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for the reference to consult concerning this entire section.) There are several versions of how the Kennedys got started, but when one goes in and examines things, what turns out is that the origins of the Kennedys is Ireland are very clear. They are descendants of Brian Born (also known as Brian Caeneddi) and his nephew who spelled it Cinneide.

The name thereafter was O’Kennedy. They originally were a Dalcassion sept, and were in the area near Killahoe, and Killokennedy parish is a reminder of that ancient fact. The O’Briens and MacNamaras forced them into new territories where they became the Lords of Ormond--what is now north Tipperary. Most Kennedys in Ireland today are still found in that area. The Kennedys remained powerful into the 16th century.

The Kennedy family divided up into 3 branches:


1. Don (brown)

2. Fionn (fair)

3. Rua (red)


Around 1600 a Scottish branch of the Kennedys appeared. There are several stories as to how they got their name Kennedy, and it is possible that they were not from Ireland. However, interestingly, genealogists have ascertained that whether the various branches of the aristocratic Kennedys in Scotland and Ireland may have different origins (because the origins of the Scottish branch is unclear)-

-it can be shown that they all subsequently intermarried and became related if they were not related to begin with. Gayle Marie Kennedy points this out on page 3 of her book My Kennedy Ancestors..., ‘It is believed that all the foregoing Kennedy families are related either by virtue of being descendants of common ancestors, or by intermarriage." I looked up in Burke’s General Armory to get a listing of the aristocratic Kennedys and here is what I got:

Kennedys of Ardmillan, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Auchtyfardell, County Lanark, 1752

Kennedys of Blairquhan, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Clowburn. County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Cultura, County Down, Northern Ireland

Kennedys of Dublin Fun Ent, 1595, Ulster, Ireland

Kennedys of Girvanmains, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Hill Foot, Ireland

Kennedys of Kirkmiehael, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Kirmucks, Aberdeen, Scotland

Kennedys of Londonberry, Northern Ireland

Kennedys of Tombrechan, County Tipperary, Ireland

Kennedys of Underwood, County Ayr, 1850, Scotland

Kennedys of Visit Dublin, 1607, Ireland

Johnstown-Kennedy of County Dublin, Ireland

Kennedys of Bargany and Ardstencher, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Kirkhill from the Bargany group, 1678, Scotland

It is clear that there have been quite a number of powerful aristocratic Kennedys. One of the more powerful recent Scottish aristocrat Kennedys was the Marquess of Ailsa (1872-1943). Because he is often called the Marquess of Ailsa you might not know him by his name Archibald Kennedy, who was the 15th Earl of Cassillis. This branch of the Kennedys married into Scottish royalty. For instance, Sir James Kennedy married Mary, a daughter of King Robert III, and their son was Sir Gilbert Kennedy was made Lord Kennedy before 1458. Archibald Kennedy was an extremely powerful Freemason and held numerous key positions in the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He was 1st Grand Principle from 1913


to his death in 1943. At his death his titles passed to his brother Charles. Archibald Kennedy was initiated in Holyrood House Lodge No. 44, Edinburgh, Nov. 17, 1896. (10,000 Famous Freemasons, Vol. l,--put out by the Missouri Lodge of Research, p. 8)


So the question always arises as I examine the elite of the Illuminati and the New World Order--how is this Kennedy related to this other Kennedy. For instance, how is David M. Kennedy (who is a Bilderberger) and William Jesse Kennedy III (who is a key man for the Duke Illuminati family--he is pres. of Mutual life Insur. Co, a Duke financial asset, dir. of RCA, trustee of the Ford Theater where the elite killed lincoln, and associated with the Pilgrim Soc. through the Conference Board of NYC)??

Although I can’t explain the exact ties, I can safely say that if one goes back several hundred years the Kennedy aristocrats all tie together.


One of my first clues that the Kennedys had something to do with the Illuminati was the conspiracy book The Widow’s Son-- The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles (Vol. 2) by Robert Anton Wilson.

Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, authors of "Illuminatus!" are not Christians. On the contrary, they are regular participants in the central Ohio Starwood Festival for witches and pagans. Robert Anton Wilson has publicly on a number of occasions explained that he is a gnostic and a great fan of Aleister Crowley. I picked up Wilson’s book The Widow’s Son in a Satanic/New Age bookstore. In both volume 2 (the teaser chapter at the end) and in volume 3 of The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles one is taught the significance of Brian Caeneddi, the first Kennedy, and how Brian Caeneddi’s blood got into some very important royal bloodlines. It is interesting that an informed man like Wilson, who spends time doing rituals with Gnostics and Witches, would declare that the Kennedy family is an important bloodline in connection with the Illuminati. How many people knew that Tip O’Neil, speaker of the house of representatives, was a descendent of the Kennedy clan? Wilson writes for New Agers and witches, not for Christians. One gets the feel that his experience with the occult has somehow given him a very good idea of what is going on in terms of the Masons, the Illuminati, etc.

He writes his books in such a way that they are historical novels with a great deal of facts, and yet one is always left wondering by the style of writing whether the author wants to be taken serious or not, is what he writes make-believe or history padded with some fiction? I personally believe it is just the way the occult works, they expose the facts for their own people, but in a way that will not be taken seriously by others. Wilson acts like a buffoon one minute and a serious conspiracy researcher the next, and he will act both ways all in one article or even on a single page of his books. When a person checks up on Wilson’s facts, they usually hold true. On my part the information about Brian Caennedi was astounding. I had to go as soon as possible to verify it from other sources, and it turns out Wilson was accurate about their genealogy,10 and their importance in the Illuminati activities historically, etc.


