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"Wrong, as usual," said Uther Offaw.

"The Charter was drafted by Naturalists^ with conservancy in mind."

"And nothing but conservancy," added Kirdy Wook.

Aries grumbled: "They're all peaceably dead, and we're still suffering for their mistakes."

Kirdy gave a caw of scornful laughter.

"Mistakes? Nonsense!

They wanted workers at Araminta Station, not millionaires."

"Strange folk indeed," sighed Jardine.

"Then and now."

"High-stepping old pettifoggers in tight black pants!"

declared Kiper.

"Who cares what they wanted? I know what I want, and that's what counts!"

Cloyd called out: "For once Kiper is on the mark! Bravo, Kiper!"

Shugart put on a lewd smirk.

"He'll have to wait for Pussycat Palace; then he can have as much as he likes."

"All he can pay for, at any rate," said Uther.

"Credit forms are not accepted."

Cloyd Diffin made a sly suggestion: "Since Aries is coming we should try for the wholesale rate."

Aries lowered his heavy eyebrows and scowled down the table.

"I've heard about enough of this talk! It's far off the mark, and everyone knows it!"

Shugart Veder said brightly: "Come, now, fellow Growlers!

Let's concentrate on our goals! Yesterday I saw an advertisement for the new Black Andromeda that actually made me salivate with longing!"

"Bah! Too small!" said Kiper.

"I'll take a Pentar Conquestor, maybe with recessed pods, for that sleek look!"

Jardine gave a contemptuous snort.

"Have you no taste? What of the Dancred Mark Twenty? There's true style for you! A bit pr icy of course, but what's money?"

"Nothing very important," said Cloyd.

"Just the elixir of life."

"A delightful word," sighed Uther.

"It tinkles with sweet overtones:

poetry and luscious fruits and the pit-a-pat of beautiful girls!"

"Pit-a-pat?" asked Kiper.

"What is 'pit-a-pat'? I'm old enough now to know."

"Take it and pay for it and don't ask questions," said Uther.

"That's my best advice."

Shugart said: "Money has always been our great problem, even though the basic philosophy is simple."

"I wish I found it so," said Kiper wistfully.

"Nothing to it," said Shugart.

"First, locate someone with money. Second, learn what he wants more than the money.

Third, make this available to him. It works every time."

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