League for Spiritual Discovery (LSD), 33
Leary, Timothy, 33, 57–58
Led Zeppelin, 402
“Lemmings” (advertisement), 187
Lennon, John, 51, 330, 331, 374, 524
Lennon, Sean, 180
Leonardo da Vinci, 80, 568
Let It Be (Beatles), 412
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson 804
Levinson, Art, 321, 371, 447, 453, 454, 465, 481, 501–2, 518, 520–21, 558
Levitt, Arthur, 321
Levy, Joe, 412
Levy, Steven, 166, 355, 393, 412
Lewin, Dan’l, xv, 125, 214, 223, 231
NeXT and, 212–13, 224
Lewinsky, Monica, 278
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 487
Libya, 258
Life, 14–15
“Like a Rolling Stone” (song), 494, 570
Lin, Maya, 127
Lion King, The (film), 434, 439
Lisa Computer, 110–12, 129, 130, 144, 145, 150–
51, 154, 181, 200
Atkinson and, 99–101
converted to Mac XLS, 186–87
failure of, 141, 160, 186
initial concept of, 93
launch of, 141
Macintosh’s rivalry with, 136–37
mouse of, 100–101
name of, 93
screen background of, 99–100
“Little Green” (song), 414
Little Mermaid, The (film), 242
Lockheed Missiles and Space Division, 9
Loewy, Raymond, 127
Lohr, Steve, 282
Los Angeles Times, 429
Lost (TV show), 438, 497