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“I’m your mother. You boys look just like your father. I’m sorry he is not here. Only one of us was let to come see you. Now before you go on to ask why we didn’t help you with his parents, I’m allowed to explain.

When you move on you can’t interact with the living for many years. You can see them, feel their pain, joy, and all emotions. This is the first time I can see you. We can visit you both in dreams, or like now. Please understand it was so hard for us. To be gone and not protect our sons.” I get closer to her. I can feel her sorrow as if it’s my own.

“Your father and I are proud of you boys. You did the best thing by getting rid of those vile people. Your father fell apart watching that happen. He never had anything like that happen to him. Don’t worry they are in an endless nightmare where they are. Everything they did to you and Zane is happening to them over and over.

The one thing I can tell you about your future is my boys will be blessed with two sets of twin boys. No rhyming names young man. Now let’s get you back to your family.” We go back into the room and my mother guides me back to my body.

“Zane, baby girl, don’t cry. I’m here.”

“Daddy, Daddy you’re awake. Pappa see the doctors don’t know what they are talking about. Daddy is here for us.”

“Baby girl, not so loud. Daddy has a wicked headache. Come over and give Daddy a hug. I need to hold my girl.” She looks up at Zane. He nods his head. Snow slowly crawls onto the bed. I go to lift my arm and the pain hits like a lightning bolt. I hold in the agony that wants to slip out. I don’t care what type of pain I’m in I need my girl. I want a family hug, but don’t want to push it in front of the others.

With my girl all settled I want to ask questions. I have no plans to hide anything from Snow. Zane and I need to have a talk. She needs to know about our past so we can have that future. I do remember seeing my mother. None of that went away. Zane needs to know and understand. We both used to ask the questions why. The only thing I wish is I should have asked about her parents. That is something I think I will see if Hans can do. The man is the best at tracking people.


I spent three more days in the hospital. I wanted to go home, but Dr. Reed asked me to stay. He was in Pennsylvania when I was found. Two other doctors took care of me. They told Zane and Snow that I might not make it due to the injuries. Wolf had to stop me from finding them and putting an end to their lives. No one says those things to my family.

Speaking of family. It would seem that while I was missing and in the hospital, unconscious. Wolf, Raven, and Snow have reunited. They apologized to her. Helped Zane and Snow through the time I was missing and the time I was in the hospital and even now. Wolf is still here. So is Raven. Raven and Snow went over the bridge with the other Ol’ ladies for a day of pampering. George sent the ladies for the day. He got his men and some men from the other Heads of The Table to protect our women. All of us guys are at his condo building about to discuss the piece of shit that took me.

Eric Robert and Thomas James found him. Geek located me. No one from The Table or either of the MCs could retrieve me. He was deep inside Fed territory. It would seem he took me to Virgina. Kraken had the Sullivans at his clubhouse. A plan to get me was put in place. Kraken had pull with the head of the State Troopers in his state. They helped him with the relocation of victims. I always knew the alliance with Abaddon’s Clan would come in handy. Well, it sure as fuck did.

The Sullivans had wanted to take me to a hospital in Virgina, but Snow had cried. Kraken got his doctor he has on payroll to make sure I was stable enough to travel back to New Jersey. Sons didn’t call in the Sullivans until I was located. Although Geek can hack anything he had to go as lightly as he could when it came to that state. The reason it took so long. I hold nothing against anyone. I’m alive and glad to be home where I belong. The pain I feel is nothing compared to the pain I see on my Zane and Snow. I know I will have to do everything in my power to erase the pain they still wear. I need happy Zane and Snow. Unfortunately, I have three broken ribs, a broken leg, and arm. Grandma Margret had a hospital bed brought to the house. All the women in the family plan on coming over every day to make sure we are all okay. Raven wanted to stay here with us. I’m not ready to forgive her or her husband. It wasn’t easy to decline the offer. Snow was ready to accept but I did the infamous eyebrow, and she gave in.

“Snow is sleeping in our room. She wanted to sleep out here with you. She asked me why you don’t want her parents here. I had to explain to her that she might have forgiven them, but we haven’t. She said oh and dropped her head. I don’t know what to say. This is your area.”

