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I put some pasta into a pot of water and place it on the stove to boil. As I wait for the water to heat up, I hear some unusual sounds from the bedroom. It seems like Tessie is moaning with pleasure. Although I'm tempted to join in, I let them enjoy their intimate moment without interruption.

I decide to step out of the front door and light a cigarette. The cool breeze gently brushes against my face as I take a deep breath and exhale the smoke, watching it dissipate. I stand there, lost in my thoughts. I notice Cain walking up the steps. He looks at me and mumbles, “Alright.” His face betrays a hint of surprise at finding me there.

As he approaches the door, he pauses and turns to me. “What are you doing out here? Where are Mike and Tessie?” he asks inquisitively. I push open the front door and the sound of moaning and Tessie's screams of “Mike! Mike!” can be heard from the doorway. Cain snickers slightly, shaking his head in disbelief before entering.

I inhale the final drag of my cigarette and I observe Cain entering the house. He slips off his work boots and coat before asking, “How long have they been at it?” I chuckle and respond, “I'm not sure. I walked in on them fucking in the kitchen.”

I return to the stove to start plating dinner while Cain sets up the table. Suddenly, we hear Tessie shouting and we turn to look at each other with amusement. “Fuck. I'm coming, Mike!” echoes through the house and we can't help but laugh at the comedic timing. "Just in time for dinner," I say with a touch of sarcasm.

Cain and I sit down at the table to begin our meal. Glancing up, we see Tessie and Mike emerging from the bedroom. Tessie is clad in Mike's oversized t-shirt, the fabric falling off her shoulder to reveal a hint of skin, while Mike is in nothing but boxers. Their faces are flushed with a bright shade of red and their hands are intertwined.

Mike and Tessie take their seats at the table and begin to enjoy the pasta. Cain raises eyebrows and interjects, “You know, having dessert after dinner is customary.” Mike shoots him a sharp glance and retorts, “Ha ha, very funny…”

As we all savor the delicious pasta, a sudden silence befalls us. Breaking the quietness, Tessie curiously inquires, "So, how did you all meet?"

I pause, placing my fork down, and reply, “Well, when I first moved here, I met these two back in high school. We were all in different years, though.”

Cain interjects, “And as for Mike, I've known him since I was seven. I used to bully him relentlessly, until one day I felt sorry for him and decided to take him under my wing.”

“That doesn't shock me that you were a bully, Cain,” Tessie hisses.

Tension fills the air as Cain glares at Tessie, his fork clinking against his plate as he eats his pasta silently. Breaking the awkward silence, Tessie turns her attention to me. “So you're thirty, Nate.

I'm curious. How old are you guys?” she asks with a polite smile, attempting to diffuse the tension in the room.

Mike responds, “I'm twenty-nine. Cain is what… fifty?” Upon hearing this, I can't help but burst out laughing. However, Cain, not amused, retorts, “I’m thirty-one, you shit.”

Tessie picks up her glass of water and takes a sip. Then she looks around the room and comments, “You know, I can't help but feel a bit youthful compared to you all.”

“Now you are making me feel old when you say that,” I scoff.

Tessie turns her head towards Cain and curiously asks, “What plans do we have for tomorrow?” Cain takes a break from his meal and responds with a sly smile, “It's a surprise.”

Mike and I exchange glances, feeling puzzled by Cain's response. Mike decides to speak up, “Going out for the day, are you?”

Cain says, “Well, you have already had your alone time. I think it's fair that I get some alone time.” Tessie finds Cain's statement amusing and laughs. “There's enough of me to go around, guys.”

After devouring my pasta dish, I lean back on my chair, feeling content. I can’t help but ask, “What happened to sharing, guys?” However, Tessie doesn’t seem pleased with my comment and scoffs, “Don't talk about me like I'm not here…”

I move closer to Tessie, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. With a tinge of regret, I whisper, “I'm sorry, baby.”

Tessie savors the last bite of her pasta, placing her fork gently on the side of her plate. She puts her elbows on the table. With a slight smile, she turns to us and begins to speak. “Don't get me wrong,” she says. "I love fucking all of you. But you know, there are gonna be days when I'm just not feeling it. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a urine infection from all the sex yet.”

We couldn't resist bursting out in laughter at what she just said.



Tessie sits at the table, her fingers tapping away at the keyboard of her laptop. I walk over to the fridge and take out a bunch of strawberries and other fruits, ready to chop them up for our lunch later. I steal a glance at Tessie every now and then, admiring her unwavering focus and dedication. Once I'm done with the fruit, I pack it all neatly into plastic tubs, preparing everything for later.

“What are you up to?” Tessie looks up from her laptop, breaking the silence.

“Just preparing for later,” I reply, smiling.

“It's strange to see you doing domestic things in the kitchen,” she muses.

I chuckle softly.

I approach the lounge hamper, carefully lifting the lid, and peer inside to see a neatly folded stack of soft blankets. I reach in and feel the plush material, which feels warm and comforting. I select a few of them and cradle them in my arms as I make my way outside towards my car.

Once at the car, I open the trunk and carefully place the blankets inside, ensuring they are arranged neatly so they won't get wrinkled during the drive.

I walk past Tessie and she throws a little smile at me as if to say hello. I decide to go to her room and help her pick out some clothes for our date this afternoon. After scanning her wardrobe, I carefully select a crisp, white T-shirt, dark, black skinny jeans, and a stylish leather jacket. I lay the outfit on her neatly made bed, ensuring it's all set and ready for her to wear.

My phone buzzes with a notification from my work friend, Paul. I enter the bathroom, lock the door, and call him, trying to keep my voice down so Tessie can’t hear. “What's up, Paul?” He tells me that he discovered that Dan had no family or anyone who cared about him apart from college friends. He also revealed that Dan had an essential role on some dodgy websites. However, he had to do some more digging to find out more.

Paul is one of the most gifted computer and technology experts I've ever met. He's based in the office, working on the latest tech advancements or hacking. I can always count on him to have my back and I've helped him out of some challenging situations.

I walk back into the kitchen and notice Tessie's eyes lifting from her laptop. I inform her that I have already selected some clothes for her and everything is set for later. She sharply remarks, “You know, you're pretty fickle.” I tilt my head in confusion and my eyes glance downwards. “Fickle?” I ask her, seeking an explanation. She closes her laptop and clarifies, “Yeah, one moment, you are all possessive and controlling. The next, all lovely and nice.” I can't help but chuckle at her comment. “Well, gotta keep you on your toes, right?” I ask with a grin.

She shakes her head with a smile and crosses her arms. “You are so confusing; I can't work you out,” she utters as she walks to the bedroom.

“Good,” I utter.

Tessie and I hop into my sleek, black Jeep Wrangler. She eases into the seat, finding a cozy position and sinking into the cushion. Despite her petite stature, she manages to peer over the Jeep's dashboard and gaze through the windshield, taking in the view ahead.

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