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“That’s impossible. With the gates closed, there’s no way she could’ve escaped, even if she could use magic, but she’s never bonded with a dragon, so she can’t use magic!” he shouted in frustration.

“Anders, go meet with Zahara and conduct an aerial sweep of the city. Nadir and I will summon the city watch and see if anything of use has turned up,” Ivan said, trying to make Nadir see reason.

Anders nodded while he relayed their objective to Zahara. Before she’d come to circle overhead, Nadir and Ivan had rushed off to meet with the city watch. Zahara landed softly near the outside of the elven court building.

Why couldn’t I sense where you’d gone? Zahara asked when he came to her side. Nuzzling her snout, Anders attempted to console his worried dragon, I’m not exactly sure how it works, but the prison has ancient magic that prevents others from using magic. I nearly strained myself to death trying to locate Nadir once we’d gone down below the court building to the holding cells.

Why do I sense a great relief and concern in you? she asked as he climbed into the saddle.

Something bizarre happened when we were down there. Ivan told me that the magic secured the prisoners entirely within their cells, but we were confronted by a fairnheir running loose.

Did you have to face it? Zahara asked concerned.

We nearly did, but there was this elf girl. At least she looked like a child, but when she spoke her voice was deep, making her sound older than she appeared. And she saved us. When the fairnheir was about to pounce on us, she trapped it in energy. Energy she used from my sword, Anders said as he glanced quizzically at the sword sheathed at his waist.

How is that possible, even with a decreased ability to use magic down there? How could she have used energy from your sword; it’s just metal?

That’s what we all thought, but the crystal in the hilt must be the key. Somehow, she used energy from the crystal.

Strange things are happening, Zahara replied. I can’t sense the elf queen anywhere. It’s like she vanished into thin air. Natalia was chasing her but said the queen turned around a corner and was gone. Natalia swears she had nowhere to hide; yet now she’s gone.

Maybe Merglan’s figured out a way to disrupt the magic embedded into Cedarbridge’s walls. Up until now, the elves have managed to keep this place a sanctuary safe from his magic, but perhaps with Lageena’s help, they discovered a way to unravel that safety net? Anders suggested.

You could be right. Whatever it is, it’s not good, she said. After several passes over the city without discovering a hint of Lageena’s presence within or near Cedarbridge, Zahara asked, How did Nadir take the news?

About as well as anyone who’s been told that his father has been murdered by his stepmother, who is a traitor operating in concert with our world’s most evil sorcerer. Her escape from what he’d believed was a place incapable of being broken into or out of made it all the worse, Anders said.

It’s a tragedy.

I only hope Nadir can lead his people amid all this chaos. We’ll need the elven army if we’re going to defeat Merglan, Anders said.

Are we ready for that? Zahara asked.

Whether we’re ready or not, the time has come. We’ll have to face Merglan soon or he’ll take over the five nations. Look at the chaos he’s caused already. He nearly destroyed the elven and dwarf relationship, the elven leadership is now in question, and he’s taking control of Southland. We need to try to stop him before he grows stronger, Anders urged.

It will take a miracle.

According to Merglan, we’re the closest things to that miracle that he knows of. Merglan tried to stop us from becoming bonded nearly our entire lives, yet we still managed to meet and recognize the bond. Maybe we are who he thinks we are? Maybe we were born to stop him?

Perhaps, she replied.

They’d been searching for any sign of Lageena for hours after exiting the prisons when Ivan called Zahara and Anders off the hunt. Flying toward the heart of the capital, Zahara landed near a group of armor-plated elves huddled in front of the elven court. Anders unbound himself from the saddle and hopped down from Zahara, striding hastily through the crowd. All the members of the High Council, leaders of the army and city watch, and many citizens huddled in the square in front of the cedar tree building where Nadir stood.

