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The intention originally was to have the artide on the top Illuminati Kennedy family in two parts.

Perhaps sometime a second part can come out. So far I have only exposed a small part of the Illuminati Kennedy.. As might be expected of any "good" Illuminati family, the Kennedy. are connected to drugs, to the Monarch program, to "death" euthanasia programs, to the British monarchy, and to the various organized crimes group., mafias etc. For this issue, I merely want to cover a few aspects of the Kennedy family which I didn’t take the time to cover in the May 15, ’93 issue. One aspect is the connection of the Illuminati Kennedys to the drug trade, and another is their connection to

"death" care and the Knights of Malta. (Readers are invited to read more about the Knights of Malta in one of the last articles in this newsletter.)

After W.W. I, Joseph Kennedy worked for Galen Stone, who was a partner in the prominent firm of Hayden Stone & Co. Hayden, Stone & Co. had ties to the Rothschilds. In order to gain respectability Joe married into the Fitzgerald family. (This is a common Illuminati tactic. It seems many of the Illuminati men, look for a wife who will gain them respectability. Often wives like this are not even brought into the Illuminati activities, so that they can be the best cover possible.) Kennedy’s mob connection has been written about, but perhaps two are worth pointing out again. Joseph Linsey who was a kingpin of organized crime in New England and a pardter in crime with Meyer Lan sky was a crime business pardner with Joseph Kennedy. Joseph Linsey in fact was listed as the top contributor to Ted Kennedy’s Senate race one year. André Meyer, head of the Meyer family, was manager of the Kennedy estates. One other business pardner of Kennedy was the Bronfmans, who are powerful Illuminati figures in Canada. Kennedy was in business with Newark’s Reinfield Syndicate of which the Bronfman’s owned 50%. Winston Churchill, whose connections to the elite, are brought out in other newsletters, personally gave the grant to Joe Kennedy which gave him the Brit. alcoholic distiller’s franchise for the American market. After Joe Kennedy became the Amer. Ambassador to Britain, we can catch a glimpse of how powerful the Illuminati are. The British Royal Family at the request of Joseph Kennedy put on their full royal regalia for the Kennedy family. When Kennedy arrived in Britain as American ambassador, he contacted the Astors and the Sassoons. Sir John Wheeler-Bennett founder and head of RIIA’s research division is credited by those in the know as having written Kennedy’s master thesis, which was later made into a book Why Engand Slept.

Perhaps one of the items that best shows the hidden power behind Kennedy is his daughters marriage to William Cavendish and Joseph Kennedy’s comments about it. Kathleen married the Duke of Devonshire. The Duke of Devonshire was very prestigious position within the British nobility. Dukes are second only to the monarchy. Joseph Kennedy was often heard saying. "If Kathleen and her 8

husband were living, I’d be the father of the Duchess of Devonshire (first Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen) and the father-in-law of the head of all the Masons in the world." (Koskoff, David E. Joseph P.

Kennedy: A Life and Times. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., p. 378.) Joseph Kennedy was in the British branch of the Knights of Malta which is called the Order of St. John. Interestingly, Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis’ sister Lee married Prince Stanislaus Radziwill. The Radziwill family established the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (that’s the Knights of Malta) in Poland in 1610.

They also helped establish the Order in the U.S. (See the article on the Knights of Malta this issue.) Another tie in between the Kennedies and the Knights of Malta concerns the Hospice movement. The Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics (located at the Jesuit’s Georgetown Univ.) is helping fund the Knights of Malta’s hospice movement in America. In Oct.

1978, the first annual meeting of the National Hospice Organization took place. Sen. Edward Kennedy was one of the two keynote speakers. What is the hospice movement which is being conducted by the Hospitallers (one of the names the Knights of Malta go by)? It is a movement to allow old people "The Right to Die.’ The Knights of Malta have an ancient history of running drugs and in administering mind altering drugs in their hospitals instead of giving medicine. This ancient activity was carried forth into modern times when their St. Christopher’s hospital in London began giving patients Brompton Mixture until they died. Brompton Mixture consists of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, tranquilizers, and chloroform water. This mixture is given in the Knights of Malta hospitals to patients every three hours until they die. Euthanasia, or "mercy killing" may seem like a merciful idea, until a person finds out how the people at the top of the Euthanasia movement view things. They view things similar to the satanist Adolf Hitier. This view is that it is merciful to get rid of unwanted people.

