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Delaware legislature (republican) replaced Henry (a republican) with a democrat. But in 1899 when the Senate seat became available and another one in 1901 too they could not come to any agreement on a selection of a Senator because Henry A. DuPont and John Edwards O’Sullivan Addicks the two republican leaders were fighting so much.

Consequently in 1899 Delaware only had one U.S. Senator and from 1901 to 1903

Delaware had no U.S.Senators.

L.HeislerBall ( 190345,1 919-25) also served Del.as state treasurer -- Freemason.

James H. Hughes (Sen. 1937-42)- Freemason, also was Del. Sec. of State Richard R. Kenney (Sen. 1897- 1901), Freemason, also adj. general of Del.

Arnold Naudain (Sen. 1830-36), Freemason, Grand Master of the G.L. of Del., also state senator (‘36-39),

John G. Townsend (Sen. 1929-42), Freemason, banker, alternate delegate to the U.N. General Assembly in 1946.

James M. Tunnell (Sen. 1941-47), Freemason, 32°, also lawyer John Wales (Sen. 1849-51), Freemason, Pres. of Nat. Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine, sec. of state of Del. 1845-49.

William V. Roth. Jr. (Sen. 1971- ) CFR, Trilateral Commission, also on the Rep. Nat. Comm.

The DuPont gunpowder factories dominated the industry. Within only a short time after getting started in 1802 they had the best quality gunpowder in the world for the general market. Every war the United States has fought starting in 1802 with the war against Tripoli (today Ubya) and the Barbary Pirates until the incursion Into Somolia this last year the American military has depended upon DuPont gunpowder. Henry du Pont (1812-1889) took over command of the gunpowder manufacturing when he was thirty-eight. He was very authoritarian and was known as Boss Henry.

His narrow-minded, backward and authoritarian thinking ran the DuPont company into the ground in spite of their control of the gunpowder market. When he died, Alfred I. duPont, Pierre Samuel du Pont II (1870-1954), and Thomas Coleman du Pont (1863-1930) took over various DuPont manufacturing affairs. This triumvirate revived the aging Du Pont factories. They bought out the rest

of the gunpowder manufacturers, giving them an absolute monopoly in the munitions industry. They modernized the DuPont factories and put the DuPont businesses back Into top shape.

On August 22, 1857 the du Ponts lost their first family member to an explosion, Alexis duPont. The duPonts had always beea in the forefront on safety at their gunpowder factories, but that did not prevent them from having to suffer repeated explosions over the years. An explosion at a gunpowder factory is easily set off and very deadly. The tutor that was hired in 1852 to tutor the DuPont children, R. Page Williamson, described in his letters to Virginia that the duPont children were very spoiled and difficult to work with. In 1872, Henry duPont brought together Laflin & Rand and Hazard Powder Co. in order to form a Gun Powder Trade Association. What the Association did was to eliminate competition between the three largest manufacturers of gunpowder, and create a monopoly for this cartel. Eventually DuPont bought out the other two plus numerous other small gunpowder companies. I suggest that everyone who believes that the DuPonts and the rest of the elite are capitalists, should take another look at history. These men do not believe in capitalism, they believe in monopolies--which boils down to the same thing that occurs under communism. When these people described their setting up a monopoly they call it "bringing order and stability to a fragmented and chaotic industry." In 1889, Alfred I. du Pont attempted to bribe French officers in charge of the production of smokeless gunpowder to give the secrets to him. But no amount of bribe would work, as the Frenchmen knew they would lose thefr lives if they gave the secrets to him. The British were not any more helpful. Ufe was not all peaches and cream. Fred was murdered. William du Pont (1855-1928) was trapped in a marriage with a duPont cousin, May du Pont, that he ditn’t want to be married to. Louis Cazenove du Pout a handsome, intelligent young - committed suicide with a bullet in the library at the Wilmington Club. Alfred was shot in the face by accident on a hunting trip. The duPont family had their share of heartaches, broken marriages, insanity, etc. When Mary Belin married into the family she brought some Jewish blood. As a major part of the budding military industrial complex the DuPonts during the 19th century had to work with the army and navy. The army and navy convinced them to Implement a contract with the Coopal Co. in Belgium for smokeless powder, which when the formula was received was found to be inferior to what the American were already producing. However, this whole episode ended with the DuPonts going with their own formula and setting up a new plant at Carney’s Point, New Jersey. This hits the highlights of the family history in their first 100 years in this nation. To celebrate their first hundred years, every living descendent of the first Pierre Samuel was invited to a great banquet. A building was built to house them. They numbered over 100. At each person’s table setting was a special gift of a gold coin, prepared especially to commemorate this centennial. On Jan. 1, 1900, the DuPont tribe celebrated.