“I know bro, I know. I’m sorry I went on that run. All this shit that happened is mind boggling. We have to talk while she’s sleeping.” Zane goes to the kitchen and gets us something to drink and a few of the sub pieces. Frigg dropped off two, two-foot subs. He places them on the table and hands me a piece. He puts my drink on the end table that arrived with the bed. It’s more of one of those hospital tables that go up and down. Zane sits in the recliner in front of me. I’m just going to rip the Band-Aid off and tell him.

“I want you to listen to what I have to say before you comment. Believe me when I tell you this. We know what Soren and Gaia are so you should be able to believe me.” I took a deep breath and told him about what happened at the hospital.

“I saw Mom. I was floating and saw all of you. I was in my body, but at the same time I wasn’t. She told me it was time to return to my body. There are rules to where they are and this was the first time she was able to come. They know all the bad stuff that happened to us. It wasn’t easy for them to watch. Dad has no idea why his parents did any of that shit.

Nothing like that ever happened to him. I never told you brother, but I killed them. They made you hurt too much and had to pay. Odin and Fenrir know. Fenrir went with me. I didn’t want you to have that mark on your soul. That’s my job. Mom told me that everything they did to us is being done to them day in and day out.” I took a deep breath to tell him this next thing. Zane knew to wait.

“Mom said we are going to have two set of twin boys. She said no rhyming names.” I looked at him to gage his expression. He had a mixture of things going on. I won’t jump to any conclusions. He will tell me after he takes a moment or five to process what I said.

“We need to be open and honest with our girl. Before we marry her. Jag, I want to marry her soon. We also need to forgive her parents, but not to forget. It will do damage to our relationship with our girl if we don’t make her happy.

As for what you told me. I believe you. There is not much to say about it. I want to focus on us. The past is just that, the past. It’s not us now or our future. Snow Hegg Stone is our future.” I am so fuckin proud of him. We sat without talking for a few. Eating our pieces of the sandwiches. When he spoke, Zane surprised me.

“Well, we are going to have two set of twin boys, that means we better make this house bigger. We can’t leave since our girl picked it out. As soon as we find out she’s with child I want the three of us to talk about names. Strong names that fit the Stone last name. Like ours. Jagger Stone. Zane Stone. What do you think?”

“I think you’re on to something. Before we worry about expanding, we need to improve our source of income. I don’t want to rely on other people doing everything for us.” A knock came to the door just then. I hate I can’t answer the door. Zane got up and answered it.

“Hello, my name is Larry Bellfold and I am an executor attorney. I am here to speak to the Stone boys, Jagger and Zane.” Zane turned his head to me. We are both confused. Zane lets the man in. He stops by me.

“I’m Jagger Stone and this is my brother Zane. What can we do for you?”

“This might be hard to take in. Your parents left you both the fortune. They had it set up that when they passed away your father, Albert, had a very small amount of money for whichever grandparents took care of you. Your mother, Kellyann, parents had been murdered two weeks after they lost their daughter.

This might sound like it’s coming from a movie, but I spent twenty years fighting to find their murders. The man held responsible is in jail after all this time. He confessed he was paid by Blake Stone to take out the competition.” The man paused for a moment. Zane and I looked at each other. We really don’t know much about our parents.

“Let me start at the beginning. Your father was a real estate mogul. Your parents were worth billions. Blake turned into an evil man. As his son became even more wealthy, he became greedier. You two weren’t supposed to stay with the Stones when Albert and Kellyann died. Paula Jones, your mother’s mother got a case of food poisoning. That’s why you were with them. It wasn’t food poisoning; it was actual poisoning.

I had to lie to your grandfather for years about the money you boys have inherited. They received a check for you both for twenty grand a month. After they died the money stayed with your trust. It’s time that you boys also learn that Blake had your parents murdered. That man that killed the Joneses was also responsible for their death as well.”

