asked curiously. “Because it was only a few seconds ago that you refused Syodas to give you rations. Now you are comfortable with traveling with us? Where are your parents?”

“It’s harmless.” I smiled. “If you want to tag along, we don’t mind the company.”

Rufian sighed as he turned off his flames with a sour look on his face. “I am not one to babysit…”

“You won’t have to,” Batto said confidently. “My brother and I are hunters in training.”

“Hmm? A bit too young to be hunters in training,” Rufian commented scrutinizingly. “How long have you been following us?”

“Not long!” Creed said as he jumped back on his feet.

“How much have you heard?”

Batto raised his eyebrow skeptically. “Why? Were you two talking about girls?”

I chuckled. “Forget it. It’s fine.”

“We want to work for our food,” Creed cheered. “Maybe if we pitch in, we can carry our blessings to our village! And they will be appreciative!”

“Merit points for saving your village?” Rufian smiled.

Batto sulked. “After the lack of success we’ve had, you’d be doing us a big favor. Appearances mean a lot, and reputation, too. Dad is real big on making sure we uphold hunter values.”

“Which are the same thing as manly values!” Creed beamed.

I shrugged. “It wouldn’t hurt to have you two help out. I know a thing or two about what you’re talking about. My old man was really strict, and a whole bunch of something else. But one thing was for sure, he wanted me to know how to fight and survive. And that’s the whole point of being a hunter, right? To be good enough to serve your country, protect your family, and friends.”

“So you really don’t mind us coming along?” Creed asked as his eyes shimmered promisingly.

“Of course not. We should at least show you what it means to be part of a team and teach you about the importance of self-sufficiency. Besides, it’s not like we can just leave the both of you here alone.”

“Sweet!” Batto cheered. “Lead the way!”

I turned over to Rufian and asked, “You have any suggestions on a drop zone?”

“I can teleport us a few short miles west. But there is no guarantee that we won’t encounter the same conditions we are witnessing here.”

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