The DuPonts are shrouded in so much secrecy, that their secrecy is not even known. When Eugene DuPont, the chief executive of the family gunpowder/high explosive business died near the turn of the century, none of the other DuPonts hardly even a vague idea of how much the company was worth or what assets it had. (At that time the DuPonts had powder plants in PA, DEL, Iowa, and TN. The DuPonts are much the same today, except that their assets are perhaps ten times better hidden, not only from outsiders but from themselves. The DuPonts have in general made their money the hard way-by working and producing, in contrast to the other top families. The DuPonts are to be commended on this, even If at times they have been very tight on what they have given their workers.

The DuPonts have also shown an amazing ability to keep their dynasty alive. There seems to be an increasing invisibility to their family.


One of the people who bad been Involved for a short time with the Illuminati, and is now a Christian told me that they could remember the name The Society of the Cincinnati and that they knew nothing about the organization, but that it had something to do with the Illuminati. But what is this organization?

Without anything but the name I began my investigation. At first look it seemed like some old ladles genealogy group who are descendents of revolutionary soldiers.

However, as I carried out what promised to be a long term research project on the Society it began to appear that something big was behind this organization. One reference stated, "The Society of the Cincinnati # 1783 # it is likely that no Englishman feels a greater sense of pride in being a Knight of the Garter, or Scotsman, a Knight of the Thistle, than an American feels in being a member of The Society of the Cincinnati." WOW. DOUBLE WOW! Here is an organization that essentially no one I know has even heard about, and yet an American would feel a great sense of pride in belonging to it.

Interesting. Not only that, but I knew what the Order of the Garter is!! The Order of the Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300. They are diabolical men. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. Lord Palmerston is an example from history of another similar example of a KnIght of the Garter who was totally corrupt, pretended to be a Christian, and practiced Satanism. I found out that the Massachusetts legislature had had some of its senators and representatives concerned for the welfare and safety of the United States, because, according to testimony on record, the Society of Cincinnati was "the beginning of a hereditary aristocracy in the U.S. dedicated to subverting the Republic." The Massachusetts Legislature declared the Society of the Cincinnati "dangerous." And yet speaking for the public for all the legislators trouble, the truth is nobody has even heard of the Society of the CIncinnati, let alone known or guessed it was dangerous.

