strdulus, -a, -um, hissing, creaking
string, -ere, strnx, strictum, touch lightly, graze; draw tight, bind; draw, unsheath
strus, -is,f., heap
* stude, -re, -u, be eager, be devoted to, study
studis, adv. ofstudisus
studisus, -a, -um, eager, zealous, devoted
* studium, -, n., eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study; loyalty, devotion
stultitia, -ae,f., foolishness, stupidity
* stultus, -a, -um, foolish
stupe, -re, -u, be amazed, gaze at with wonder
stuprum, -, n., debauchery, sexual intercourse, dishonor
Styx, Stygis,f., the hated river which surrounded Hades
sude, -re, sus, susum, advise, urge, recommend
susor, -ris,m., recommender, promoter, advocate
suvits, -ttis,f., sweetness, pleasantness
suviter,adv., sweetly, pleasantly; gently
* sub,prep. + acc. and abl.: with acc. of motion, under, close up to; with abl. of place where, under, at the foot of
sub-d, -ere, -did, -ditum, put or place under, plunge; subject, subdue
sub-dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum, draw up, draw ashore
sub-e, -re, -i, -itum,lit. go under; undergo, undertake, endure, come to mind; approach
sub-iace, -re, -u, lie below
sub-ici, -ere, -ici, -iectum,lit. throw under; subject, subordinate; place near; subiectus, -a, -um, lying under or at the foot of, adjacent; subjected
sub-invt (1), gently (sub-) invite, suggest, hint
subit, adv., suddenly
subitus, -a, -um, sudden
sublicius, -a, -um, built on piles
sublmis, -e, lofty, on high
sub-sist, -ere, -stit, stand still, halt; remain, stay
substantia, -ae,f., substance; property
subter-fugi, -ere, -fg, escape, evade
subtliter,adv., nicely, accurately
sub-urbnum, -, n., estate near the city
sub-veh, -ere, -vex, -vectum, carry up, transport
suc-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, go under, approach; succeed
suc-cend, -ere, -cend, -cnsum, set on fire
suc-cessi, -nis,f., succession
suc-cessus, -s,m., success
suc-cumb, -ere, -cubu, -cubitum, yield, succumb, be overcome
suc-curr, -ere, -curr, -cursum,lit. run up under; rush to the aid of, help; come to mind