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11. retia: rete, hunting net; in the sort of hunt described here, huge nets were spread out and slaves drove animals into them from the woods to be slaughtered by gentleman hunters like Pliny.

12. in proximo: i.e., at his side.

venabulum:hunting spear (for thrusting).

lancea:lance, spear (for throwing).

stilus: the stilus was a pointed implement used for writing on wax tablets (pugillares).

13. manus vacuas, plenas…ceras (14): CHIASMUS; cera, wax, and by METONYMY, tablet.

14. non est quod: there is no reason why.

15. ut: here, how, introducing an IND. QUEST.

17. venationi: venatio, hunt, hunting.


Pliny prefaces the first book of his letters with a dedication to his friend Gaius Septicius Clarus; latest of the letters in this book, published ca. A.D. 99.

C. Plinius Septicio Suo S.

Frequenter hortatus es ut epistulas, si quas paulo accuratius scripsissem, colligerem publicaremque. Collegi non servato temporis ordine (neque enim historiam componebam), sed ut quaeque 5 in manus venerat. Superest ut nec te consilii nec me paeniteat obsequii. Ita enim fiet ut eas quae adhuc neglectae iacent requiram et, si quas addidero, non supprimam. Vale.


Pliny writes to his friend, the historian Tacitus, about a holiday he has taken for hunting and study, probably at his Tuscan estate; written ca. A.D. 96–97.

C. Plinius Cornelio Tacito Suo S.

Ridebis, et licet rideas. Ego, ille quem nosti, apros tres et 10 quidem pulcherrimos cepi. “Ipse?” inquis. Ipse; non tamen ut omnino ab inertia mea et quiete discederem. Ad retia sedebam; erat in proximo non venabulum aut lancea, sed stilus et pugillares; meditabar aliquid enotabamque, ut, si manus vacuas, plenas tamen ceras reportarem. Non est quod contemnas hoc studendi 15 genus; mirum est ut animus agitatione motuque corporis excitetur; iam undique silvae et solitudo ipsumque illud silentium, quod venationi datur, magna cogitationis incitamenta sunt. Proinde, cum venabere, licebit auctore me ut panarium et lagunculam sic etiam pugillares feras: experieris non Dianam 20 magis montibus quam Minervam inerrare. Vale.

18. proinde: adv., therefore.

venabere: venari,to hunt.

auctore me: ABL. ABS., = following my example.

ut…sic (19):as…so = not only…but (also).

panarium:bread basket, lunch basket.

19. lagunculam: laguncula, flask.

experieris: here, you will discover, + IND. STATE.

Dianam…Minervam (20): goddesses of, respectively, hunting and wisdom.

20. inerrare: + dat., to wander in, over.

21. Minicio Fundano: Minicius Fundanus was a senator and consul in A.D. 107; we have a few letters Pliny addressed to him, chiefly on political matters, and one he wrote to a mutual friend on the death of Fundanus’ daughter.

22. quam: how (well); cp. mirum est ut in 1.6.15 above.

singulis diebus: i.e., one day at a time.

ratio…constet:the account balances; a bookkeeping term meaning that everything is satisfactory.

23. pluribus iunctisque: sc. diebus; i.e., when several days are considered together.

24. officio: here, ceremony.

25. togae virilis: when the bordered toga praetexta of boyhood was laid aside and the plain white toga of manhood was assumed, usually between the ages of 14 and 16, a coming-of-age party was held at the boy’s home.

interfui: interesse, + dat., to be present at, attend.

sponsalia: pl., betrothal, an often legalistic ceremony.

nuptias: nuptiae, pl., wedding.

ille…ille (26): ANAPHORA and ASYNDETON are used frequently and in combination throughout this letter.

26. testamentum: seven witnesses were required at the signing of a will.

advocationem: advocatio,assistance at court, legal advice.

consilium: various high magistrates and the emperor himself called on senators to serve on their advisory councils.

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