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Many of the dark-haired Rolloans on the beach smiled when Anders climbed down from his perch on Zahara’s back. Anders could still pick up some hostility from older warriors who’d been around to partake in The War of the Magicians, but their feelings were mostly drowned out by the joy of the others upon seeing a friendly rider.

Anders politely smiled and waved as he led Zahara along the beach through the crowd of Islanders gathered to greet them. Soon he heard a commotion arising among one section of the group. Suddenly Anders heard Red’s voice booming from deep within the crowd.

“Make way, make way,” Red called out to his people.

Anders waited for Red to approach him. The crowd parted as he walked, making a path for their new chief to come and greet their surprise guest and dragon.

Once Red could see Anders and Zahara, he quickened his pace. Anders smiled, but the newly elected leader of the Rollo people maintained his predictable scowl. Red came to a halt in a circle cleared around Anders and Zahara and stood, legs spread past shoulder width. Folding his muscular, tattooed arms, he said, “Anders, to what do I owe the pleasure of this unannounced visit?”

The irritation in his voice was palpable and Anders quickly recalled why he didn’t have fond memories of the warrior brute. “Can’t an old friend come to visit every once in a while?” Anders responded with just a hint of sarcasm. Anders thought Red to be less intelligent than he was, but even Red could recognize the Anders’ slight.

“A friend, no. I don’t mind when a friend comes to visit. So, I ask you again; what are you doing here?”

“Ivan sent me. There’s a matter of urgency we must discuss.” When Red didn’t show any sign of allowing their conversation to be moved to a more secluded location, Anders added, “In private, if possible.”

Red uncrossed his arms and shifted his feet closer to stand slightly taller. Puffing his chest out to emphasize his large stature in front of his people, he declared loudly, “I’ll gladly hear what you’ve to say in my great hall. Tonight, we shall feast, not because of your arrival, but because it’s the festival of the blood moon. We can discuss what Ivan wants you to tell me then.” Red didn’t invite Anders to follow him; he merely turned his back and walked steadily through the sand back toward the city.

That was rude, Zahara said to Anders.

We can’t spend much time here. We really need to convince him to help us by tonight. We’ll have to leave again tomorrow.

If we didn’t need his support so badly, I’d not be opposed to leaving now. He’s a jackass of a man. Did I use that term correctly? she asked.

Anders chuckled, Yes, you nailed that one on the head.

What’s a nail?

It’s a…, never mind. I’ll explain it later. You used that term in the right way, he said.

Anders quickly scanned the crowd for Britt. He expected that she would’ve come forth through the gathering as Red had.

Maybe she’s not on this island or off sailing somewhere else? Zahara said, attempting to comfort him.

I’ve tried to find both her and Max, but I can’t. Maybe you’re right. She’s probably just on a different island. Well, we’d better follow Red and start these negotiations.

Anders and Zahara didn’t need to force their way through the crowd. The people parted like grasshoppers in late summer, jumping out of their way as they advanced into the city.

Argon was the capital city of the Rollo Islands. As such, the city was structured around the chief’s lodge. For more than a thousand years, the Rollo people had claimed the islands as their home. The main lodge at the center of the city was built of stone with wooden shingles gripping a steeply pitched roof. Sprawling around the main lodge, Argon consisted of many wooden houses covered with thickly layered leaves. The thatched roofs were made from the robust leaves on the tropical trees growing abundantly throughout the islands. Since the islands saw heavy amounts of annual precipitation, their buildings were built upon stilts slightly off the ground to avoid regular flooding.

Anders and Zahara trailed in Red’s wake into the heart of the city. The dirt roads were lined with these houses. Many people had boats tied to their homes so when the rains came and flooded the city, they would have a means of transportation. As they ventured deeper into Argon, the crowd began to dissipate rapidly. Most of the warrior people spent their days on the water or by the water’s edge.

Red approached the main lodge built for the Rollo people’s head chieftain. The large doors to his home were decorated with a carving of two Rolloan long-ships. Red pulled open a door using the large brass-ringed handle. Anders wanted Zahara to come inside with him, but the lodge was not quite large enough for her to fit in comfortably. When he opened the large door, Zahara came as far as the entrance. Anders walked into the lodge and Zahara stuck her long neck through the doorway after him.

Inside the lodge was one large room. Several long tables filled the otherwise empty space. A stone hearth rose from the center of the room and out through the wooden ceiling. Red was searching through a chest near the throne-like chairs perched atop a raised platform at the far end of the hall.

His eyes didn’t wander from the contents of the chest as he pulled aside parchment and other objects Anders didn’t recognize. It wasn’t until Anders cleared his throat loudly that Red acknowledged his presence.

“Yes. What do you want?” he said, barely looking up to see who it was. Once he caught a glimpse of Zahara’s large head in the entrance, he straightened up. “Anders, the feast will not begin until later tonight. I’m sure you two would like to see all that the islands have to offer. Go and explore. Come back later and we’ll talk.”

“Red, this is an urgent matter and demands your attention now. I didn’t want to discuss it in front of the whole city, but it’s about Merglan.”

“I thought we sent that old peacock running scared.”

“We did defeat a portion of his orc and kurr army, yes, but if you recall, we never actually saw him.”

“Because he was frightened by our fierceness,” Red said, stepping away from the chest and coming several paces closer.

“No. Other dragonriders were there that night. They led him away from the battle. He destroyed them while we defeated his host at the fortress. We don’t know exactly why he didn’t return after defeating the riders, but he could’ve fought us with ease.”

“What’s all this got to do with me?” Red said, crossing his thick arms again.

“Merglan’s invaded Southland. He holds his position in Kingston’s castle. A large portion of the forces sworn to defend it have been tricked or forced into serving him. The only people who’ve shown any resistance to him are the Lumbapi who’ve been forced to fight Merglan’s growing army with guerilla warfare. They’ve managed to hole up in the Drakeshead and Ramhorn provinces.”

“I still don’t see what this has to do with me or my people,” Red interrupted.

Anders let out a long breath, trying not to let his emotions toward Red get in the way of his plight. “Orcs have been reported to be gathering in the Goblin’s Grove. Merglan’s going to bring them across the narrows and into Southland.”

“Still don’t see,” Red began, but Anders cut him off this time.

“What it’s got to do with you, Red, is that you’re now the leader of one of the three nations of humanity. Southland rules over the Rollo Islands. They have been just and kind over the years. You owe them your allegiance to fight for the fate of humanity. On top of that, Merglan will not stop once he’s taken Southland. He means to rule all of Kartania. He’ll come to these islands eventually and take them and your people for his own.”

“Impossible!” Red shouted. “He’ll never take down the might of my warriors. We’re far stronger than anything he can bring. Our navy is the fastest and strongest in the world.”

“He’s the most powerful sorcerer the world has ever known! He doesn’t need a navy to beat you! He could probably do it by himself with his dragon.”

“Puh,” Red exhaled. “Doubt it.”

“Ivan and Nadir are leading the elves to rendezvous with King Remli and his dwarf force. They’re sailing to the Drakeshead from there. We’re going to bring the fight to Merglan and stop him from taking over Southland by force.”

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