Its joys attractive,
Of hell I have no fear,
For Christ, my Lord, is near,
In battle active.
In just a little while
The strife is ended,
And I from Satan’s guile
For aye defended.
Then I, where all is well,
In heaven’s glory,
Among the saints shall dwell,
And with rejoicing tell
Salvation’s story.
Therefore children of God should rejoice.
Children of God, born again by His Spirit,
Never ye cease in His name to rejoice;
Jesus believing and saved by His merit,
Come we to Him with a jubilant voice.
But even a child of God must not expect to escape from the common trials and
perils of life. God promises assistance but not exemption to those who love Him.
In the following striking hymn, Brorson vividly pictures both the trials and the comfort of a child of God.
I walk in danger everywhere, [7]
The thought must never leave me,
That Satan watches to ensnare
And with his guile deceive me.
His cunning pitfalls may
Make me an easy prey
Unless I guard myself with care;
I walk in danger everywhere.
I walk through trials everywhere;
The world no help can offer.
The burdens I am called to bear
I must with patience suffer;
Though often I discern
No place where I may turn
When clouds surround me far and near;
Death walks beside me everywhere.
Death walks besides me everywhere;
Its shadows oft appall me.
I know not when the hour is here