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“Th-thank you, Yassim,” said Cessilia.

“My little Nana!” exclaimed Yamino. “My little niece is all grown up now, you look like a lovely young lady!”


Yamino’s loud laughs and teasing of his niece made their little group smile, but it was a bit hard to pretend they didn’t notice the silence around them. Bit by bit, the orchestra was trying to pick up the rhythm, although all the attention was on the foreigners’ group. Not only that but in the middle of the room, Vena was standing alone, her hand somewhat mid-air, completely stunned by what had just happened. It had only been a matter of seconds between Cessilia’s entrance, her bow to the King, and her walking away, but now, reality was starting to hit slowly, as if time resumed for everyone else. Inevitably, many stares fell on the young lady left alone and utterly embarrassed in the middle of the banquet hall.

Finally, she let her hand fall down, and instead, clenched it into a fist, glaring at the Princess. Her anger and embarrassment were blurring her judgment and thus, right now, she was feeling like the main cause of her humiliation was the foreign Princess, not the King who had ignored her. She turned her step toward their little group, and walked over there angrily, her heels loud against the polished floor. Several people even hurriedly jumped out of her way, although everyone remained close to witness the next part of the act.

“You barbaric bitch!” she hissed. “How dare you interrupt and walk ahead of me?!”

Cessilia barely glanced at the woman before Tessandra stepped in between, glaring at their attacker. Because of her heels and outfit, she was even more impressive than usual, and despite her animosity, Vena slowed down before she got any closer, surprised by the young woman’s dark eyes on her.

However, Nana was the first one to respond, just as angry as Tessandra, although she didn’t have her impressive frame.

“Lady Vena! Watch your language in front of Princess Cessilia!”

“I’m not talking to you, you fat pig. I’m surprised you even dared to be here! Is everything easier now that you have a rich friend to make you think you actually have a chance? Or that you’re of any importance, for that matter?”

Far from being upset, Naptunie scoffed, taking another step forward.

“That’s it, Lady Vena? Attacks about my physique, like always? Do you think being skinny gives you an advantage? Well, I’m sorry you don’t cultivate your mind more than your body, because it would save you and the Pangoja Clan a lot of embarrassment right now! No wonder His Majesty won’t even look at you!”

“You damn little...!”

Vena raised her hand as if to hit Naptunie, who wasn’t shying away from the threat. A dark-green hand caught her wrist right before her slap landed. Suddenly shocked by the scales in front of her eyes, she screamed in panic.

“Let me go! Let me go!” she shrieked, desperate to have her wrist released.

She struggled frantically, trying to pull away and free her wrist, but Tessa wasn’t flinching at all, effortlessly keeping her trapped in her grasp. She seemed as strong as a metallic trap holding the hysterical candidate’s wrist.

“...Nana,” she calmly said, “isn’t it against the rules to harm another candidate?”

“It is,” nodded Nana. “Lady Vena should be grateful you stopped her. I would have gladly taken that slap if it could prevent such an immature girl from ever being our Queen!”

Vena didn’t even seem to hear them; the sight of the green scales had her utterly panicked, and she had completely given up on her dignity. However, Tessandra wasn’t done with her. She forcefully pulled that woman closer, tightening her grasp even more and making that girl scream.

“Stop screaming like a piglet. Next time you insult Naptunie or Cessilia, I’ll break this skinny wrist of yours, you little swine. Remember, I’m not a candidate. I don’t care if I break each of your bones one by one and feed you to our dragon.”

Those words nearly made the girl pass out. Luckily for her, though, Tessandra finally released her grip, and Vena stumbled backward until a man, probably from her clan, caught hold of her, and quietly took her out of the banquet hall under their audience’s eyes. As soon as she was out, everyone quickly resumed their conversations, or most likely their gossip, from the way no one really dared to speak out loud... Tessandra chuckled, crossing her arms.

“Those little leeches... They should be glad I can’t really kill here. Those girls are just cats trying to play in a lion’s den. I’m proud of you, Nana. Turns out you got some spark in you!”

“Don’t tell me about it,” mumbled Nana. “I only got angry because she insulted Lady Cessilia. Now I’m trying to pretend my hands are not shaking... Can we get something to drink? I need something. Or to eat. I saw some delicious-looking cakes over there...”

“I’ll accompany you,” chuckled Yamino. “I could use a drink myself, and let’s get some for Princess Cessilia and Yassim...”

As those three walked away to the tables aligned against the walls, Cessilia and Yassim remained alone. The Counselor hadn’t missed how the Princess very purposely turned her back to the throne, nor the way she attracted many eyes on her, including the monarch’s.