When the United States was created it operated under the Articles of Confederation. It was a confederation of Independent states-each of the states printed their - money, passed their own laws, etc. The federal government was simply a League of Nations-type body. The Society of the Cincinnati was partly responsible for getting that changed. The Society of Cincinnati favored a very strong central government, a national bank, etc. The Freemason Baron von Steuben is credited with starting the organization. The Mason Pierre L’Enfant who designed the CIty of Washington with its hidden occult symbols also designed the logo for the Society of the Cincinnati. Every president of the United States has worn the Diamond Eagle jewell of the Society of the Cincinnati. Wow. And I hadn’t even heard about it until I got this tip from this ex-illuminatus. Benjamin Franklin was an honorary member. The Marquis de Lafayette was a member. George Washington and James Monroe were Original Members. At least 15 Presidents have been honorary members. Pres. Franklin Pierce and Zachery Taylor (his father was an Original Member) were hereditary members. Many of the high ranking Masons who were also officers in the Revolution were Original Members. Three prominent Freemasons who were big in the Society of the Cincinnati were Henry Beekman Livingston (1750-1831), James Mann (1759-1832), and Hardy Murfee (1752-1809). Hardy served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina beginning in 1789. I noticed that many very busy elite People were spending a lot of money and time on this Society, whatever its purpose was. The Society had a museum, and a headquarters building in Washington, D.C. on Massachusetts Ave, N.W., and state chapters. But why? The stated purpose of the organization ditn’t seem to explain the interest people put into the organization. Why spend time belonging to an organization whose only purpose is to commemorate the fact that all Its members are descendents of Revolutionary War officers? The purpose of the organization is "To render permanent the cordial affection subsisting among the officers." O.K. I can understand a group of officers who are all veterens of a war getting together. But their descendents? We are talking about a war whose fighting basically ended in 1781. That’s over 200 years ago. Would my busy descendents care to visit with some other Vietnam vets’ great-great-great grandchildren 200 years from now? Yet, my 1983 World Almanac (which lists in fine print about 1,300 associations) gives the membership of the Society of the Cincinnati at 2,800. Other sources indicated that the organization had an affiliate organization in France. But how? How could an organization which was open to only descendents of select Revolutionary Officers be so Identical in purpose to something in France for frenchmen? I could understand why, but only If the stated purposes were not the whole story. As you can see I was very suspicious of the Society of the Cincinnati, it appears I had stumbled onto something big. But I hadn’t been able to tie the Society in with the Illuminati-until I stepped up my research on the duPonts. The tie-in between the Illuminati and the Society of the Cincinnati came when I began investigating what I thought might turn out to be an obscure Person. His name was Leighton Coleman (1837-19??) and he was married to Francis

(Fanny) Elizabeth, daughter of Alexis Irenée du Pont (1816-57). Alexis died in an accident. Occult bloodline power can pass through women or men, so it was worth it to investigate Leighton Coleman.

Leighton Coleman turned out to be the Bishop of the State of Delaware for the Episcopal Church. He was a prime mover in the temperence movement (which I had already discovered was Illuminati controlled). Further Leighton was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Pennslyvannia, Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar, and chaplain of the Delaware Society of the Cincinnati. Another of the top 13 Illuminati families is the Kennedy family. There is a connection to the Society of the Cincinatti with this family too. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (ex-wife to both J.F.K. and Aristotie Onassis) had a grandfather named Major Bouvier, who invented a family genealogy which was mostly fiction which was self-published in 1925 as Our Forebears, but tbe fantasy Bouvier genealogy allowed him and his sons Bud and Black Jack to get into The Society of the Cincinnati. (see A Woman Named Jackie , by C. David Heymann, p. 18) All three Bouviers were very proud of their memberships and would proudly display their boutonnieres on their labels showing membership.


The successful three Du Ponts, Alfred, Coleman, and Pierre that together took over the gunpowder factories ended up in some serious infighting after a few years. Alfred divorced his wife to marry his cousin, and the Coleman and many of the others did not approve of the marriage. Alfred and the others got Into some serious family infighting. In 1913, Alfred at one point letting his rage get the better of him, got the Delaware legislature to pass a special law changing his first wife’s sons name to spite his first wife. The special law passed the House in four hours secretly at Alfred’s request but failed by two votes in the Senate after the other Du Ponts found out what Alfred was trying. Alfred built his cousin-wife Alicia the most expensive house on the east coast. In 1910 dollars, the lowest estimate is $2 million, but the actual cost may easily have been several times that. The name of the mansion was named Nemours. The main grounds of the Nemours estate are 400 acres enclosed by an 9-ft. wall. Broken glass was embedded in the concrete on top of the wall. Beyond the 400 are 2,000

acreas that make up the estate. From 1906 until 1920, the du Pont family broke up into two factions that waged a civil war in various arenas. Alfred I. DuPont led a political campaign that fought the corruption of Coleman DuPont’s forces. Up to that time politics and voting. and vote counting were totally corrupt. By April, 1918 Alfred had defeated Coleman for control of Delaware’s politics. In 1911, Alfred bought the principle daily paper in the area the Wilmington Morning News. In 1916, after successfully blocking his uncle Henry A. duPont from being reelected, Alfred duPont bought control of 9 Delaware newspapers. in 1932, on a trip to Egypt Alfred found a dog be named Mummy that was his familiar spirit. In the biography about Alfred which I read it said, "Alfred had scored over his sister Marguerite. Let her collect Virginia ghosts if she wanted them. Only he had a reincarnated Egyptian mascot who could produce wonders as great as those of Aladdin’s genie." (Alfred Du Pont by Joseph F. Wail, p. 593) Alfred L du Pont himself wrote this in a letter to the Rev. Baker P. Lee (23

