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ac-crtus, -a, -um, careful, exact, accurate

ac-curr, -ere, -curr, -cursum, run to, hurry to

accsti, -nis,f. accusation, indictment

accstor, -ris,m., accuser

accs  (1), accuse; blame, reproach

 cer, cris, cre, sharp, keen, fierce, severe

* acerbus, -a, -um, bitter, harsh, cruel; adv. acerb 

actum, -, n., sour wine, vinegar

* acis, - , f., battle-line, battle

acquisc, -ere, -quiv, -quitum, become quiet, have peace

 criter, adv. of  cer

*cti, -nis,f., a doing, action; action or legal process in court

 ctor, -ris, m., lit. doer, performer; prosecutor; actor

actus, -s,m., action, procedure

actus, -a, -um, sharp, keen, intelligent; crafty

* ad,prep. + acc., to, up to, near to, for the purpose of; as adv. w. numerals, about

ad-aequ (1), make equal, compare

ad-dc, -ere, -dx, -dictum,lit. assent; award; surrender; doom to

ad-disc, -ere, -didic, learn in addition, learn something new

* ad-d, -ere, -did, -ditum, add

* ad-dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum, lead to, bring in or to; induce

* ad-e, adv., lit. to this; to such a degree or extent, so, even

* ad-e, -re, -i, -itum, go or come to, approach, visit; undertake, undergo

* ad-fer, -ferre, at-tul, ad-ltum (adfer), bring (to), convey, cause; report; mans adferre, lay hands on, do violence to

ad-fici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, influence, affect, treat, afflict

ad-fing, -ere, -finx, -fictum, fashion, invent

ad-firm (1), strengthen, support; assert

ad-flicti, -nis,f., suffering, torment

ad-flig, -ere, -flx, -flctum, strike against, dash down, shatter, afflict


ad-haere, -re, -haes, -haesum, cling to, stick to

ad-haersc, -ere, -haes, haesum, stick to, cling to

* ad-hibe, -re, -hibu, -itum, hold to, apply, employ, show

ad-hortor, -r, -horttus sum, urge, exhort, encourage

* adhc,adv., up to this time, still, yet

ad-ici, -ere, -ic, -iectum, direct to; add

ad-im, -ere, -m, -mptum, take away

adipiscor, -, adeptus sum, win, obtain, acquire

ad-itus, -s,m., approach, entrance

ad-idic  (1), award, adjudicate, assign

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