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perclum = perculum

perculs, adv., dangerously

perculsus, -a, -um, dangerous

* perculum, -, n., danger, risk

per-im, -ere, -m, -mptum, kill, destroy

pertus, -a, -um, experienced, expert, skilled (+ gen. or abl.)

per-irium, -, n., perjury

perirus, -a, -um, perjured, lying

per-magnus, -a, -um, very large or great

* per-mane, -re, -mns, -mnsum, remain, abide, continue

per-mtursc, -ere, -mtru, become ripe

per-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum, permit, allow

per-molest, adv., with much vexation, with great distress, annoyance, irritation

per-multum,adv., very much

per-multus, -a, -um, very much, very many

pernicis, - , f., destruction, ruin, death

pernicisus, -a, -um, destructive, dangerous, pernicious

per-nbilis, -e, very famous

per-sus, -a, -um, hating, loathing (+ acc.)

per-pell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum, drive on, urge

perpetuits, -ttis,f., continuity, duration

* perpetuus, -a, -um, continuous, uninterrupted, constant, lasting, perpetual

Persae, -rum,m. pl. the Persians

per-saepe,adv., very often

per-secti, -nis,f., a chase, pursuit; prosecution; persecution

per-sequor, -, -sectus sum, follow closely, pursue; record, relate, describe; perform, accomplish

Persephon, -s,f., Greek for Proserpina, the queen of Hades

per-sevr  (1), persevere, persist, insist, continue

persna, -ae,f., mask (in drama); character, person

persnliter,adv., personally (late Lat.)

perspicientia, -ae,f., full knowledge

* per-spici, -ere, -spex, -spectum, see clearly, perceive

per-string, -ere, -strinx, -strictum, affect deeply, strike, move

per-suade, -re, -sus, -susum, persuade

per-timsc, -ere, -timu, become or be thoroughly frightened, fear greatly

pertincia, -ae,f., obstinacy, stubbornness, defiance

per-tinx,gen. -cis, tenacious; obstinate, stubborn

* per-tine, -re, -tinu, -tentum, pertain to, relate to, concern

per-trns-e, -re, -i, -itum, go or pass through, pass by

* per-turbti, -nis,f., disturbance, disorder; emotion, passion

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