“That was quite an entrance, Lady Cessilia.” He smiled. “I was looking forward to your talent, but I never expected to see this much. I only feel sorry you got injured to make all this...”

The Princess nodded, her green eyes going down on her reptilian-looking hands.

“A b-bit of sacrifice t-to t-teach those evil p-people a lesson,” she said. “I am not d-done either. I b-believe in p-playing fair, and I will even th-the score t-tonight.”

“I will look forward to it, my lady. Shall we dance in the meantime?”

“I d-don’t really know th-the art of d-dancing here.”

“That makes two of us lacking in that area, then,” said a feminine voice approaching.

Appearing next to them was a tall and slender woman sporting a very dark red dress. Unlike the other candidates, her dress was rather simple, but displayed some incredibly detailed embroidery, and so did all of her jewelry, looking uniquely crafted rather than ostentatious. She had obviously chosen to show off a more bohemian style than luxurious, and even her hair was simply held up in an artistic updo, with many seashells and pearls. Her face was also marked by unique makeup, with white lips and white eyelashes.

Much to Cessilia’s surprise, the woman bowed slightly but very politely. There was something unique and graceful in the way she moved, almost like a dance.

“I am Bastat, daughter of the Sehsan Tribe Leader.”

“Nice t-to meet you, I’m Cessilia of the D-Dragon Empire.”

“I know who you are, Princess. I was eager to meet you even before seeing you, but now, I am equally impressed by your skill. I had never seen anyone make such amazing use of broken glass before.”

“Th-thank you.”

“The Sehsan Tribe is known for their unique craftsmanship,” said Yassim. “They have been considered as the Kingdom’s cultural and artistic core for generations already.”

“My tribe is one of the oldest in the Kingdom,” nodded Bastat. “Our people remember the times when we got along with the powerful Dragon Empire. It is such a shame how things have changed, but we were looking forward to meeting you, Princess Cessilia. My father couldn’t be present tonight, but he asked me to formally extend an invitation for you to visit our main house.”

Cessilia was very surprised for a few seconds. It was the first time one of the other candidates, other than Naptunie, was openly polite and cordial to her. Although Bastat seemed much more reserved and dignified, she saw no evil intent in her actions, and in fact, the young woman seemed extremely polite. Not only that, but considering she was representing her whole tribe, it seemed there was another clan openly welcoming her to the Kingdom.

“I would love t-to, Lady B-Bastat.”

“It will be my pleasure to show you, Princess Cessilia. Come and find me whenever you feel like going.”

“I will. Th-thank you to you and your f-father for th-the invitation.”

Bastat politely bowed once more and left, leaving Cessilia and Yassim alone once again.

“The Sehsan Tribe is very peaceful, but also very reserved,” noted Yassim. “I’m impressed they already reached out to you, but I believe they are hoping to extend their trades to the Dragon Empire. Their leader is a very wise man, but a bit cunning in his own ways.”

“Th-thank you, Yassim. I will look forward t-to visiting th-them, still.”

Cessilia had a bit of personal interest in craftsmanship and artisans, and from what she could see on Bastat’s dress and hairdo, it might also benefit the Empire to resume relationships with their only neighbor...

After the incident from earlier, it was clear Lady Bastat was the only one brave enough to approach their group. As soon as Tessandra, Nana, and Yamino joined them again, carrying food and drinks, no one else dared to come near. A lot of people had their eyes on them, though, and while the dances, music, and chatter resumed, it was clear the attention was still largely on their group, even when one of the candidates, Lady Axelane of the Nahaf Family, stepped forward. It was clear that the young lady had a plan in mind and a lot of support. As soon as she got to the center of the hall, several young people simultaneously moved to request that people give her space, install a little stool, and put a large instrument in front of her, some sort of wooden container with many strings Cessilia and Tessa had never seen before. Then, she began her performance, not only playing that instrument but also singing. The melody was genuinely beautiful, and the instrument made beautiful sounds, but her voice was rather average. She sang well, but her beauty was what mesmerized the audience.

When she was done, most of the audience clapped, except for the candidates, their entourages, and the King. Much to Cessilia’s annoyance, Jisel was also loudly clapping her hands together, although she was standing next to the throne and close to the King... Following his mistress, Cessilia’s eyes inevitably fell on Ashen.

It was clear the King had absolutely no interest in the lady or her performance. Perhaps his eyes hadn’t left her for a second since she had entered the room, but Cessilia had been so obviously trying to ignore him that she couldn’t tell.

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