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“I'll have a Cola, please,” she responds, grateful for the gesture. As I head to the refreshment counter, I take deep breaths and try to calm my nerves. I feel anxious and apprehensive; this is the first time I have been out in public for a date with a woman. I don’t want to fuck it up.

I stand at the refreshment counter and look back to see Tessie engrossed in sorting out something on the computer.

I hear a familiar voice calling out my name. I turn my head to the right and see Piper, someone I haven't seen in a long time. She still looks the same with her black hair tied in a ponytail, heavy makeup, and an eyebrow piercing.

Before I can react, Piper swiftly puts her arms around my waist and hugs me tightly. I glance at Tessie to see if she has noticed, but she is still preoccupied. Thank god. I gently push Piper away and greet her with a blunt, “Hi, Piper.”

Piper smiles back at me, then says something that catches me off guard. “It's been ages. The last time I saw you I was in handcuffs.” She then gives me a sly wink.

Fuck sake, this is so awkward. I had fucked Piper once before and she has been trying to fuck me again since. To diffuse the situation, I try to excuse myself and say, “Uh, I gotta get going. See you later, Piper.”

As I walk away, I notice Tessie turning around and walking towards us.

Just fuck off, Piper. Fuck off. I hoped Piper would have taken the hint and fucked off. However, before she does, Piper shouts out in a suggestive tone, “Maybe you can use the handcuffs again on me sometime.”

I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment and frustration. I close my eyes and huff. Tessie must have heard what Piper just shouted. She gives me a closed yet awkward smile.

Tessie's tone is sarcastic as she says, “I'm guessing handcuffs are your signature thing, then.” I understood precisely what she was getting at. However, the truth is while yes, I fucked Piper, I had never used handcuffs with her. In fact, it wasn't long after we fucked that I had to arrest her for being drunk and disorderly. I need to explain myself, “I know it sounds bad–”

Tessie interrupts me, saying, “Cain, it's fine. You don't have to explain.”

I suddenly realized that I had forgotten the Colas. “Oh, shit. I completely forgot about the drinks!” I exclaim. Tessie and I return to the refreshment counter, hoping that Piper has already left. Thankfully, she is nowhere to be seen. After quickly grabbing some drinks and snacks, we head back toward our bowling lane.

Tessie seems to be in a competitive mood. She claims, “I'm so gonna beat you.” I can’t help but raise my eyebrows at her.

“Oh, really? Well, maybe there should be a prize for the winner?” I suggested in a flirty voice.

I stand there and she confidently approaches me until we are chest-to-chest. With a sultry tone, she leans in close and whispers, “What do you have in mind?”

I bend down, my breath tickling her ear as I whisper, “If I win, I'll take you back to the hill above the forest and fuck you brutally in the car. No safe words and you don’t get to orgasm.”

I notice a brief pause in her breathing. Her voice quivers slightly as she asks, “What will happen if I win?”

I lean closer to her and whisper, “Well, what prize do you want, princess…?”

Her eyes lock onto mine as she responds, “My birthday is quickly approaching. I wouldn't mind indulging in a fancy, posh meal at that new restaurant that just opened up in town.”

I quickly straighten my back. “Don't worry—I'll be taking you there even if you don't win,” I assure her. She lets out a hearty laugh, struggles a bit to pick up a bowling ball, and says, “Sounds like I'm winning no matter what happens.”

Tessie steps up to the bowling lane, ball in hand, and takes a deep breath. She swings her arm back and then forward, sending the ball hurtling down the road. It veers off to the side and misses the pins entirely. Tessie looks back at me with a sheepish grin and says, “That was just a practice shot.”

Undeterred, she selects another ball and tries again. This time, she hits three pins, causing them to clatter noisily to the floor. Tessie claps her hands and takes a seat, satisfied with her effort.

I stand up and approach the lane confidently. I snap my fingers, pick up the ball, and take aim. With a smooth motion, I release the ball, which hurtles down the lane with purpose. As I score a perfect strike, the pins explode in a flurry of noise and motion.

