optim, superl. ofbene
optimus, -a, -um,superl. ofbonus
* opt (1), wish, wish for, desire
* opus, operis,n., work, achievement; opus est, there is need of (+ gen. or abl), it is necessary (often + inf.)
*ra, -ae,f., seashore, coast
*rti, -nis,f., speech, oration; discourse; eloquence; language
orbis, -is,m., orb, circle; orbis terrrum, the world
orb (1), deprive (of parents or children)
rdior, -r, rsus sum, begin, commence
*rd, -dinis,m., order, rank, class; arrangement, regularity
Orests, -is,m., son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, and close friend of Pylades
orgia, -rum,n. pl., orgies, secret festival (of Bacchus)
orins, -entis,m., lit. the rising sun (sc. sl); the east, orient
org, -inis,f., origin, source, lineage
r n, -nis, m., a famous hunter slain by Artemis and changed into a constellation
* orior, -r, ortus sum, rise, arise; spring from, descend, originate
*rnmentum, -, n., distinction, honor, decoration, ornament
*rntus, -a, -um, adorned, decorated; distinguished, illustrious
*rntus, -s,m., ornament, decoration, embellishment, dress
*rn (1), equip; adorn, decorate, embellish
*r (1), speak, plead, beg, pray
Orpheus (-a, -um, of) Orpheus
ortus, -s,m., a rising; origin; source
*s,ris,n., mouth, face; tongue, speech
os, ossis,n., bone
scular (1), kiss
sculum, -, n., kiss
* os-tend, -ere, -d, ostentum,lit. stretch out; show, exhibit; declare
ostentti, -nis,f., ostentation, boasting, false show
ostent (1), frequentative of ostend, display, exhibit, show
tisus, -a, um, at leisure, unoccupied
*tium, -, n., leisure; peace, quiet
ovis, -is,f., sheep
ov (1), rejoice, exult
P.,abbr. ofPublius,a praenomen
pbulum, -, n., fodder
pacsc, -ere, pactum, arrange, negotiate, agree upon
Pactlus, -, m., Lydian river famous for the gold found in its sand
pactum, -, n., agreement, pact; qupact, in what way