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I tentatively peer out from behind the tree trunk, my heart racing with fear. Suddenly, I hear the unmistakable sound of a gun being cocked; a cold metal object is suddenly pressed against the back of my head. I feel frozen in place, unable to move or even breathe.

The sudden grasp on my upper arm wrenches me out of my thoughts, the world spinning as I’m forcibly turned around to face the person after me. A sharp gasp escapes my lips as I feel the icy touch of a gun pressing against my forehead, the metal chilling me to the bone.

Fear grips me like a vice. Despite my best efforts, I struggle to glimpse the person’s eyes behind the mask.

My vision is a blur of tears and raindrops. The thin fabric of my t-shirt offers little protection against the downpour, clinging to my skin like a second layer, revealing the contours of my body. As the rain saturates my clothes, my t-shirt molds to my curves, the fabric becoming translucent against my skin. Panic surges through me as I realize I’m not wearing a bra, my breasts fully exposed beneath the wet fabric, vulnerable and exposed to the elements.

The person seems to have caught sight of my breast showing, and with a swift movement, they lower the gun from my head to my nipples, rubbing them against the gun. I can feel my heart racing as I plead with them, “Please, don’t do this.”

He firmly presses the gun against my chest. With a sudden force, he pushes me down to my knees. I tremble with fear, unsure of what his next move will be.

“If you want my body. Please kill me first…” I beg, sobbing uncontrollably.

I didn’t want to live through being raped again. I would rather be dead.

The person’s breathing becomes rapid, moving the gun from my chest to my forehead again.

“Please,” I sob.

Droplets of rain are beating down on the leaves, creating a drumming sound.

I prepare my body for what is going to happen.

The thought of dying doesn’t terrify me. Instead, I feel a sense of calm wash over me. I know Nate, Cain, and Mike would never let the perpetrator get away with killing me. I feel bad that Cain would never be able to forgive himself.

Suddenly, the person lowers their head close to mine. They press the gun harder on my head and whisper the word bang in my ear. I feel my whole body jolt with surprise and confusion. However, as the person’s voice registers in my mind, I realize who they are. I feel my anger rising. I stand up on my feet, no longer feeling scared.

I forcefully remove the mask and come face to face with Cain. He revels in his wickedness and lets out a menacing laugh.

“You bastard!” I wail.

I punch at his chest. He doesn’t react.

He hisses through gritted teeth, “That’s how easy it would be to kill you. You fucking need me.” The rain pours down relentlessly. Drenched and shivering, I cry, “Why would you do that? I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. Take me home,” I plead.

As the car drives down the road, the only sounds that can be heard are my occasional sobs. The distressing events that had just occurred were too much for me to bear. We finally arrive at the house. I quickly jump out of the Jeep and run inside, still crying.

Nate quickly jogs up to me and grabs my shoulders to try to comfort me, but I push him away. Mike can sense that something is wrong. “What happened?” he asks, nervously biting his nails. I couldn’t bear to answer Mike’s question, so I blurted out, “Ask Cain!” and then went to the kitchen to grab my phone. I quickly text Rae and ask if I can stay with her. She responds promptly with a reassuring “Yes.” I then rush to my bedroom to pack my things, still crying uncontrollably.

Nate follows me and stands at the door, watching me intently. “What are you doing?” he asks, with concern on his face.

“I can’t do this. I need to go,” I mumble between sobs, hastily throwing items into my suitcase.

Mike’s voice echoed through the walls, screaming, “You did what?!” in a rage.

Meanwhile, Nate’s voice is filled with desperation as he pleads with me to stay. “Please don’t go, baby. We can only keep you safe here,” he says, his voice trembling with fear.

I quickly finished packing and searched the kitchen for my car keys.

I know Cain has them or is hiding them.

“Give me my car keys, Cain,” I demand, my anger boiling. Cain refuses to hand them over, staring me down. Frustrated and at a loss, I take out my phone and send a message to Rae, providing her with the address and hoping she would arrive quickly. “Fine. I’ll leave my car here,” I mutter, defeated.

Nate tries to reason with me in a soft, soothing tone. “Baby, listen. We can sort this out. Ok?” he says, his voice filled with reassurance. I just cry.

Cain sits at the kitchen table, his face devoid of any emotion as he watches me break down.

I want him to apologize for what he did and beg for forgiveness, but he remains silent. Mike speaks up with annoyance, “Say something, Cain.” However, Cain stares into the distance, not indicating that he intends to speak. Mike’s tone softens as he continues, “You really think we can just let you go, Tessie?” His voice fills with sadness.

I reach out to open the front door and Nate’s hand swiftly grabs my arm. His eyes plead with me as he whispers, “Baby, please.” I feel a lump forming in my throat as I struggle to maintain my composure. “All good things must come to an end,” I mutter through tears. With a heavy heart, I step out of the house just as Rae pulls up in her car, the loud music blaring out of the speakers.

Slowly making my way out of the house, I hear the sound of Nate and Mike following me. I see Rae getting out of the car and walking towards me. Confusion is written all over her face as she sees Mike. Trying to hold back my tears, I tell her I will explain everything once we reach her place. Rae takes the suitcase from me and puts it in the back seat of her car. I quickly get into the car, urging Rae to drive away from there as soon as possible. As we drive away, Rae asks if I am hurt; her voice is filled with concern. I assure her that I am physically unharmed, but I cannot stop crying.


Cain rises from the chair, his movements slow and heavy, as if weighed down by the gravity of the situation. He crosses the room and opens the cupboard, his hand searching for something. It finds a bottle of whisky, pulls it out, and uncorks it with practiced ease. The liquid pours into the glass with a soft, amber glow, and Cain takes a long drink without looking at me. I feel my frustration mounting, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I can stop them. “You better sort this out! I’ve just lost the best thing that’s happened to me.” Cain remains silent, his eyes fixed on some distant point beyond the room’s walls. His hand grips the glass tightly and I can see the muscles in his jaw working as he takes another sip of whisky. Feeling helpless, I grab my phone and log into the college’s system. My fingers shake as I type in Rae’s name, trying to find her address.

As I’m getting ready to leave, I quickly grab my car keys from the key holder, ensuring I don’t forget anything else. Nate notices and curiously asks, “Where are you going?” I glance back at him and without hesitation reply, “She has people after her. I can’t let anything happen to her. I’m willing to go to any lengths to make sure she’s safe.” As I step out of the front door, I feel a sense of responsibility and determination sweep over me. I know it will be a long night, but I’m prepared to sit in a bush all night if it means keeping her out of harm’s way.

“Wait. I’m coming,” Nate says, rushing behind me.


In a conversation with Rae, I open up about my complicated relationship with the trio. However, I don’t disclose the dark details of being stalked and the subsequent killing. Instead, I explain how I reached a point where I could no longer bear the intensity of the relationship and needed space to clear my head.

“Hang on, you were getting three dicks at once?” she scoffs.

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