suf-fici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, supply, substitute, appoint (in place of another)
suffrgium, -, n., vote
su(sibi, s, s),reflexive pron. of 3rd pers., himself, herself, itself, themselves
Sulla, -ae,m., L. Cornelius Sulla, dictator in 81 B.C., infamous for his proscriptions
Sulpicius, -, m., a Roman nomen
sulpur, -uris,n., sulphur
* sum, esse, fu, futrus, be, exist; est, sunt may mean there is, there are; fore, an old fut. inf.
* summa, -ae,f., sum, amount, whole, chief point
sum-merg, -ere, -mers, -mersum, plunge under water, overwhelm, drown
sum-missus, -a, -um, gentle, calm, humble, submissive
sum-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missus, let down, lower
* summus, -a, -um,superl. ofsuperus, highest, greatest, most important; highest part of, top of; summum bonum, the highest good or goal in life
sm, -ere, smps, smptum, take, consume; assume, choose
smptusus, -a, -um, expensive; extravagant
supellex, supellectilis,f., furniture, equipment
* super,adv., above, besides, moreover; prep. + acc. over, above, upon; + abl. over, above, concerning
superbia, -ae,f., pride; haughtiness, insolence
* superbus, -a, -um, haughty, proud
super-efflu, -ere, -flux, -fluctum, flow over (EL)
super-rog (1), spend over and above
super-in-cid, -ere, -cid, -csum, fall on from above
supern, adv., from above
* super (1), surpass, overcome, defeat; surmount, pass over; survive
* superscrpti, -nis,f., inscription, superscription (EL)
super-stes,gen. -stitis, surviving, outliving
superstiti, -nis,f., superstition
super-sum, -esse, -fu, be more than enough (for), be left over, survive
superus, -a, -um, high up, upper, above; compar. superior, -ius, higher, superior, earlier, former; superl. summus, -a, -um, highest, highest part of, and suprmus, -a, -um, highest, last, final, extreme
super-vacneus, -a, -um, superfluous, needless
supervacuus, -a, -um, superfluous, unnecessary
super-veni, -re, -vn, -ventum, follow up, overtake; appear unexpectedly
suppedit (1), supply, furnish, suffice
sup-plant (1), trip up
sup-ple, -re, -plv, -pltum, fill up
supplex, -plicis,m., a suppliant
* supplicium, -, n., lit. a kneeling; supplication; punishment, penalty; pain, distress, suffering
sup-plic (1), kneel down to, pray to, worship, entreat
sup-prim, -ere, -press, -pressum, hold back, suppress
* supr, adv. and prep. + acc., above, over, beyond; upon