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In recent history three Li’s stand out as giants.

· The billionaire and de facto ruler of Hong Kong Li Ka-shing.

· Li Peng the ruler of Red China.

· Lee Kuan Yew President (& dictator) of Singapore I don’t know which of the Li’s are closely related and which are not. I do know that Li’s control Red China, Hong Kong, and Singapore and have important positions in Taiwan. If the various Li’s which control these various nations are related, then we are certainly looking at one of the most powerful families in the world. In terms of power, they would be just as powerful as the Rockefellers. They also connect to secret occult societies, but the secret societies which the Li’s are major players in are the Chinese secret societies. Those will be covered elsewhere in this newsletter.


I have learned from a source that Li Ka-shing and the powerful Hong Kong Li’s are definitely part of the Satanic llluminati Li’s. in terms of whether the Li’s who run Red China are part of the Illuminati, I know nothing that directly connects them. However, there are clues that make one wonder. For instance, why do the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have such a cosy relationship with these Red Chinese Li’s. Why does the Premier (or Prime Minister) of the People’s Republic of China Li Peng visit with the Rockefellers and other capitalists when he comes to New York City, if he is such a hard-line communist? Haven’t the Communists named the CapitalIsts their major enemy? And then when we watch men who are In the Illuminati such as Skull & Bones George Bush treat the Chinese Li’s with such closeness, even when it was Li Peng that crushed innocent people at Tiennamen Square, it makes us wonder still. In fact, with other pieces of the puzzle that I have in place, I do know that Red China is already cooperating with and part of the New World Order. The only way that China could already be secretly part of the New World Order Is for it’s leaders who are the Li family to be in favor of the New World Order. This strongly suggests that the Li family In China is also part of the Illuminati. From what I know the range of possibilIties range from them being only sympathizers with the NWO elite to them being outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view.

Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New World Order. They went to a cashless Society before anyone else. One of the Li family who spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawryer, was dictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite.

As an example of his dictatorship, Lee didn’t like long hair on men, and so men coming into Singapore with long hair would have their passports taken away and either got a haircut or went to jail. In 1959, when Brittain gave Singapore its Independence the Li family (In this case also spelled Lee) controlled the People’s Action Party which ruled the country. In 1976, the People’s Action Party monopolized politics so much that they won all 69 seats for Parliament. Lee Kuan Yew was placed into the all-powerful position of President in 1965, where he remained I belIeve until 1991.

Singapore’s leaders made Singapore very anti-communist during the cold war, and when Nixon began his trips to woo China., Singapore began making goodwill political mission to China. In 1975, Lee’s henchman Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam went to China and met with Chou En-lai. Chou En-lai was the mentor and friend of U Peng.

U Peng’s early life.


Actually, to be more specific after Li Peng’s father, who was a leading communist, was shot by the nationalists In 1931, Chou Enlal more or less adopted Li Peng and raised him. Chou Enlal got U Peng into Moscow’s school system, where, when the Russians finally realized his brilliance wanted to keep Li Peng and train him for their own purposes, and U had to escape to back to China. For whatever reasons Li Peng was an advocate of the Soviet style of economics. Before being placed into his prominent position that he holds today, Li Peng managed China’s economy for many years.

Lee met Mao

In 1976, Lee Kuan Yew himself met with Mao Tse-Tung (then the leader of Red China). Mao Tsetuag himself is closely tied to the Li family. Li Ta-chao was the head of the communist party in Northern China during the fighting with the Nationalists. Mao’s bodyguard was a Li family member Li Yinqiao. Mao’s mentor was Li Ta-chao, who had ties to the Red Spears Secret Society. Other early high ranking communists such as Chu Teh, Ho Lung, and Liu Chib-tan had memberships in the Red Spears Secret Society and Li Ch’l-han an early communist leader was a member of the Green Gang Secret Society. We will cover more about the Li family and Its relationship to Chinese Secret Societies later, as weil as explaining some about the various powerful secret fraternities. It may well have been Li Ta-chao’s guidance that lead to Mao Tse-tung writing the first systematic attempt by a Chinese Marxist to characterize the class basis of secret societies, and emphasizing their importance for revolution. Mao cooperated with the Ko-Ino Hui, a secret society, that helped his revolution, but strangely the official collection of Mao’s works neglects to include Mao’s appeal to them for help.

(This neglect is noted on pg. 4 of Popular Movements & Secret Societies in China. 1840-1950) Mao Tse-Tung is also a product of the Harlot Christian church. Mao as a boy had wanted to learn of Christ and attend a Missionary school, but when he went to it, they threw him rudely out because he was Chinese. Mao never forgot the bad treatment he received at the hands of Christians. That explains in part his hatred of Christianity.


The Rothschild, and the Rockefeller families have a very high respect for the Chinese and Japanese people in relation to some of the other peoples in the world. That is one reason why China and Japan are being given the chance to be important players in the New World Order.