Although the "death" hospice movement seems benevolent at first, it is the conclusion of where the program will end up that is the kicker. Hospice, Inc. which is linked to the elite is also provided funding by the Kaiser Foundation. Besides ties to running drugs, the Kennedy Clan has had their problems with drugs. Ted Kennedy’s daughter Kara was on drugs and ended up in a halfway house.

Bobby Kennedy’s kids were busted for drugs. Joan Kennedy was having problems with alcoholism.

David Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. both have been addicted to hard drugs in spite of repeated treatments in detoxification centers. David later "O-D"ed (overdosed) on cocaine and died in 1984.

Pat’s Kennedy Lawford’s husband was dependent on drugs and alcohol. It is not well known that the Illuminati have long used drugs. Elite people such as the Rothschilds, Winston Churchill in London and the Royal Family were using all cocaine, heroin and opium (not to mention occult ceremonies too). Queen Victoria, thought by many to be such a straight laced lady and her guests regularly used large quantities of cocaine and heroin. The royal summer residence was Balmoral and this was the site of frequent drug use, and one has to wonder what else.


This revisit to the Kennedy’s shows some of their ties to other elements of the Illuminati’s vast scheme of things. Until people begin to recognize that the Kennedy’s wielded an occult power via their bloodline, they will not begin to appreciate why the Queen of England and her family would honor a request from an Irish commoner to have her family dress up in full regalia for the pleasure of this commoner’s family.

The friendship Winston Churchill had with Billy Graham, with Joe Kennedy, and his very close relationship with Onassis have recently been discussed. Churchill was an active Freemason. He also was a Druid, This is the picture of Churchill joininq the Albion Lodge of the Anc, Order of Druids at Blenheim, 15 Aug. 1908.


There has been new attention focussed on the Kennedys. JFK’s widow died and then his mother Rose has also died recently. Last year, I read a book which was very well researched. It is entitled A Question of Character A Life of John F. Kennedy by Thomas C. Reeves. The book does away with all the propagands, media hype and lies, and tells the truth about the Kennedys. The book is well documented. The author spent a great deal of energy trying to find out the truth about JFK. What emerges is not public image that is so well known. JFK had only about a 119 I.Q., did very poorly in 9

school, and could barely spell. JFK’s father had the wealth and connections to buy his son anything.

Although Kennedy had a back problem which made him almost crippled, his father got him into the Navy during W.W. II. When he was let in, the examining doctors looked the other way at his back problem (which plagued him his entire life). Kennedy got a commission as a Naval officer without having to go through the normal channels of training and being commissioned. As a naval officer he did a poor job, and the great PT-109 story was far different than what the public has been lead to believe. The fact that Kennedy let his boat be run over by a Jap destroyer was because he and his crew weren’t paying attention (sleeping, hungover etc.) Kennedy realized he might be court martialed for his negligence, but his father had the money to turn disaster into a story that made Kennedy into a hero.

Some of the things you will learn from the book follow. In the chapter The Founding Family we learn about PJ. Kennedy who was JFK’s grandfather. He dropped out of grammar school, but by the age of 25 he somehow had ownership of a saloon and a liquor business. Later, he sold his liquor interests and went into banking. He also went into politics and via corruption was a successful politician. He won elections by hiring men to vote repeatedly for him. Joe Kennedy remembered 2 Ward heelers proudiy telling Joe Kennedy’s father who was on the election commission, "Pat, we voted 128 times today."

Joe, PJ’s son, married Rose Fitzgerald. The Fitzgeralds were a mighty Italian clan that had helped William the Conqueror become ruler of England. Honey Fitz was her father and he had a reputation for graft and vote fraud, as well as a not so secret notorious affair with a girl named "Toodles." Rose got her education in the Catholic Sacred Heart Convent which she completed a month before her 20th birthday. Her father was removed from the House of Representatives after voting fraud was uncovered. Joe was acquainted with Roosevelt when FDR was only an Ass. Secretary of the Navy. Joe became an insider with the stock market, and knew how to manipulate stock prices to fleece the small fish that tried to play the stock market. Various gangster reported that during prohibition they had smuggled illegal liquor into the U.S. with Joe Kennedy. Joe worked with David Sarnoff and his Radio Corp. of America. Joe had an extremely varied sexual life; he had affairs with countless women, and his son JFK followed in his footsteps. Joe bought a 15 room, nine bath home in Hyannis Port, Mass.

