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149. idcirco: adv., therefore, for that reason.

150. ortum: ortus, rising, origin, source.

151. perge: pergere, to continue.

156. nam: sc. dicebat.

ut…ut (157): both ut cls. are subjs. of incidere, to befall, happen = it often happened that.

non idem expediret:the same thing was not expedient or useful (to both the friends); i.e., their objectives and priorities had changed.

158. alias…alias: adv., at one time…at another.

159. ingravescente: ingravescere, to grow heavy, become burdensome.

discidia: discidium,separation, disagreement, alienation.

plerumque: adv., generally.

160. postularetur: postulare, to demand.

161. adiutores: adiutor, helper, assistant.

162. quatenus: adv., how far.

163. Coriolanus: Coriolanus, a patrician, was banished from Rome early in the 5th cent. B.C. for resisting the authority of the tribunes; subsequently he marched on Rome with a Volscian army but was dissuaded from his attack by his mother.

Quod si tanta vis probitatis est ut eam vel in eis quos numquam vidi 140 mus, vel—quod maius est—in hoste etiam diligamus, quid mirum est si animi hominum moveantur, cum eorum qui-buscum usu coniuncti esse possunt virtutem et bonitatem perspicere videantur? Quamquam confirmatur amor et beneficio accepto et studio perspecto. Sed quamquam utilitates multae et 145 magnae consecutae sunt, non sunt tamen ab earum spe causae diligendi profectae. Sic amicitiam, non spe mercedis adducti, sed quod omnis eius fructus in ipso amore inest, expetendam putamus. Nam si utilitas conglutinaret, eadem commutata dissolveret. Sed quia natura mutari non potest, idcirco verae 150 amicitiae sempiternae sunt. Ortum quidem amicitiae videtis.

FANNIUS. Tu vero perge, Laeli.

SCAEVOLA. Recte tu quidem. Quamobrem audiamus. (26–33, excerpts)

The difficulties of maintaining friendship throughout life.

LAELIUS. Audite vero, optimi viri, ea quae saepissime inter me et Scipionem de amicitia disserebantur; quamquam ille 155 quidem nihil difficilius esse dicebat quam amicitiam usque ad extremam vitae diem permanere: nam vel ut non idem expediret incidere saepe, vel ut de re publica non idem sentiretur; mutari etiam mores hominum saepe dicebat, alias adversis rebus, alias aetate ingravescente; magna etiam discidia et plerumque iusta 160 nasci cum aliquid ab amicis quod rectum non esset postularetur, ut aut libidinis ministri aut adiutores essent ad iniuriam. (33–35, excerpts)

The proper use of friendship.

Quamobrem id primum videamus, si placet, quatenus amor in amicitia progredi debeat. Numne, si Coriolanus habuit amicos, ferre contra patriam arma illi cum Coriolano 165 debuerunt? Nulla est igitur excusatio peccati si amici causa peccaveris; nam, cum conciliatrix amicitiae virtutis opinio fuerit, difficile est amicitiam manere, si a virtute defeceris. Haec igitur lex in amicitia sanciatur ut neque rogemus res turpis nec faciamus rogati. (36–40, excerpts)

166. conciliatrix: uniter, promoter.

opinio: here, (a friend’s) belief (in).

168. sanciatur: sancire, to make sacred, ratify.

170. pro…fidem: idiomatic in exclamations, by the faith (of), in the name (of).

ut: in a limiting cl., as here, = on the condition that, with the proviso that.

171. circumfluere: to overflow (with).

172. copiis: i.e., resources, wealth.

177. coluntur: sc. tyranni.

dumtaxat: adv., at least, at any rate, only.

179. quod: and this, obj. of dixisse, referring to the point made in the preceding sent. and in appos. with the IND. STATE. se intellexisse.

Tarquinium: for Tarquinius, see note on line 134.

exsulantem: exsulare,to go into exile.

182. superbia: arrogance, ABL. OF CAUSE.

importunitate: importunitas,insolence, inconsiderateness.

186. complexa est: complecti, to embrace.

efferuntur:they are carried away, i.e., with their arrogance and self-importance.

187. fastidio: fastidium, scorn, disdain.

contumacia:obstinacy, haughtiness.

insipiente: as sapiens is a wise man, insipiens is a fool.

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