May ‘32) about his familiar spirit, "I have one or two more jobs for Mummy and then I will give her a vacation before I put her to work again." (He wrote at least one other letter where he talks about the magical powers of his dog. which was his familiar spirit. Mrs. Cazenove Lee, Jr. got a letter mentioning Mummy’s powers too.) Alfred died in 1935. Ed Bali and Jessie Ball du Pont (his widow) took over control of his estate. Ed Bail increased the Alfred I. duPont’s fortune and became the most powerful man in Florida. Ed Bali’s wealth passed the Billion dollar mark in the 50s or 60s. In the late 1960s, political enemies were able to attack the wealth of Ed Ball with new legislation and some investigation of the misuse of his money hidden in the foundations. In 1981, Ed Bail died. in 1985, Ed Ball’s widow claimed that Ed’s sister Jessie had actually murdered Alfred I. duPont in 1935. She claimed that while Ed was alive she had been too afraid to tell the truth about Alfred’s murder. Forbes magazine carried the story in Oct., 1965. T. Coleman duPont, went in business with President Taft’s brother Charles P. (member of the Skull & Bones) in 1910 to build McAlpin Hotel in New York City.

(Taft’s other brother Horace was a member of the Order of Skull and Bones. In fact, the Taft family which dates back to Braintree Mass. in 1679, helped start the Skull & Bones Order and at least eight Tafts have been in the Order.) This was the first of a series of luxury hotels. Coleman bought New York Equitable Life Assurance Society, which was America’s largest insurance company. N.Y.

Equitable Life Assurance company undoubtedly brought Coleman in touch with other Illuminati elite.

He belonged to the Rittenhouse in Philadelphia. He was the director of a number of things including the Union National Bank, in Wilmington and the pres. of Central Coal & Iron Co. along with a few other coal and Iron companies. T. Coleman has been mentioned already in connection to the Du Pont Gunpowder Business, which he ran for a number of years as head honcho. During W.W. 1, the Du Ponts made a mint. The company had $9 million surplus in its treasury. The result was that Du Pont absorbed General Motors. The DuPonts also went Into the chemical business. The american government had seized the German Dye Trust, and the DuPonts were given their patents. The Du Ponts began to build a great chemical empire on the synthetic, such as shatterproof glass, paints, rayon, nylon, dyes, photographic flim, rubber, chemicals, drugs, etc. Only the Dow Chemical Company is any competition with the DuPont chemical operation. Alfred Victor duPont (Alfred I.’s son) served only as a private in the marines during W.W. I and was on board several ships. And yet for some reason when W.W. 11 broke out, he was made a consultant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1943 to 1945. He was an Episcopalian.

Emile Francis duPont (1898- ) graduated from Yale, like a number of duPonts have. He was important lay person within the Episcopal church. Pierre Samuel duPont belonged to the American Philosophical Society. He also wears the rosette of an Officier de Ia Légion d’ Honneur. (How or why he got this I haven’t found out.) He was on Delaware’s State Board of Education, 1919 - 21 . He was the President of General Motors from 1920-23 when he turned it over to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Pierre Samuel started what is called "the buddy system" where DuPont and GM’s management worked together. DuPont saved GM from extinction after W.W.I and has watched over GM since. Robert L