The powerful Li family in Hong Kong is part of the Illuminati This family maintains a good public reladons. They are philanthropists. Billionaire Li Ka-shing donated money to create a University in Shantou in South China. The cost of the University & its teaching hospital were reported at 85 million U.S. dollars In Fortune Magazine 7/13/92, p. 107.

The following chart shows Li Kashing’s financial empire, which extends worldwide.

60 Broad Street

New York City Li's share

(with Olympia & York)

Estimated value of building $100 million

Star TV, Hong Kong


countries in Asia and MidEast)

Star’s capitalization: $300 million

HUSKY OIL, Calgary

Husky Oil, Calgary value: $1.3 billion


BANK OF COMMERCE Toronto Bank’s market value $4,3 billion

- PACIFIC PLACE, Vancouver

$2 billion property development


$1 billion property developmnent with partners

According to Fortune Magazine, 7/13/92, p. 106, Li Ka-shing is worth 4 Billion Us. dollars. Another article motes that he made HK$13.4 billion from real estate sales in 1991 alone.

Li Ka-shing has lived in the same house on a hill Hong Kong for 30 years. Li Ka-shing had little to no formal schooling. He is self-taught. His sons have been weil educated at Stanford. Victor became an engineer, and his other son Richard majored in computer science and is running Star TV In Hong Kong.

Other wealthy friends of Li

Kashing get together with him regularly to play poker games.

U Ka-shing is chairman or chief executive of his four big companies in Hong Kong. He hires both chinese and western executives for day-to-day management. Simon Murray, a Dalton who served in the French Foreign Legion, is one of Li’s trusted managers. Murray had worked for Jardine Matheson, a business owned by one of the Committee of 300. U has built global alliances with British companies, and has part ol Pearson, a British holding company which in turn as interest in Lazard banking Arms In N.Y., London, and Parts. As one can see Li Ka-shing is doing business with the big boys of International Banking. Li also has Joint ventures with MTV, AT&T, Motorola, and Time-Warner. Li’s Star TV broadcast 5 channels to viewers all the way from Israel to Indonesia. The programming comes from the BBC news, and MTV, and some minor pardners. Li is giving Madonna and the rest of Hollywood to the Asians. Li also invested in Vancouver, B.C. He bought the Expo 86

site which Is 1/6th of downtown Vancouver. 27% of Vancouver’s 560000 citizens are of Chinese descent. Vancouver is a Triad stronghold. This will discuss elsewhere 4

Li Ka-shing has been allowed by the elite to buy into Canada’s Husky Oil. He could not have done this without the elite’s tolerance. The Oil and Gas Journal, Nov. 18, ‘91, p. 36 states that U now has 86 % of Husky Oil.


The hugh Bank of East AsIa (BEA) Is run by U Kwok-po. BEA has gone into partnerships with such Illuminati-connected companies as G. Warburg. Li Kwok.po (also known as David Li) also serves in the Hongkong legislature as the councilor who represents the banking community. He is also a vice-chairman of the committee drawing up the future Chinese administrative region that Hong Kong will soon become. He was chosen for this position by the Red Chinese because ‘He was chosen by the Chinese mainly because or his family background. The extended Li family, with most of its members holding British passports, is one of the territory’s rich and influential old families.’ (Far Eastern Economic Review, June 1989, p. 47) Li has been urging the Hong Kong people to trust the Communist Chinese government. David Li did not comment on the Tienamen square massacre when asked. David Li holds a full British passport and can go anywhere be wants. Most people in Hong Kong have only a Hong Kong passport that gives them British citizenship but doesn’t entitle them to travel.

David Li’s uncle is Simon Li, who was a justice of appeal in Hong Kong,, and also selected for the BLDC. His other uncle Ronald Li was the former chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and a member of the Basic law Consultative Committee. Ronald Li and his son got caught using their Stock Exchange positions in corrupt money making offenses, and were to be brought to trial. I don’t know how it turned out.

Another uncle Li Fook-kow was elected in Sept. ‘88 to represent the Hong Kong financial community in the government.

When the scandal broke concerning the elite’s BCCI, the Hong Kong branch—Bank of Credit and Commerce Hongkong (BCCHK) was shielded from investigation. BCCHK’s chief executive Tariq Jamil who could have been called upon to answer questions skipped the country. Hongkong authorities made no attempt to stop him. David U got involved and suggested that the Exchange Fund be used to help his BEA acquire BCCHK.. Another key figure in the BCCHK,, was Louis Saubolle, who was previously Bank of America’s chief contact with Red China. Louis Saubolle has travelled to mainland China regularly since the 1940s. He is rumored to have done dubious practices while chairman of BCCHK, but he left the country for destinations unknown.

· A Li heads up American Express International in the area.

· Li. Pel Wu was one of the five best paid chief executives In banking in 1990.

· Some of the Li family In Hong Kong have taken on the trappings of Christianity behind which are their other nefarious activities. One Li, Florence Tim Oi Li, has become a lady Catholic priest.

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