on Nantucket Sound. This became a favorite summer home of the Kennedy clan. He also bought a six-bedroom Spanish style house on the fashionable North Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach, FL which became the clan’s winter home. Rose is described as ‘self-centered, stingy, prudish. and often spiteful.’ Her servants called her "madame". Rather than being the model mother that is pictured to the American public by the Kennedys, she was often gone. JFK told his mother off at age 5, "Gee, you’re a great mother to go away and leave your children alone." As an adult, JFK confided to a friend. "My mother was either at some Paris fashion house or else on her knees in some church. She was never there when we really needed her....My mother never really held me and hugged me. Never! Never!’

Further, his father’s lack of respect for his mother led JFK to say, "My mother is a nothing." (p.40) Imagine growing up without a mother to hug and kiss you! JFK’s father ‘tolerated littie nonsense and no disobedience." (p.33) The life JFK lived at home was not a life of compassion, but one of rigid obedience. The children were stripped of many things ordinary children would have. They didn’t even have their own rooms. (p. 41) Most children have a room of their own sometime in which to place their belongings and nick-nacks. The few times JFK as a boy invited friends over, they were frightened to death at how his father would fly into a rage and give the Kennedy boys a tongue-lashing. The children were not allowed to express pain. For instance, when one of the Kennedy’s were hurt and came to his mother for sympathy she ordered, ‘On your feet, now you know how to behave.

Go out there and behave as you know you should.’ It is highly likely this strictness was related to some type of mind-control which even then was practiced by Satanic families. Joe had his daughter given a prefrontal lobotomy and then banished to a nursing convent. From then on his daughter Rosemary did not exist. One wonders what the full story was about Rosemary. Was she sexually abused as is done to so many of the elite’s daughters of Satanic families? Felix Frankfurter who played such a prominent role with Charles T. Russell was a good friend of Joe’s.

JFK managed to hide from the public during his life the fact that he wore glasses, and also to some degree his intense back pain which hurt him intensely. On page 40 we learn that JFK was unable to ever have a self-revealing conversation. JFK had a total lack of ability to relate, everything was very 10

surface in his relations with people. He was very skilled at picking up women, and getting them to bed. And he had many good friends. However, he didn’t have the ability to love or relate to others.

This is another clue that he may have had some type of SRA abuse. On page 40, Reeves writes, ‘At the root of it were months of loneliness and their parents often selfish, insensitive behavior." But I wonder if it didn’t go deeper. From what I know from informers it goes deeper and involves SRA. JFK

wasn’t even told of his brother Teddy’s birth, until he came home from boarding school and discovered he had another brother. JFK was very unsuccessful at most everything he did. His father had so much influence and power that he could get his son out of almost any difficulty. A friend of JFK’s recalled, "With Jack, nobody really admired what he did or respected what he did but they liked his personality. When he flashed his smile, he could charm a bird off a tree." At the age of 17, Jack went to Harlem to a brothel. Later, he nicknamed his sexual organ JJ." Meanwhile his father was the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an informal adviser to Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. I might add here, that if you look closely you will find the Illuminati Kings are the advisers to the Presidents. I have mentioned some of these already, like in the article on the Bundy Illuminati family. Another example may be found in the book The Old Boys- The American Elite & The Origins of the CIA by Burton Hersh. On page 41 of The Old Boys we learn that President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy was Nelson Rockefeller. The most dangerous situation this country has ever been in was the threat of the Russian military, and who was the primary advisor to our President Eisenhower during his term as a U.S. President during the Cold War?

Iliuminati King Nelson Rockefeller. JFK went for one year to the London School of Economics according to the story given the public. Actually he went there for one month, didn’t do any academic work and came back home. But it is significant that his father tried to send him to a school in which so many of the elite have gone to. JFK had help in writing and putting out a book entitled Why England Slept Henry Luce, who headed Time-Life and who was a good friend of Joe Kennedy gave the book good publicity in Time magazine, and his father bought between 30,000 to 40,000 of the books and stored them in the attic and basement of his Hyannis Port home in order to make Jack’s (JFK) book a best seller. When JFK went to California in 1940, one of the places he stayed at was with William Randolph Hearst, who is another Illuminati figure, at his coastal castle. Hearst would give help to Kennedy later on too. When Kennedy ran in politics, Heart’s Boston American wouldn’t even accept Kennedy’s opponent’s paid political advertisements. Joe Kennedy worked for the FBI after W.W.II.

