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I inquire about her lunch plans, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction. "What do you feel like having for lunch?”

To my surprise, she responds with a hint of disappointment. “I won't be able to join you for lunch today. I have an appointment with my dentist. It's just a routine.”

I nod understandingly and smile reassuringly. “Ahh, ok. Have fun at the dentist,” I say.

My fingers fly over the keyboard as I type away, determined to make progress on my assignments.

Rae checks her phone and a worried look crosses her face. “You know I haven't heard from Dan in a while,” she says, her voice filled with concern. My heart sinks and my mind races as I try to think what to say to her. I know I can’t tell her the truth—that Dan wanted to rape me and is now dead. To remain calm and carefree, I reply, “Oh, really? Maybe he's gone on a holiday or something.”

Rae seems to be showing disbelief and amusement as she responds, "Dan...Holiday? He has no money."

“Ok, well, maybe he's gone to see family…” I reassure her.

“Hey, girls,” Mike interjects abruptly, his tone hinting at impatience. “Get on with your work.” It's apparent that he overheard our conversation and is trying to defuse the situation.

Rae expresses her frustration by rolling her eyes and exasperatingly sighing. She then swiftly shifts her gaze to the computer screen and begins typing.

The clock strikes noon and the students start exiting the room in a hurry to make it to the dining hall. Rae picks up her bag and says, “I'll be back before lunch finishes, Tess.” I give her a subtle nod.

Mike lingers behind after everyone has left. We make brief eye contact and smirks form on our faces. There is a palpable tension between us, but neither of us says anything. Mike walks over to the door and shuts it. He then walks up to me and he kisses me before I can say anything.

He asks, “Will you be joining me for lunch?” I smile and reply, “Yeah, Rae has a dentist's appointment.” He reaches into his bag to take out his lunch while I take out a water bottle and a salad. As he unwraps his sandwich, he suddenly takes his phone out of his pocket and begins reading the group chat. An expression of annoyance crosses his face as he mutters, “For fuck’s sake. Cain can be such an idiot.”

As I take a bite of my salad, I can't help but express my confusion. “I mean, seriously, what's the deal with him? It feels like he's trying to assert some kind of ownership over me.”

Mike lets out an exasperated sigh and covers his face with his palms. He then leans back on his chair and places his hand on top of his head as if trying to ease the tension in his mind. “Tess, the issue with Cain is that he is accustomed to using women for his pleasure. He has a pattern of making them fall in love with him and then abandoning them. It seems that he enjoys the power he has over them; he has never been willing to commit to anyone.”

I gaze at Mike and my mind is filled with confusion. An unsettling thought creeps up on me and I can't help but ask, “Is he using me?” The uncertainty in my voice is palpable as I try to discern the truth behind Cain's intentions.

Mike leans forward, placing his elbows on the table. “You know, he has never really had much faith in women. That's why he used them. He didn't want to deal with emotions or anything like that. But with you, Tess, he's different. He's not using you. I believe he's scared of losing you. I've never seen him act this way before.”

I sit there, feeling increasingly bewildered. I instinctively cross my arms and lean back into the chair, puzzled by the situation. “Let me get this straight—he's afraid of losing me, yet he wants to have complete control over me? That just doesn't add up.”

Mike pauses momentarily and bites his lower lip as if considering his words carefully. “Simply put, we're not willing to give you up. He just happens to be more assertive and commanding than Nate and I.”

Feeling unsure how to respond to Mike, I take another bite of my salad while he silently eats his sandwich. Suddenly, he breaks the silence and asks, “How come you and Nate weren't in bed with me when I woke up?”

I am at a loss for words, torn between disclosing the truth or fabricating a lie. My mind is racing and my tongue is tied. I can only muster a hesitant uhh as I struggle to respond coherently.

“Let me guess, you two had your own fun?” he asks, winking at me.

After diverting my gaze from him I turn back, feeling a sense of uneasiness gripping me. With a nervous tone, I firmly utter, “No, Mike.”