One of the chief lodges for the branch Illuminati prior to 1784 was located in a hugh chateau at Ermenonville near Paris, France. The land belonged to the Marquis of Gerardin, who protected Rosseau and later gave Rosseau a tomb on his estate. St. Germain precided over this Illuminated lodge. This Illuminated lodge carried out blood rituals with a altar made from human bones.

Interestingly, one of St. Germain’s good friends who came over from Ireland to Paris was Matthew Kennedy (1652-1735). Matthew Kennedy was connected with St. Germain’s court, and wrote A Chronological. Genealogical and Historical Dissertation of the Royal Family of the Stuarts. In 1613, the Stuart family had married into the Sang raal, and began to play a role in the genealogies of the Prieure de Sion. Frederick of the Palatinate after he married Elizabeth Stuart established an occult

‘Rosicrucian’ state. It was Frederick who helped start the bloody 30 yrs. war between the Protestants and Catholics. The Stuarts spread the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry throughout Europe. For a while the Prieure de Sion seems to have backed the Stuarts, but at some point quit. St. Germain is revered as a Christ figure by the I AM movement and the Church Universal Triumphant, and other new age groups.

A picture that looks similar to Christ, but which is actually a picture of St. Germain hangs in many of 3

the houses of people involved with the I AM movement or its spin-offs. It is significant that an Irish Kennedy who was interested and liked the Stuart dynasty would be part of St. Germain’s court and a popular writer for them.


If John F. Kennedy had not been assassinated and so much about his life examined and written about, a window allowing us to see the Kennedy Illuminati family may never have opened so wide. First, the assassination attracted attention. In recent years, the Illuminati have given permission to publishing houses to print exposes of J.F.K.’s sexual life, etc.11 It is believed that this permission was given in an effort to deflect criticism of his assassination by allowing his reputation to be tarnished.12 (I hope my readers are beginning to realize that things are totally corrupt at the top, and that JFK was no different than so many others that have been and are today at the top of the political mess in this nation.) John F. Kennedy had a very active sex life, even after he married Jackie, and even after he was President in the White House. For those who don’t think secrets can be kept by the elite, one only has to look at how John F. Kennedy was able to have sex with many women while President and to have frequent nude swim parties at the White House pool and the general public not know anything about it.13 John F. Kennedy’s lust for women was well known by the elite. Illuminatus McGeorge Bundy warned his friend JFK (while JFK was a Senator) that John’s openness with women might get him into trouble with the public. John F. Kennedy was so open about his sexual habit, that at one party at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. John F. Kennedy openly had sex with one pardner in front of the party, while his friend Senator Estes Kefauver did the same. Then they swapped pardners and began again in plain view. John F. Kennedy had many "one-night-stands" as the world calls them.

These were merely women hustled up by his aides or the secret service or his friends like Frank Sinatra. But Kennedy also had long term relationships with some of the women he was sexually active with. It is those relationships which reveal so much about the hidden Satanic side of the KennedYs.

John F. Kennedy had three long term girlfriends, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, and Zsa Zsa Gabor which were ALSO girlfriends of Anton LaVey, who has headed the Church of Satan. Jayne Mansfield was a high priestess of the Church of Satan. Marilyn Monroe was a participant in LaVey’s satanic rituals before LaVey founded his Church of Satan. Both JFK and his brother Robert Kennedy had affairs going with Marilyn Monroe, and both visited her just prior to her mysterious death. Zsa Zsa has been interested for years in the occult. (JFK also had relationships with other women connected with the Illuminati also.) Before we examine the significance of these three relationships of JFK’s, and before we get into his liaisons with other women who were Illuminati connected, let’s cover the relationship between Anton LaVey and the Illuminati. California was very fertile soil for Satanism due to a host of factors. Two lesser known factors are that there were Haitian communities which practiced voodoo in California at the early part of this century. Also California became a haven for witches and Satanists fleeing from France, So. America, Cuba, and other places where their Satanic practices were not tolerated. California had a reputation for acceptance of their evil rituals. When one adds to this such things as Hollywood it is easy to see how San Bernandino valley has become such a strong Satanic center. Anton LaVey’s maternal grandmother was from Transylvannia. It was from that side of the family the Anton got some encouragement toward the occult. Anton La Vey loved horror movies.

He studied Aleister Crowley, and the O.T.O. which had lodges in California which is where he lived, and in 1947 he joined the Clyde Beatty Circus. The Beatty family connects in with the Illuminati families also by the way. LaVey worked for several circuses and learned how to be a showman. He worked the occult sideshows of the circus, and found that people wanted to believe occult frauds.

Anton LaVey found Marilyn Monroe, a jewish girl, working as a striptease in the strip clubs. LaVey helped her performance, and through his connections got her started on her big career. LaVey used his talent of showmanship to create a type of Satanism that could be marketed to the public. LaVey always manages to walk a tight-rope between openly supporting hard-core Satanic practices such as human sacrifice and being just simply theatrics. In other words, he blatantly supports enough evil to attract evil people, but he publicly never allows himself to be connected in any way with child molestation, human sacrifice, etc. Anton LaVey was into Satanism before the 1960’s, but it was not until 1966 that he founded the Church of Satan. Some hard core Satanists feel he is "all show," other hard core Satanists form covens and try to serve Anton LaVey, because they view him as a role model.


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