Shortly after Anders and Zahara joined the group, Nadir drew everyone’s attention, speaking loudly and addressing them in a firm voice. “Friends, comrades and subjects. I stand before you no longer as your loyal prince, but as your leader in this fight for justice. My father was murdered late last night, killed by the hand of his wife, Lageena. When confronted with crimes of conspiracy with Merglan and plotting to destroy the free elf nation, she fled, only stopping to kill her husband and our former king before fleeing. Upon my father’s death by her traitorous deed, the duty of leading the elven race falls to me. I will take full responsibility as the new elf king and will lead all of you, all of our people to do what is necessary.

“In my first act as your king, I hereby name the former queen a traitor and sentence her to death for the crimes of conspiring with Merglan’s cause and murder. She may have fled the city, but we’ll put her to justice before this war is over. As your new king, I’ll lead an army to the gates of Kingston and tear out the infected evil that has so recently taken root in the human nation’s capital.”

The crowd burst into applause, but Anders saw many elves shaking their heads, disagreeing or not believing Nadir’s words, several of whom were members of the High Council.

“I know some will not support my decision to fight in a war so far from our kingdom’s borders,” Nadir continued. “But I say to you, if we don’t fight now, who will? Merglan’s power has grown and will continue to grow. With each passing day, we lessen our odds of defeating him. I say we stop cowering behind our woven walls and take the fight to him before he shows up at our doors. He’s already shown that he can reach his evil hand into our lives and strike at us from within. I’ll not stand by and let this continue.

“Those of you who share my opinion are invited to join me in our march to the Glacial Melt Bays. There we’ll make ready our naval fleet, sail along the Eastland shores and rendezvous with the dwarf kingdom’s King Remli, who is in support of our cause. Together we’ll take this fight to Merglan’s front door.”

Elf soldiers whooped and hooted, displaying their support. More members of the High Council shook their heads in disapproval of a plan to leave the kingdom at such a vulnerable time.

“Spread the word and all those who will join me are to gather at the city’s south gate come nightfall. From there we’ll begin our campaign,” Nadir said and then he stepped away from the center of attention.

Anders watched as Nadir, Ivan and Natalia entered the royal court, out of sight of the host of elves gathered out front. He and Zahara waited for the crowd to disperse before approaching the towering wall of cedars where Nadir and the others had entered.

Before entering, Zahara stopped, I must bring this news to my family and the other dragons.

Anders nodded and watched her take flight, climbing rapidly out above the trees and disappearing into the blue sky beyond. He drew in a deep breath before stepping up to the large court’s door and pulling it open. At the back wall of the entrance hall, Ivan, Nadir and Natalia stood hunched over a desk. As Anders approached, he saw they were examining maps and planning their route.

“So, she’s left the city?” Anders asked, announcing his presence.

Ivan spoke without looking up from the map he and Nadir were examining, “We’ve spent nearly ten hours searching the city, combing with our eyes and our minds. With multiple sorcerers using our senses to root out the queen, we would have found something by now.” He lifted his head to look at Anders and continued, “Natalia was right on her tail when it happened, she vanished.”

“One moment she was there, then poof,” Natalia snapped her fingers. “She rounded a corner and vanished into thin air. I’ve never seen anything like it. Not even trained sorcerers like Ivan and myself have mastered that kind of magic. I’m not sure how they did it, but Merglan must have gotten her out of here.”

“That’s impossible,” Nadir interrupted, leaning heavily over the maps spread wide before them.

“Not necessarily,” Anders began. He thought he might know how Merglan could have reached Lageena with magic, regardless of the magical barriers protecting everyone and everything within the city.

“What do you mean?” Nadir snapped. It was the first time Anders had seen him so impatient. Until now, the elf had remained in control of his emotions, but the stress of it all was beginning to show. The outburst was uncharacteristic. Anders wondered if he was fit to lead the elves into battle on such short notice.

Ivan eyed him suspiciously as Anders reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of folded paper.

“What about crystals,” Anders said, unfolding the paper and placing it on the desk.

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