As I recount the previous night's events, I notice his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Trying to be as gentle as possible, I hesitate before telling him, “You woke up screaming at the top of your lungs and shouting, 'I can save them.' At one point, you even jumped out of bed in a frenzy.”

Mike's eyes widen. He struggles to find the right words and finally manages to ask, “I didn't hurt you, did I?” He bites down on his teeth and appears to be clenching his jaw in anticipation of a response.

I shake my head and firmly state, “No, Nate quickly moved me out of harm's way before anything could happen.” I notice Mike's hand resting on the table, and without hesitation, I gently place my hand on his, hoping to convey my gratitude for his concern.

He jumps to his feet and rushes toward me. He kneels next to me and pulls me into a tight embrace. His words are barely audible, but the warmth of his body and the weight of his arms around me are enough to convey the sincerity of his apology. “I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to witness that, Tessie…” he whispers.

I rest my hand on his head and look him in the eyes. “Mike,” I ask softly, “What was it about?”

Mike's gaze drifts aimlessly around the room; he appears to be at a loss for words and unsure where to direct his attention. After a brief silence, he hastily rises to his feet and utters, “We’ll talk about it when we get home.”

I finish up my salad bowl and nod in response while Mike returns to his seat. He looks at me and asks, “How are you feeling after last night's tequila?” I pause, remembering the pounding headache that followed this morning. “Bit of a headache, nothing major,” I reply.

Mike lifts his glass and takes a sip, a sense of satisfaction spreading across his face. With a smug expression, he remarks, “You took Nate excellently.”

“I must admit, that was quite an experience. I have never done that before. I think the tequila had something to do with it,” I say, getting up from my chair and adding, “I need to take a quick trip to the toilet.”

As I exit the classroom, my footsteps echo in the empty hallway. Suddenly, my attention is drawn to a group of guys huddled together, their whispers growing louder as I approach. I feel a knot form in my stomach as I try to ignore them and quicken my pace towards the restroom. Their muffled whispers follow me as I enter the restroom, grateful for the temporary escape from their prying eyes.

I exit the toilet stall and am immediately drawn to the sink. I turn on the faucet and watch as the water rushes out, feeling the cool water flow on my hands. I take a moment to look at myself in the mirror, and as I do, I can't help but reflect on the changes in my life. Just a month ago, everything was dull and mundane, but now my life is filled with excitement and danger. I have three men who have my affection, each with unique qualities. However, amidst all the chaos, I have someone after me wanting to do me harm.

The thought of running away from everyone and everything seems like the best course of action. But the more I contemplated leaving behind my trio, the more I felt a sense of unease and anxiety deep within. Despite these feelings, I know I still want to stay with them, regardless of the challenges that would undoubtedly arise.

The wooden door to the restroom slams open with a loud bang and Rae strides in, her footsteps echoing off the walls. “Tessie!” she exclaims, her voice slightly breathless. “There you are. I've been searching for you everywhere, even in the dining hall.”

I approach the restroom door and reach out to hold it open for Rae. As we walk out, I ask, “How did the appointment go?” Rae sighs and replies, “It was just a routine check up.” As we step into the hallway, I notice the group of guys from earlier still gawking at me. I try to ignore them and continue walking with Rae, but suddenly, we hear someone calling, "Raquel! Raquel!" in the distance.

When Rae and I pivot around, we see a young guy sprinting towards us. He's dressed in a dark blue shirt and black trousers with his light brown hair is slicked back neatly.

Rae turns her attention to the man. “Archibald, isn't it?” she asks with a warm smile. The man returns the smile and pauses to catch his breath before responding. “You can call me Archie,” he says with a friendly tone. He glances at me and continues, “I'm in Dan's computer class. I was just wondering if you have heard from him lately. I know you and Dan are close.”

Rae suddenly opens her mouth wide and places her chin on her finger. She says, “That's so weird. I was just telling my friend here,” she gestured towards me, “ that I haven't heard from him.”

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