Tessie gives me an evil glare and exclaims, “Are you like a pro?” I shrug and reply in a murmur, “Nope. Your turn now.” She stands up with a determined look on her face and walks toward the rack to grab a bowling ball.

With a swift motion, she throws it back down the lane, and to our amazement, she manages to knock all the pins down except for one. “OH, COME ON!” she shouts in frustration. I can’t help but laugh at her reaction. She waits for her ball to come back up on the machine, and as soon as it does, she grabs it and throws it down the lane with all her might. Unfortunately, she misses the last pin and we both burst out laughing. Tessie and I continued our friendly bowling game, and as expected, I win. While Tessie is excellent at fucking, bowling isn’t her forte. I put my arm around her. I can't help but tease her, “Looks like I win, princess.” She places her hand on my chest and, with a smile, asks, “Is that my new nickname? Princess?” I nod, still grinning from ear to ear.

A voice cuts through the noise as we are about to leave our bowling lane. “Cain!” I see Commissioner Hanks walking towards us, holding hands with his wife. I keep eye contact with the Commissioner while whispering to Tessie, “That's my boss.” We greet him respectfully and he offers his hand for a handshake. “Bowling, are you?” he asks with a deep voice. I nod in affirmation. “We just finished a game, sir,” I reply.

Commissioner Hanks adjusts his coat and lets out a hearty laugh. “Oh, Cain, please call me Alastair,” he says warmly.

“Helena, This is Cain, the police sergeant,” Alastair introduces me as he gestures towards Tessie and me. “I believe you've met him before at some of our charity events. And this beautiful young lady next to him, I'm guessing, is his new partner,” he adds with a smile.

I remember meeting Helena in the past. She’s a charming woman with dark red hair with hints of grey and a beauty mark just above her lip. Despite the signs of aging, her beauty still shines through. You can tell she was beautiful in her younger years. Helena greets me warmly and turns her attention to Tessie. “May I ask what your name is, dear?” she inquires with a friendly smile.

Tessie extends her arm towards Helena in a friendly gesture, ready to introduce herself. “My name is Tessie,” she says with a warm smile.

Helena reciprocates the gesture by shaking Tessie's hand and replies, “It's lovely to meet you, Tessie. I am Helena.” While the women converse, Alastair takes me to the side, away from their conversation. He starts talking about work, but my attention wanders as I only pretend to listen by nodding occasionally. I overhear Helena's voice, “It's so nice to see Cain finally settle down.”

Alastair continues to prattle on and I feign interest by occasionally muttering a noncommittal, “Yeah.” Amidst his incessant chatter, I overhear Helena's voice again, “You are such a pretty little thing, too. You are a perfect match. Are you coming to the benefit we are holding at the weekend?” Her voice is smooth and refined, dripping with an accent that oozes sophistication. Without missing a beat, she turns to Alastair and exclaims, “Darling! Have you invited Cain to the benefit this weekend?”

Alastair's response is filled with annoyance. “I was about to, Helena.”

“Me and Helena are holding a charity event this weekend and we would be delighted if you and Tessie could come,” he says, Helena approaches me with Tessie in tow.

I let my eyes wander aimlessly for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

“Oh, please come.” Helena implores in her posh voice.

I glance at Tessie and she nods her head. “Yeah, we can make it,” I say, although I am not looking forward to it.

Helena claps her hands together in delight, thrilled that we have accepted her invitation.

Alastair takes Helena's hand and says, “Brilliant. We will see you at the benefit then. Have a lovely week. It was nice to meet you, Tessie.” After bidding farewell to Alastair, I take Tessie's hand and step outside to my Jeep.

We get into the car and I ask Tessie if she wants to go to the benefit. I tell her I can always make an excuse if she doesn't. “I want to go, it will be nice,” she replies as she settles into her seat.

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