duPont, Jr. is a research psychiatrist. He has done research at Harvard. He was the delegate for the US. at United Nations Commislon on Narcotic drugs (1973-78). He is especially knowledgable about what drugs will do to a person, which le an area of his research. And Francis Marguerite du Pont (born 1944 in Duluth, Minn.) is deep into research into genetics. Those of us, who know what these people want to do, cringe when we see that some of the top genetic researchers are connected with Satanic families. Every American almost everyday uses a Du Pont product. When I began learning what the DuPont industries produce it is utterly astonishing. Anything that involves chemicals is under their production. Herbivores and fertilizers for farming. cosmetics and nylons for women, chemicals for all types of industrial production, textiles of all kinds, cleaning fluids such as when you clothes are dry cleaned. The list can go on and on. Most of us are using DuPont products almost continuously all through the day! General Motors, the explosives and gunpowder monopoly, the chemical monopoly (which its tens of thousands of products) gives the duPonts enormous financial leverage. The DuPonts obviously are in close cooperation with the elite involved with oil-because so many of their products are derivatives of petroleum products. In 1940, it was estimated the duPont famIly was worth $5 billion. Today, their total worth must be many billions of dollars, not to mention the enormous power they wield. The very survival of the United States military is dependent upon the military products of the DuPonts.


Although the DuPont companies -the principle DuPont company is E.L. DuPont De Nemours & Co (whose 1991 revenues were $38.7 billion)- are run by many executives who are not duPonts, the duPont family does quietly pull the strings in the background. Many of the executives are men whose philosophy of life matches the duPonts. It is very clear that the DuPont companies are being used in a big way to move us toward the New World Order. The first item on this, concerns how the Du Pont workers are being Indoctrinated. I received a video of the Pecos River Training near Santa Fe, N.M.

that DuPont workers in the east are sent to. I also looked at a magazine article about this training (indoctrination) in the article "Go Take A Flying Leap (for the company)" (Successful Meetings June 1992, pp.59-62). A christian brother who works for the DuPonts in Tennessee has been secretly undermining the efforts of the DuPont company leaders to turn the workers into New Agers. With the help of Christians in the plant, this Christian brother finds out what is planned, and then does his homework so that he can proof to the workers how New Age ideas are being brought in to subvert their thinking. The company changed from calling all its people "employees" to calling them initiates.

The people at the plant were to all be sent to the Pecos River Training by DuPont, but due to the exposure of their New Age subversion, people are not allowing themselves to be led by the nose. This brother sent me a video of the Pecos River Training. and there are scenes in it where "strangers" are kissing each other-well, not exactly strangers because the training is designed to break down individuality and to create a group think with intimacy. Initiates are taught ,,don’t slay the ego, ego is your servant." Another magazine article in (June 1992, p15-16) tells about the five type of thinking that the DuPont company is trying to instill in their people. They are 1. lateral thinking; 2. metaphoric thinking; 3. posItive thinking (this is also called visualization-or in the occult witchcraft); 4.

assocIation trigger; 5. rapturing and interpreting dreams. An employee environmental awards program was installed where employees can win money by submitting their environmental suggestions. (Personal Journal Aug. ,92, pp 60-71.) Many of the readers of this newsletter are already aware of how the environmental issue is contrived and controlled by the elite. One of the items our new-agy Dept. of Education secretary Alexander tried to get going was for education to shift from the schools to the factories. This is a process that the Illuminati want to implement to further take us into a total slave state. Interestingly, DuPont has been getting into the act by spearheading Delaware’s BRT task force, in which students will attend seminars at Du Pont facilities. The DuPont company is employing A.A.-that is artificial intelligence. The neural networks are to the point they can learn from their mistakes. DuPont is taking us into Brave New Worid. They were the first ones to initiate with Fax NOW a rapid customer service called fax-on-demand. Du Pont is now in the process of becoming totally global. They already have plants in a number of South American countries, Mexico, Canada, US., Korea, Japan; and several european nations. They have been trying to figure out how to enter the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS--what used to be USSR). Apparently, they lost some money already in that regards. The ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries- which is allied with the Warburg family) in England and DuPont swapped plants. Imperial Chemical Industries has had their headquarters in Wilmington, Del for some time before this swap. DuPont got ICI nylon plant, and ICI got DuPont acrylic plant in the states. Why? So both companies could become more international. Or in the words of someone else to "focus resources on businesses where each can develop stronger global positions." (See Economist, 10/3/,92, p.76) The swap will give DuPont 43% of the European market for nylon fibers used to manufacture carpets.

Dupont has built a $20-million research center in Bad Homburg, Ger. DuPont has been spending according to a recent article $1.27 billion on research. Some of Du Pont’s research la in "risky" areas, that means that it is difficult to see how the research can financially benefit the company. ThIs has been admitted by the company.

