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relationship Brooks humor making their novel romance trust chemistry believable engaging navigate downs confront hurts fears about commitment delves themes

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“I spoke to your mom about it first,” he says, like that clears it all up. “I didn’t want to overstep.”

“Oh, well.” I throw up my hands and sit back. “That fixes everything then.

Mom cradles her mug with a knowing smile. “After he explained, I really couldn’t put up much of a fight.”

“Anyone feel like sharing that explanation with me?” My gaze bounces between two smiling faces before I finally settle on Nathan’s. “Walking out of your office, not knowing if I would see you again, that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it was right. I know that down to my core. I needed to solve my financial problems myself to prove your friend was wrong about me. Why are you solving them for me anyway?”

Nathan takes my hand, elbows on knees, eyes on mine. “Last night, with my family, it was hard. Nick’s hurt pretty badly and his parents were an absolute mess, trying to make sense of it all. Then my uncle Lucas showed up. He spoke calmly. Acted decisively. His brother needed him, and he stepped right up and took care of everything. That’s just what my family does. We protect. We provide. We do for others when they can’t do for themselves. And that’s the way it should be, as long as you have the right people in your life. If I’m being true to myself, that’s who I want to be for you.”

“But the whole Blossom thing, and then the Fallon thing, making it look like I was doing the whole Blossom thing…”

“This is nothing like that.” Nathan brings my hand to his lips. “Blossom is a user and a taker. You are a giver. Even down to the space you keep giving me to get my shit together. I’m better with you. You feel like sunshine, like warmth and goodness and I can be true to myself with you. While everything about our break made logical sense, it didn’t take those details into account. I love you, Mina. I can’t spend another day without you.”

“See what I mean about you having a wonderful man?” Mom pats my hand in that motherly way I’ve been craving.

Tears well in my eyes. The room shimmers before one rolls down my cheek. My hands are still. My heart pounding. My brain filled with the static of confusion. And then I meet Nathan’s eyes and see his love for me shining through.

“I don’t know what to say. I love you too. And I miss you. But I can’t let you pay for Mom’s treatments. It’s just not right.”

“I only paid for the next three months. Just enough to give you some breathing room while you decide what you want to do. If I had my way, you’d quit the waitressing job tonight, but I’m going to leave that up to you.”

“I can pay you back as soon as⁠—”

Nathan puts a finger to my lips. “Let’s not worry about that. Not yet. Let’s just agree that we’re good for each other and be happy we’ve survived our first fight.”

“I’m not sure I can stop worrying about that,” I mumble against the weight of his finger. “This is all happening too fast⁠—”

Nathan presses his palm to my mouth. “I overreacted, Mina. You’re jumping through hoops to prove something I already know, so it’s really not too fast at all. If you ask me, it took way too long for me to get here and I’m sorry for that.”

I glance at Mom who bobs her head, then back to Nathan.

“When I remove my hand,” he says, “I’m going to kiss you, something I’ve been wanting to do since this all happened. Will you please stop arguing with me and kiss me back?”

I nod, my eyes on his. And then he stands, takes my hands to pull me into his arms and presses his lips to mine, while my mother claps and cheers.



“Your family get togethers are super casual,” I say to Nathan from the depths of our closet. “Why are we dressing up tonight?”

I poke my head through the doorway and catch my boyfriend grinning to himself as he lifts his shirt collar and drapes a red tie around his neck. When we first met, I wondered how The Prince of Darkness grew up in a family that feels like sunshine. In the last year, he’s become the light of my life. The two of us moved into his villain’s lair on the cove as soon as it was finished and have done our best to fill it with the best feelings, the best memories, the best energy ever since. It’s a massive improvement from my apartment at Lime Tree Bay, with its outdated tile and chipped grout. Sometimes I still can’t believe I live here. Nathan gave his old house to Mom, who protested, then cried, and now drinks a glass of wine on the patio every night, texting me pictures of the sunset like a proud momma.