“As part of your parent’s wishes I had to wait ten years after their death to come to you. You both are now twenty-nine. They are gone for ten years. It’s time for me to release the money to you. Your mother requested that I wait ten years to make sure they are actually dead. I did see their death was true, but I still couldn’t come to you before that time frame.

I will need both of you to sign these papers and the funds will be transferred into whatever bank account you wish.” He handed me the papers first. When I saw the amount, I nearly fell outta the bed.

Chapter 8

Chapter 7


The Attorney left about an hour after he came. Jagger called Geek and had the man verified. He is who he said he is. Geek also looked into the man that had killed our parents and grandparents. All of it was true. Geek investigated our parents and discovered that the building in New York that his father now owns was owned by our parents. Sal never put the two together because he never knew our parents had named us. Sal was friends with our parents. He knew they had twin boys but hadn’t learned our names. Our parents had planned a private birthday/welcome to the world party for just them and our mom’s parents for our kind of birthday. Sal said they wanted to keep us private due to their wealth. They had planned to tell certain people our names. He had been on the list to know.

Sal had come with Geek. Sal was good with contracts and whatnot, so Geek asked him to come along. Well, it turns out that we are now indeed billionaires. Our parents' business was sold off via their request. The money going into an account for us. Blake was told it was all donated to charity except enough for us to be taken care of.

All that shit that Jagger and I had to go through wasn’t necessary. Like I said to Jagger before, it’s in the past and Snow is our future. We are happy that Snow slept the whole time. I did go in to check on her. Jagger and I are going to tell her about us tonight. We don’t want to waste any more time. Sal put a call in to Ari Steele. Ari is coming tomorrow at noon for us to pick a ring for Snow. I want her to have two engagement rings and Jag agreed.

“Daddy, Pappa I’m hungry. I’m also cold.” Snow stopped to cough. Oh no, is she getting sick. No, no, no. We just got her.

“Zane, Zane!” Jagger yells for me, but I can’t get outta the tunnel I’m in. The panic is settling in. All of a sudden, I feel a soft hand on my arm. My vision gets better. When I look, I see our girl. I feel her forehead. She is very warm. I place her on the couch and get the thermometer. Jagger insisted we have all medical things and a first aid kit to take care of Snow. I’m so glad he did. I take her temperature and it’s very high. Jagger tells me to give her the over-the-counter fever reducer for now. If it doesn’t break in a day or two, we will call Doctor Reed.

She crawls into the bed with Jagger. I go get the comforter from the bed. I will sleep on the couch. There is no way I will let either one of them out of my sight. I might not even sleep, no I can’t think that way. I have to get some sleep. If I don’t, I can’t properly take care of my family. I cover them both. Once she takes the medicine, I relax a little. I have to be strong for them.

Snow and Jagger are sleeping for an hour when she starts to cough some more. I know it’s too soon to give her meds. My mind is going crazy. Does she have allergies we don’t know about? I want to take care of her the best way possible. I’m going to put a call in to Wolf and ask questions. When Jag or I got sick, we were sick for about a week. Those people didn’t care. The only reason we saw the doctor is their friends wanted their entertainment. Enough of that. I grab my cell and head outside. The two I love need sleep. I pull up Wolf’s number and give a call.

Wolf: “Muninn, what can I help you with?”

Zane: “Does Snow have allergies?”

Wolf: “No, why what’s the matter? Is she sick?”

“Zane: “She’s got a cough and a fever. I gave her some OTC medicine.”

Wolf: “You need to have a humidifier. Clean air. Snow isn’t good when she’s sick. She will act out; say things she normally wouldn’t say. Be the caregiver Daddy. Keep the discipline to a minimum.”

Zane: “Thanks for filling me in.”

Wolf: “If she’s not better by tomorrow or her fever hasn't come down call Dr. Reed. Don’t fuck around with my daughter’s health.”

Zane: “So nice to think so lowly of me or Jagger for that matter.” I don’t let him say anything else before I disconnect the call. I go back inside and wake up Jagger.

“Hey man, I’m going to the pharmacy to get a humidifier. I called Wolf and asked him if she has allergies. The call didn’t go well. Well, it had been until he got rude.”

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