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She attached an image. It’s a photo of a handwritten note.

"Hey, Furball, that's not going to happen, I’ll tell you now." I stare at the cat. He stares back before climbing into his litter box and squeezing out a little "gift" telling me exactly what he thinks of me.


You better be fucking kidding ‘cause otherwise you can pick him up right this minute.


The last bit was a joke.

I can come by tomorrow and take care of most things. What time will you be home?

I sigh and eye the cat again, who is now scratching cat litter on top of his turd. Lovely.


I'm out all day but my housekeeper will be in until five. If you pop by at any time before five he can give you a key so you can come over whenever you want to check on him.

You haven't told me how long he'll be my guest.

It better only be a few days!

I don't really need her to come over because Gustavo can just feed that cat, but I have a feeling the offer to visit is not just to lessen the burden on me but also because she wants to see Smutty. And I will take any chance I get to spend some time with her. That’s my reward for housing the furball.


Oh, are you sure? I don't want to bother you, but I can do the whole list so you just need to give him the food in the morning.

It's only for a couple of days. Four at most.

I head to the living room and am about to drop into my recliner chair when I notice that the cat apparently agrees that this is the best seat in the house. He’s lying curled up on the leather recliner and couldn't care less that I'd like to sit there.

"Cat, move it," I command. He briefly opens one of his eyes, glances at me and then snuggles back down and ignores me. Well, fuck you too. I'm about to lift him from the chair when my eyes fall on the scratches on the back of my hand. Maybe this one time, I'll just let it pass. The sofa is comfy too, right?


No, it's fine. Come whenever.


Thank you again Ben. I mean it! I know I railroaded you into this but THANK YOU!


You're welcome!

"Furball, am I making a mistake?" I ask. Coop's words echo in my brain. Make sure you know what you do. I know exactly what I'm doing but that doesn't mean it’s a good idea. In fact I'm worried it might be the worst idea I’ve ever had.


Great Balls Of Fire


The curtain pulls back and the nice nurse from earlier tells me that she is just getting the last of the paperwork done. I should be able to leave in ten minutes or so. I nod and grab my jacket from the gurney next to me. I try not to move too much because the pain is still strong.

My phone is in my left pocket and I wiggle it out before opening my message app.


Just so you know, I'm in hospital because of your cat.

I'm about to put my phone back when it vibrates with an incoming message.


Oh my god, is Smutty okay?

I roll my eyes. Of course her first thought was for the black furball.


I'm in hospital, not the damn cat.

Are sens

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