“It’s my birthday. If I want to dress up, we dress up.” Nathan’s gaze wanders my body, and he smirks appreciatively. “You should wear your black dress. The one with the neckline I like.”

“You mean the one that shows all the cleavage?” I ask with an arch to my brow.

“I’ve never felt more understood.” Nathan drops a wink my way, his deft fingers working his tie into place. “What can I say, HM? You get me and I like it.” He takes my hands and pulls me into his arms, his palms trailing down my back to cup my ass.

I lean into him, smiling against his chest as I remember last year’s birthday party. “I can’t believe there was a time I was offended by that move.”

“Hey, now.” Nathan pulls back, jaw dropped. “Don’t you dare rewrite history. You were the one who grabbed my butt. Not the other way around.”

I snake my hands down to squeeze both delicious butt cheeks. “Can you blame me?”

He nuzzles my neck, going straight for that place below my jaw that sends shivers of delight down my spine. “On second thought,” he says, sliding his hands under my shirt, “I don’t think you should be wearing anything at all,”

“I’m not sure your family would appreciate that.”

“Like I said, it’s my birthday. I get what I want.”

We arrive at Nathan’s parents’ a little late and a touch disheveled. He wraps an arm around my waist and guides me up the walk and I can’t help but smile to myself. A year ago, I was shocked by the simple elegance of the home, then utterly embarrassed to be the only one who dressed up for the evening. I couldn’t stand the thought of touching the man beside me and now, I can’t stand the thought of not touching him.

A lot can change in a year.

Nathan pulls the door open for me and we step through the foyer to find his family waiting. Everyone’s in red. Dresses, ties, shoes, earrings, bracelets, jewelry. They’re dressed to kill, with me in my simple black dress. Even Mom is wearing red, standing with Collin and Harlow West, her new best friends, and her boyfriend, John McFadden, Mr. Silverfox from the hallway at Shady Cove.

“I thought we’d mix it up this year,” Nathan whispers. “Especially after I was such a dick last year.”

Before I can reply, we’re surrounded by his family. Everyone’s talking at once, wishing Nathan happy birthday and passing out hugs like candy.

Nathan’s cousin Nick thumps him on the back, with his latest girlfriend Amanda waiting to give a hug of her own. She’s sweet and funny, but Nick’s track record suggests it’s best not to get attached.

Nicholas Hutton is not the man he was.

Dark circles stand out under his eyes and his smile seems forced. While his body is mostly healed, his spirit seems muted. He’s never complained. He’s never said much of anything really, other than to insist he’s fine and tell us to stop worrying. After his medical discharge, Nick’s been untethered and unsure. Nathan’s sure he’ll find his way again, but I can’t help but think of my dad.

“Another year older,” Nick says with a wry twist of his lips.

“And wiser.” Nathan waggles his eyebrows.

“Let’s not put the cart before the horse on that one.” Nick gives a weak smile then disappears with Amanda in search of a drink.

“I wish you’d gotten to know him better before the accident,” Nathan says to me once he’s out of earshot.

Garrett crosses his arms over his chest. “I keep hoping Amanda will help get him back on track.”

“And Tillie before her, and Aisya before her.” Micah sighs, hands in pockets, shoulders slumped.

Angela stares after Nick, shaking her head with a long, sad smile. “I was shocked when he started dating anyone who wasn’t your sister.” She glances at her husband, obviously distraught.

“I don’t know why everyone thought they’d end up together.” Garrett huffs an exasperated laugh. “Charlie lives across the country.”

“So did you when we first met.” Angela gives him a look that says, ‘so there.’

“Well, he’s seeing someone. She’s seeing someone. And at the rate he’s going through girlfriends, I think it’s time everyone stops being surprised they’re not seeing each other and be happy Charlie dodged a Nick-shaped bullet. I love the guy. I do. But he needs to get his shit together before he’s good enough for my little sister.”

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