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46TH: Take all Admonitions thankfully in what Time or Place Soever given but afterwards not being culpable take a Time & Place convenient to let him him know it that gave them.

47TH: Mock not nor Jest at any thing of Importance break no Jest that are Sharp Biting and if you Deliver any thing witty and Pleasent abstain from Laughing there at yourself.

48TH: Wherein you reprove Another be unblameable yourself; for example is more prevalent than Precepts.

49TH: Use no Reproachfull Language against any one neither Curse nor Revile.

50TH: Be not hasty to beleive flying Reports to the Disparagement of any.

51ST: Wear not your Cloths, foul, unript or Dusty but See they be Brush’d once every day at least and take heed that you approach not to any Uncleaness.

52ND: In your Apparel be Modest and endeavour to accomodate Nature, rather than to procure Admiration keep to the Fashion of your equals Such as are Civil and orderly with respect to Times and Places.

53RD: Run not in the Streets, neither go too slowly nor with Mouth open go not Shaking yr Arms kick not the earth with yr feet, go not upon the Toes, nor in a Dancing fashion.

54TH: Play not the Peacock, looking every where about you, to See if you be well Deck’t, if your Shoes fit well if your Stokings sit neatly, and Cloths handsomely.

55TH: Eat not in the Streets, nor in the House, out of Season.

56TH: Associate yourself with Men of good Quality if you Esteem your own Reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad Company.

57TH: In walking up and Down in a House, only with One in Company if he be Greater than yourself, at the first give him the Right hand and Stop not till he does and be not the first that turns, and when you do turn let it be with your face towards him, if he be a Man of Great Quality, walk not with him Cheek by Joul but Somewhat behind him; but yet in Such a Manner that he may easily Speak to you.

58TH: Let your Conversation be without Malice or Envy, for ‘tis a Sign of a Tractable and Commendable Nature: And in all Causes of Passion admit Reason to Govern.

59TH: Never express anything unbecoming, nor Act agst the Rules Moral before your inferiours.

60TH: Be not immodest in urging your Freinds to Discover a Secret.

61ST: Utter not base and frivilous things amongst grave and Learn’d Men nor very Difficult Questians or Subjects, among the Ignorant or things hard to be believed, Stuff not your Discourse with Sentences amongst your Betters nor Equals.

62ND: Speak not of doleful Things in a Time of Mirth or at the Table; Speak not of Melancholy Things as Death and Wounds, and if others Mention them Change if you can the Discourse tell not your Dreams, but to your intimate Friend.

63RD: A Man ought not to value himself of his Atchievements, or rare Qualities of wit; much less of his riches Virtue or Kindred.

64TH: Break not a Jest where none take pleasure in mirth Laugh not aloud, nor at all without Occasion, deride no mans Misfortune, tho’ there Seem to be Some cause.

65TH: Speak not injurious Words neither in Jest nor Earnest Scoff at none although they give Occasion.

66TH: Be not forward but friendly and Courteous; the first to Salute hear and answer & be not Pensive when it’s a time to Converse.

67TH: Detract not from others neither be excessive in Commanding.

68TH: Go not thither, where you know not, whether you Shall be Welcome or not. Give not Advice without being Ask’d & when desired do it briefly.

69TH: If two contend together take not the part of either unconstrained; and be not obstinate in your own Opinion, in Things indiferent be of the Major Side.

70TH: Reprehend not the imperfections of others for that belongs to Parents Masters and Superiours.

71ST: Gaze not on the marks or blemishes of Others and ask not how they came. What you may Speak in Secret to your Friend deliver not before others.

72ND: Speak not in an unknown Tongue in Company but in your own Language and that as those of Quality do and not as the Vulgar; Sublime matters treat Seriously.

73RD: Think before you Speak pronounce not imperfectly nor bring out your Words too hastily but orderly & distinctly.

74TH: When Another Speaks be attentive your Self and disturb not the Audience if any hesitate in his Words help him not nor Prompt him without desired, Interrupt him not, nor Answer him till his Speech be ended.

75TH: In the midst of Discourse ask not of what one treateth but if you Perceive any Stop because of your coming you may well intreat him gently to Proceed: If a Person of Quality comes in while your Conversing it’s handsome to Repeat what was said before.

76TH: While you are talking, Point not with your Finger at him of Whom you Discourse nor Approach too near him to whom you talk especially to his face.

77TH: Treat with men at fit Times about Business & Whisper not in the Company of Others.

78TH: Make no Comparisons and if any of the Company be Commended for any brave act of Vertue, commend not another for the Same.

79TH: Be not apt to relate News if you know not the truth thereof. In Discoursing of things you Have heard Name not your Author always A Secret Discover not.

80TH: Be not Tedious in Discourse or in reading unless you find the Company pleased therewith.

81ST: Be not Curious to Know the Affairs of Others neither approach those that Speak in Private.

82ND: Undertake not what you cannot perform but be carefull to keep your promise.

83RD: When you deliver a matter do it without passion & with discretion, however mean the person be you do it too.

84TH: When your Superiours talk to any Body hearken not neither Speak nor Laugh.

85TH: In Company of these of Higher Quality than yourself Speak not til you are ask’d a Question then Stand upright put of your Hat & Answer in few words.

86TH: In Disputes, be not So Desireous to Overcome as not to give Liberty to each one to deliver his Opinion and Submit to the Judgment of the Major Part especially if they are Judges of the Dispute.

87TH: Let thy carriage be such as becomes a Man Grave Settled and attentive to that which is spoken. Contradict not at every turn what others Say.

88TH: Be not tedious in Discourse, make not many Digressigns, nor repeat often the Same manner of Discourse.

89TH: Speak not Evil of the absent for it is unjust.

90TH: Being Set at meat Scratch not neither Spit Cough or blow your Nose except there’s a Necessity for it.

91ST: Make no Shew of taking great Delight in your Victuals, Feed not with Greediness; cut your Bread with a Knife, lean not on the Table neither find fault with what you Eat.

92ND: Take no Salt or cut Bread with your Knife Greasy.

93RD: Entertaining any one at table it is decent to present him wt. meat, Undertake not to help others undesired by the Master.

94TH: If you Soak bread in the Sauce let it be no more than what you put in your Mouth at a time and blow not your broth at Table but Stay till Cools of it Self.

95TH: Put not your meat to your Mouth with your Knife in your hand neither Spit forth the Stones of any fruit Pye upon a Dish nor Cast anything under the table.

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