polyvagal theory, perceptions of safety and, 76–81
Porges, Dr. Stephen, 76
prefrontal cortex, conditioned selves, 120–121
processed foods, avoiding for nervous system regulation, 145
projection communication style, 101
quality time, language and demonstrations of love, 2, 223
quantum mechanics, souls and, 40
relationships, recognizing own active role in, 9–35
author’s early relationships and emotional loneliness, 3–4, 10–17, 24–26, 38, 44–45
changing brain to change relationships, 31–32
checklist for emotional safety and security, 33–35
childhood trauma and, 17–20
childhood’s neurophysiological impact, 27–28
conditioned stress responses and, 28–30
emotional habits and, 109–110
repair after conflict and, 245–246
unmet childhood emotional needs and, 23–24
unmet childhood physical needs and, 21–22
reparenting, empowerment consciousness and, 169
Rescuer/protector conditioned self, 113, 163, 169
described, 115
self-assessment, 119
reticular activating system (RAS) network, of brain, 105
safety and security
checklist for, 33–35
childhood needs for, 20–24, 26
connector mode and, 87, 95
co-regulation and, 206–208
creating by regulation nervous system, 139–140
interdependence and, 226–228
polyvagal theory and, 76–81
relationships, 5–7
Schumann resonances, 258–260
Schwartz, Dr. Richard, 99
Scientific American, 40
scorekeeping communication style, 101
Self Healers Circle, 93, 254, 268
self-actualization, 53
separate togetherness (interdependence), 44, 73–74, 226–228
“serve and return” emotional patterns, 28