portitor, -ris,m., ferryman
* port (1), carry, take
portus, -s,m., port, harbor
posc, -ere, poposc, request, demand
* posside, -re, -sd, -sessum, possess, hold
* possum, posse, potu, be able, can, have power; plrimum possum, be very powerful, have very great power
* post,prep. + acc. and adv.: prep., behind, after, since; adv., behind, afterwards, later
* post-e, adv., afterwards; postequamorpostequam = postquam,conj., after
posterits, -ttis,f., future ages, time to come, posterity
* posterus, -a, -um, following, future; poster, -rum, m. pl., posterity; in posterum, for the future; compar. posterior, -ius, later, inferior; superl. postrmus, -a, -um, last, worst
post-hc,adv., hereafter, henceforth
postis, -is,m., post; pl., door
* postquam,conj., after
postrmus, -a, -um,superl. ofposterus, last; worst
* postul (1), demand, request; prosecute, accuse
potns,gen. -entis, powerful
* potentia, -ae,f., power, rule
* potests, -ttis,f., power, authority; opportunity
pti, -nis,f., drink
potior, -r, pottus sum, + abl. or gen., be powerful over, get possession of, possess
* potis, pote, powerful, able, possible; compar. potior, -ius, better, more important; potissimus, -a, -um, most important
potissimum,superl. adv. ofpotius, especially, above all
potius,compar. adv., ofpotis; rather, preferably; superl. potissimum, especially, above all
prae,prep. + abl., before, in front of; in comparison with; prae-as prefix, before, very (intensive)
praebe, -re, -u, -itum, hold out, offer, present, furnish; show
prae-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, go before, precede
praeceps,gen. -cipitis, headlong, unchecked
praeceptum, -, n., precept, injunction, rule
* prae-cipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, advise, instruct, prescribe, command
praecipit (1), cast down headlong, destroy; hasten
prae-cipuus, -a, -um, especial, peculiar, distinguished; adv. praecipu
praeclr, adv. ofpraeclrus
* prae-clrus, -a, -um, brilliant, illustrious, magnificent, excellent
prae-cld, -ere, -cls, -clsum, shut off, close
prae-curr, -ere, -cucurr, -cursum, run ahead, exceed, surpass
prae-dicti, -nis,f., proclamation; commendation; in eccl. Lat., preaching
prae-dictor, -ris,m., a eulogist; in eccl. Lat., a preacher
prae-dc, -ere, -dx, -dictum, warn; instruct
prae-ditus, -a, -um (-datus), gifted or endowed with
* praed, -nis,m., robber, pirate, plunderer