Please stay together; it is easy to become lost."
By way of trestles, galleries, passages and bridges, past many a;j glimpse of men at work: scraping sea grass, shelling and pounding! molluscs, processing bamboo, weaving mats and panels of fronds, the| Bold Lions arrived at the bazaar: a low-ceilinged area of innumerable | small booths, where Yips of both genders and all ages produced and J sold articles of wood, metal, shell, glass, earthenware and knotted | cord. Other booths displayed rugs, fabrics, dolls, grotesques of a ;
hundred variants. | The Bold Lions lacked interest in making purchases. Sensing their mood, Fader said: "We will now visit the Hall of Music, where you ^ are at liberty to bestow gifts as you so wish, at no extra charge." , In the Hall of Music elderly men and women sitting in booths played ;
instruments and sang melancholy songs, each with a small bamboo pot in front of him, containing coins presumably contributed by ;
persons who had been affected by their music. Shugart Veder changed ;
a sol into small coins, which he distributed into each pot without | regard for the excellence of the music. Kirdy asked one of the ;
musicians: "How do you spend all the money you collect?" | "There's not much to spend. Tax takes more than half; the rest | goes for gruel. I haven't known the taste of fish in five years." "Pity." j "Yes. They'll have me in the Gladiators' Gallery before long. That's :
when the music stops."
"Come along," said Fader.
"Time is up, unless you care for overtime charges."
"Not at all likely."
Once back at the hotel, Fader said: "Now, in the matter of my gratuity, ten percent is considered paltry and mean."
Shugart said: "What is nothing at all considered, after you refused to take us to the rotunda and threw me in the canal?"
"Nothing at all is considered careless, and it involves wondering what you are eating when you take your meals."
"You make a persuasive point. Very well. You shall have ten percent and think of us however you like. To be candid, I am as unconcerned with your good opinion as you are with mine."
Fader could not be bothered with a comment. The gratuity was paid over; Fader accepted it with a cool nod.
"You are going to Pussycat Palace?"
"Yes; later this evening."
"You will need a guide."
"Why? The way is clearly marked."
"Let me warn you; footpads are rife! They spring at you from side corridors; you are hurled to the ground, and an instant later your money is gone. You are given a kick or two in the face for good measure, and they are gone, all inside half a minute. But they dare not attack if you are protected by a guide. My charges are nominal, and you will go to Pussycat Palace in dignity and assurance."
"What, then, are the charges?"
"Nine persons: nine sols."
"I will consult with my fellows at dinner."
As Syrene sank low, the Bold Lions, who had gathered on the terrace, settled at a table overlooking the harbor, directly above the Faraz, where it lay alongside the dock.
For a period the Bold Lions refreshed themselves with rum punches and ling-lang toddies, and congratulated themselves upon the romantic ambience of the situation.
"Naturally, we exclude the Big Chife when we discuss the local delectations," said Dauncy Diffin whimsically.
Kiper spoke bravely: "The Big Chife, bah! I've almost forgotten it. What's a bit of sunk, after all?"
"Speak for yourself," said Uther.
"I am not so tolerant."
Kiper told him: "It's all in your head! A person must have a brain well-stocked with all manner of vileness before he can identify a bad smell. My mind is noble and pure; hence I am unaffected."
"We can learn much from Kiper," said Shugart.
"When I fell in that filthy canal, he advised me to take a dispassionate view of the situation, and enjoy it along with everyone else."
Jardine grinned.
"As I recall, this was also Fader's opinion."
"I'm lucky he did not charge me for a bath," growled Shugart.
"He thought of everything else, and now he wants another nine sols for taking us to Pussycat Palace. He claims it's the only way to avoid attack by footpads, presumably led by himself."
Uther, ordinarily casual, now became incensed.
"That is extortion, plain and simple! I'm of a mind to report him to the Oomps!"
Kiper, grinning like a fox, pointed.