"Take it or leave it."
Fader shook his bronze curls in pain.
"You Araminta workers are both hard and crooked; I pity the poor girls at the Palace if your erections are of similar quality. Very well, I yield to your avarice. Give me the seven sols."
"Ha, ha, ha," laughed Shugart.
"You shall be paid upon our return. Are you ready?"
"Yes; let's be on our way."
"The Bold Lions are on the prowl!" Kiper called out.
"Girls, beware!"
"Kiper, if you please!" said Jardine.
"We do not need to advertise our indiscretions. This is by tradition a furtive activity."
"Exactly so," said Uther.
"If you insist on calling out slogans, at least identify us as the Theosophical Society, or the Temperance Union."
Aries suddenly bestirred himself.
"I'm not altogether well, but I think I'll go along just for the company."
Fader said: "You must pay the requisite fee of one sol."
"Yes, by all means! Let's go."
"Follow me, then! Do not stray!"
Fader led the group along the passages of Yipton and finally brought them to an arched portico faced with lavender dies.
A sign indi ted in blue symbols read:
Fader ushered the Bold Lions through the arch and into a reception room furnished with cushioned benches.
"I will wait for you here," said Fader.
"The routine is simple. Buy a ticket for ten sols at yonder wicket. This ticket includes amusing extras, for what is called an around-the-world voyage."
"No extras are needed!" said Uther.
"We opt for the five-sol ticket."
"That buys what is known as a coastwise trip," said Fader.
"In addition, for those who are so inclined, there is a selection of exhibitions, pantomimes, farces and pastiches, priced at various rates. The ticket agent will supply full information."
"That sounds interesting!" declared Aries.
"Just what I need for a spruce-up, and perhaps I'll feel my old self in the morning."
The Bold Lions filed past the wicket, bought their tickets, then stepped through a curtain of beaded glass strings into a long hall. At intervals doorways opened off the hall;
girls stood in the doorways watching the passing traffic.
All were young and well-formed; all wore simple knee-length white frocks.
Glawen chose one of the girls, and went into her chamber.
She closed the door, took the ticket, and slipped out other garment. Then
were on hand, Kiper arriving last, and it developed that Kiper had been the only Bold Lion to undertake an "around-the-world voyage."
Fader inquired if anyone cared to commission a special pageant;
receiving a negative response from Shugart he conducted the group back to the hotel.
"Will you be requiring my services tomorrow?" he asked.
"Most probably not," said Shugart.
"Beyond doubt you have made today memorable, and I, for one, will never forget you."