(p. 59) JFK’s favorite sister Kathleen, married William Harrington, who father was the tenth duke of Devonshire, a pillar of the Church of England (called the Episcopalian church in the US.) and a high ranking Freemason. After marrying him, she had an affair with aristocrat Peter Milton, Lord Fitzwilllam. After Joe, Jr. died, JFK’s father started grooming JFK to become President. After Jack was elected to the House of Representatives, his three best congressional friends were Richard Russell, Spessard Holland, and Robert A. Taft. Notice that two of these are from well-known illuminati families, the Tafts and the Russells. By the way, the occult Tafts and occult Russell families have intermarried. Because there is so much disinformation out about the people who run this country, it must sometimes seem rather bizarre that people like me come along and say there is a satanic conspiracy of great magnitude. If Americans were as a whole critical thinkers and would challenge the propaganda that the controlled media gives them, then the false fronts and false public images of their leaders might not get written up so easily as history. There are not many critical thinkers in this nation.

There are a great many intelligent people, but not a great many critical thinkers. A conspiracy of great magnitude has had this nation in its grips since the nation was founded, and the controlled press has managed to prevent the general population from finding this conspiracy out. The Kennedy Family has played a role in that conspiracy. JFK gave his life to that conspiracy. The assassination of JFK is one of the best ways to introduce Americans to the conspiracy. Ralph Epperson who gives taiks/slideshows about the NWO to groups likes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated.[1] The Monarch mind-controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since most people don’t even know that they exist.


[1] The co-editor of this on-line book talked to Epperson and he denies this and says the woman was an SRA victim and thought herself to be some government project, but not a Monarch victim. [editor's note]


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995

The Li Family

In writing about the Li family and Chinese secret societies, I am like the man who wakes up in the middle of the night while everyone else sleeps and then gropes around in the darkness trying to feel his way. I can share with you what I’ve learned, but undoubtedly there is a great deal more that can be learned.

When the year started I knew only a little about the Li family, and that only from what I had heard. I didn’t even know how to spell their name right. I was spelling it Lee (Actually the Li family name is spelled Lee in some areas such as Hokkien, Teochew, Singapore and by some chinese Americans.) Because I knew so little about the family, it was one of my primary areas of focus when doing UNDERSTANDING HOW CHINESE NAMES ARE JOINED

A Chinese is name is made up of a family name (surname), which is written first, and then comes the personal name. In the chinese way of things my name would be Springmeier Fritz. Family names are usually of one character each, although there are exceptions like Ouyong and Situ. There are over 6,000 Chinese surnames for about I billion Chinese. The more frequent chinese surnames in English speaking countries such as the U.S., U.K., & Aust. are Chan, Lin, Li, Wong, Huang, Mei, Yang, Chin, and Fong. In mainland China the 5 top families are Chen, Li, Zhang, He, and Huang.



The chinese surname Li is a very popular name in China, perhaps not as widespread as Smith in this country, but certainly used as much as the name Brown is in America. Chinese who have the same surname have much more loyalty to someone else who has the same surname. For instance, two chinese with the Li name would consider themselves relatives even if they were total strangers. Even if two people knew no blood ties, if they had the same surname it has generally been considered incestuous to marry each other in China. In the U.S. if two Browns without any apparent blood ties met each other, they would not feel as if they were close relatives which two Chinese with the same surname would.

The Li surname has a long history which goes back to a specific person named Emperor Zhuanzu who was the first Li and lived before 2000 B.C. This is according to the Xing Zuan, the chinese dictionary of surnames.

The Li family has a long history in China with many stories. During the Tang Dynasty about 15

different surnames were given the honor of having the Li surname. Li Yuan was the founder of the Tang Dynasty which lasted from 618 to 906 A.D. His son who ruled after him was Li Shimin. In their dynasty, printing and paper money were introduced to China. (It’s interesting that the Li’s are connected the introduction of paper money.)



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