The Aviation Week and Space Technology, 10/26/92 issue, p. 64,66 talks about the sophisticated composite materials that DuPont is producing for state of the art space and aviation vehicles. (I Imagine some of these composite materials are finding there way to the secret UFO bases, and DuPont may well be producing some of the parts for these secret anti-gravity machines. The article states that Boeing Defense and Space Group, Lockhead Aeronautical Systems Co., General Dynamics and DuPont and Hercules, Inc. are working together on aeronautics projects. Boeing and Lockhead are definitely involved with the production of flying saucers, so this may be a good due that DuPont is too. The article states that DuPont has been a leading supplier for advanced US military programs. An example of the sophisticated materials that the DuPonts are producing is XTC; the first recyclable, class-A finish thermoplastic sheet molding compound for horizontal exterior body panels. It is a flexible, porous; interwoven sheet of polyethylene berephthalate-impregnated long-glass fiber.

General Motors (DuPonts) selected the material for use on their air-intake manifold on certain 1993

V-6 engines (Modern Plastics. ",Automotive Show Features Lots of Toughened Materials", by Stuart A. Wood, April 1992 issue, pp 66-69.)

The CEO of E.l. du Pont de Nemours & Co. is Edgar Woolard who took over in 1989. Edgar is innovative which will be beneficial in the '90s with all the upheavals coming. One item that the Illuminati have planned is to put things Into our major cIty water supplies Interestingly, DuPont has research facilities and a Chamber’s Work facility in Deepwater, New Jersey which both deal with water treatment. The du Pont family today i represented at the sixth Illuminati level -the Pilgrim

Society. I am convinced their power also run higher, but want mor information/research to bring it out to the open. One book said that th du Ponts were one of the top three influential famIlies in the United States today. Whether one is aware of the secret Satanic power of the duPonts or not, it is inescapable to conclude that thi family is exceedingly powerful in the United States beyond comprehension.

Every facet of our lives is influenced by products whose production is still ultimately under the control of the duPont family of control. For those people who subscribe to the theory that the world is divided between oni the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, look at the duPonts, who are truly independent of the other top families dispels that theory. To quote Karl Schriftgiesser in his book Families ",...the Du Ponts of Delaware constitute a definite dynasty perhaps the most complete dynast ever establIshed in this republic an one whIch seems destined to contintue its kingship for generations I come...Today there are seven hundred members of thi family...Every time a package of cigarettes is opened, the simple tearing of the tab is a gesture of tribute to the Du Ponts, and every time a great gun booms, with whatever cost to life or property; it echoes merrily in the feudal stronghold of this mighty clan...We must end with the direct statement that the Du Ponts today rule Delaware with an Iron hand, that their interests affect the daily lives of each one of us in some way, and that the Family moves on.

"It is, today, the great American dynasty. Close, unassailed, it keeps to itself, hides its scandals, boasts not of its good works, but continues, within American democracy, to exert its own indomitable way."


Many key books used in preparing this article can be identified by the references in the text. About 120 magazine articles were reviewed, and many key articles used are identified in the text. Several confidential interviews were also involved in developing the article, as well as the manuscript by an ex-Mason and insider who the elite murdered.


Several years ago, I developed a friendship with a man from Silverton. From that friendship I got the vibes that something was strange about Silverton, OR. Later, through my contacts, I found out that Anton LaVey’s church had set up their Oregon headquarters in Silverton. I suspect this was because Silverton had some occult activity already there. About 25 to 30 mIles southeast of Silverton, Or is Mill City and Gates. The area between this is wooded and has beautiful falls and a large park.

Now the threads of this story return to Portland. A man who saw my book The Watchtower & The Masons told me 2 years ago that be knew John Lawrence. He said I and John would like to meet, and that be would arrange it. One of the weekly papers here is the Williamette Weekly and they seem to be free of some of the stifling control of the New World Order in contrast to our daily paper The Oregonian. A research writer for the Williamette Weekly using John Lawrence’s research on the Skull & Bones Order wrote a long article in the Williamette Weekly about the Skull & Bones Order.

Are sens