"If you're serious, there they stand: two of the elite."
Uther jumped to his feet and strode off to confront the Oomps. They listened politely as he explained his grievance, and made what appeared to be a sympathetic response. Uther turned on his heel and came back to the table.
"Well?" asked Kiper.
"They wanted to know how much Fader charged. I told them and they agreed that it wasn't too much. I asked why they did not apprehend the footpads; they said that as soon as they started to patrol
the corridors, the footpads went away and the Oomps marched back and forth to no purpose. I mentioned that the blue pamphlet said that experienced persons could visit Pussycat Palace alone in perfect safety. They told me the pamphlet was a bit outdated; that these 'experienced visitors' always tipped the tour clerk five or ten sols, which somehow seemed to mitigate the nuisance."
"Ah well," said Jardine.
"Nine sols won't break us. Let's ignore the whole matter and have our supper."
Syrene had dropped below the horizon, leaving a few long clouds glowing scarlet close above the ocean. Barefoot bare-chested boys brought tall lamps to the tables and the Bold Lions dined to lamplight as dusk fell over Yipton.
The courses were nicely presented, though lacking in zest, in the patterns of cosmopolitan cuisine, where the basic intent was not so much to please the discriminating palate as to offend no one. Portions were carefully metered and something short of lavish. The Bold Lions were not particularly pleased with the repast, but could find nothing definite to grumble about. They were served, first, a pale ambiguous broth, then molluscs fried in a light batter, with a salad of greens, salpiceta nubbins, and sea lettuce; then dishes of steamed eel on a bed of pilau, and finally a dessert of coconut meringue in clotted coconut cream, with tea and plum wine.
Cloyd sat back in his chair.
"I have just consumed the rations of an Ancient Gladiator."
"That may be true for me as well," said Jardine.
"And I am now ready to fight Fader and his footpads."
Uther looked around the panorama.
"Let us be fair. Once we ignore the Chife, the place is fascinating, weird, charming in spots, odd everywhere else, distinctive in every way; we have traveled five thou sand light-years from Araminta but I think I've had enough. I'm going home tomorrow, and the chances are very good I'll never be back!"
"What!" cried Kiper.
"Do I hear correctly? When we haven't even visited Pussycat Palace yet!"
Uther spoke somewhat primly: "I am sure that a single occasion will suffice."
"PooP." said Kiper loftily.
"You can't hope to be a true connoisseur of pit-a-pat by dashing in and dashing out like a frightened bird! Take Cloyd or Aries, for example. Do they take shortcuts or scamp the job? Never!
"Only too much is enough!" That's the slogan they march under."
"They can march as they like, and take Tours 100 through 200 inclusive, and live in the basement of Pussycat Palace, where the girls wash their stockings. It's far too rich for my blood."
Shugart as usual was judicious.
"I'm half inclined to agree--but only half. Let's wait and see how we feel in the morning."
"In full candor," said Aries, "I'm also about half ready to leave. Even a bit more: say about two-thirds ready. The Chife is not at all to my taste."
Cloyd shook his head in wonder.
"It sounds as if the festivities might be breaking up early. Dauncy, what of you?"
"I'm with Shugart. Let's see how we feel in the morning. But I suspect that anything more than today might be anticlimax."
"Kirdy, what's your feeling on this?"
Kirdy turned a dubious glance toward Glawen.
"I suppose we could profitably stay on a day or so, just relaxing out here on the terrace."
Jardine said: "Let's drop the matter for now. We all may have new ideas in the morning."
"Good enough!" declared Kiper.
"Tonight it's the grand foray on Pussycat Palace."
Kirdy put down his teacup and straightened in his chair.
"Pussycat Palace--not for me. It's just too much for one day. I'm giving it a miss."
Shugart surveyed him in wonder.
"I have known a hundred marvels at Yipton, but this is the greatest sensation of all!"
"Enjoy it for free," said Kirdy with a humorless grin.
"But why? Answer me that!"