Namour sipped his wine.
"What if he won't? Do you plan to bring pressure to bear? If so: how?"
"Well, persuasion of some sort. After all, what does it matter to the Naturalists?"
Cloyd demanded: "How could they stop us if we were resolute?
I hardly think they'd use force."
"Hmm." Namour mused a moment.
"They're not particularly numerous, and half of them are social idealists called LPFers."
Uther Offaw, somewhat the worse for wine, said: "Still, they claim to own the planet, and they've got the Charter to prove it."
"That's what we're told, at any rate," said Namour.
Once again Shugart pounded the table.
"Devil take them, LPFers, black pants and all! The Bold Lions insist on justice!"
Kiper, flushed in the face, cried out: "Three great growls for Shugart and his manifesto of justice!"
Kirdy said: "Quiet, Kiper! You are far too obstreperous.
Namour, you were about to speak?"
Kiper refused to restrain his advocacy.
"I'm a Bold Lion, brave and free! I want money so bad I can taste it!"
"Please, Kiper! Namour is experienced in these matters! Let him speak!"
"With pleasure! Speak, Namour, to your heart's content!"
"Only this," said Namour.
"Perhaps you are making the wrong sort of plans. Cadwal is due for change: everyone knows this. Those who will profit are those who ride the changes and control them, not the folk who lament for the old days."
Kirdy's big features twisted into ropes of perplexity.
don't quite follow you. Surely--" Namour made an easy gesture.
"I offer no program! I merely point out that it's better to win through decisive action, even force, than lose everything through hand-wringing and confusion."
Aries became excited.
"How else has the Reach been expanded across the galaxy? By games ofpattycake and cat's cradle?
Not on your life!"
Namour said: "One thing is sure. Changes are on their way.
We can't keep the Yips away from the Marmion Low Plain forever, and it may go farther than that when the time comes. And in the end, some will survive and others will not. I hope to survive."
"The Bold Lions as well!" cried Cloyd.
"That seems a sensible choice," said Namour mildly.
Jardine slapped the table.
"Namour, you may well be the wisest man at Araminta Station, in spite of being a Clattuc."
"Kind of you to say so." Namour rose to his feet.
"Well, I'll amble on and leave you Lions to roar in peace.
Goodnight, all."
On the following morning, during breakfast, Scharde took note of Glawen's preoccupation. He said: "You're very quiet.
How went the meeting?"
Glawen gathered in his thoughts from far places.
"Much as usual, or so I suppose. I heard wild talk by the bucketful, if that's any clue."