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between the nations. They also suggested a high dam on the Nile. They suggested the technological transformation of the earth, and the biological creation of a new, androgynous humanoid.

(Androgynous beings are being produced in underground facilities-they are the small greys used to fly the saucers!) Progress would be brought about by a series of revolutions. (Study from Fire in The Minds of Men by James H. Billington to understand how the occult fraternities have created all the revolutions since the French revolution.) St. Simon, an Illuminatus, wanted to have a child with Madame de Stall which would become the anti-Christ. It didn’t happen, but anyway, it is significant that the person who personally intervened during the French Revolution and saved Pierre Samuel DuPont’s life was Madame de Staël. Necker along with Lafayette would later loan DuPont large sums of money for him try out his schemes in business and in forming a communist society. It’s interesting that the Physiocrats journal was Les Ephémérides du Citoyen The title has astrological occult undertones. On Jan. 1, 1769 Pierre Samuel DuPont took over the journal’s management. He became a key leader in France advocating a new order. Pierre Samuel DuPont believed in Plato’s idea of government which included a philosopher-king. Pierre Samuel was deist. He spoke of "God" but he meant nature’s deistic God, not a personal God. He believed nature was a higher God than his mechanical deist "God". Notice, the Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence also wrote

,,nature’s God". This is because the deists like Jefferson and Du Pont believed Nature was the highest God. The ambiguity of meaning has permitted people to think Jefferson was referring the Christian God in the Declaration of Independence. It is a common occurrence that Christians assume that others who use words that they use, think like the Christians. Even today, many New Agers have an easy task to snow Christians. For instance they just say, "I believe in Christ." The Masonic reference book 10.000 Famous Freemasons put out by the Missouri Lodge of Research provides this about Pierre Samuel DuPont: "When 23 he published two pamphlets on finances, which attracted the attention of the celebrated Quesnay. He then expounded the doctrines of Quesnay’s school, "the physiocrats."

Went to Poland in 1774 at the request of King Stanislaus-Augustus [a Freemason] to organize a general system of national education. When Turgot became comptroller-general of French finances, DuPont was named inspector-general of commerce....He was recalled by Vergennes to assist in negotiating with England the treaty to accord independence to the U.S. in 1789 he was a member of the States. General, but his reactionary views led to his imprisonment in 1792 .... In 1799 he emigrated to the U.S. with his family, and at Jefferson’s request, started on a plan for national education in this country. He returned to France in 1802 and was instrumental in promoting the treaty of 1803, by which Louisiana was sold to the U.S."

Pierre Samuel was a key figure in attempts to create a national education system in both Poland and the new U.S. A national education system was a Masonic/illuminati goal to control education and take it out of the hands of sincere Christians. Jefferson, who was a Grand Orient Mason of the famous Nine Sisters Lodge, and apparently a key Illuminatus, was a close friend of Pierre Samuel and was instrumental at several key points in Pierre Samuel’s life when he needed help. Jefferson arranged for the first gunpowder order (which was a government order) when the Du Ponts went into the gunpowder business. Benjamin Franklin, a key leader of several secret occult fraternal groups was also a close friend of Pierre Samuel. When Benjamin Franklin arrived Dec. 1776 in France, one of the first people who sought out to visit with was Pierre Samuel DuPont. During the next year after that, DuPont was a frequent visitor to Franklin’s residence in the village of Passy. In 1783, DuPont expected to sit with Franklin at the treaty table in Paris, but John Adams got the Americans to sign a treaty with Britian without France’s involvement.

Alexander Hamilton, whose role in the conspiracy is now known, was DuPont’s lawyer in the U.S.


During the second year of Pierre Samuel’s marriage to Made Le Dèe, Victor Made was born with the Marquis de Mirabeau as his godfather. Victor Marie Du Pont (1767-1827) was an aide-de-camp to Illuminatus Lafayette from 1789-1792. Whether Victor was a Mason in France before the family came to the United States in 1800, I do not know. Victor Marie DuPont soon got involved in Freemasonry in the United States after arriving. The following are some of the highlights to his secret Masonic career according to Masonic records.

·1808-signed a masonic petition to create a lodge at Angelica, NY

·1813--joined Washington Lodge No. 1 of Delaware

·1814-joined Knights Templars of Wilmington, Del.

·1819-Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge of Delaware (also 1822, 1823, 1825, 1827)

·1825--Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Delaware

Pierre Samuel had two more sons- Paul François (died at age 1 month), and Eleuthère lrénée.

Eleuthère lrénée followed his father’s steps in getting Illuminated. Eleuthère lrénée was a prominent outspoken Jacobin.


The Duc d’Orleans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, that is head of all the French masons, along with two other key Masons Talleyrand and Mirabeau started the Jacobins. According to the book The War of the Antichrist with the Church (a book made from the lectures of George Dillon) (Dublin, Ireland: M.H. Gill & Son, 1885) where Dillon lectures on the French Revolution he states that both Talleyrand and Mirabeau were key Illuminati. The name of the original lodge of the Jacobins was changed to Club Breton and then Jacobin Club. The Jacobins were basically an illuminized type of Freemasonry. The President of the Jacobin Club was the Freemason Georges Jacques Danton, who was a member of the famous and powerful Nine Sisters Lodge (nine sisters or nine muses is what the Pleiades is called.) Lafayette was a Jacobin, as well as the key players in the French Revolution. A very secret body of 300 key Freemasons ruled France secretly during this period according to the Autobiography of Wolfe Tone (pub. by R. Barry O’Brien, 1893). Robespierre, was both a Freemason and an illuminatus. In fact, he was both a disciple of Weishaupt and Rousseau.

Prussian Baron Anacharsis Clootz was also a Freemason and illuminatus. He also was a disciple of Weishaupt and understood better what Weishaupt was trying to accomplish. If one studies what these men taught you will discover it is what was later known as Socialism and communism. The original idea for all the French Revolution started with the Satanic hierarchy. In Nov. 1793, the true colors of this Satanic inspired business can be seen in the campaign against religion, where anyone who was a

priest in France was killed, and the Illuminati posted one of Its motto’s in public "Death is an eternal sleep." Eyewitnesses testify that Satan has a very detailed plan which he entrusts to his very select few at the top. Much of what seems coincidence and unrelated is actually according to a yery clever (diabolical) plan. Eleuthère lrénée Du Pont was a major printer for the Jacobins. He was a convinced Deist and worshipped nature too.


Later in the United States, after successfully setting up the best gunpowder factory in the world, Eleuthère Irenée DuPont was selected along with his friend Nicholas Biddle to be a director of Hamilton’s creation the United States Bank. Remember that Astor was also selected as a director of this "National" Bank.

The Mason Stephen Girard (1750-1831), initiated into Masonry in 1788 in Charleston, S.C., helped establish the second Bank of United States in 1816 and served as its director. Girard had amassed a S9 millIon fortune by the time of his death. He was born in France, and become a sea captain. Where his money came from is somewhat of a mystery. He gave large sums of his money to masonic charity.


On Jan. 3, 1800, the DuPont tribe arrived in the United States with grandiose plans. Part of the plans were to create a new society. While

Victor Marie and his father pursued grandiose schemes that tailed miserably, Eleuthère lrénée DuPont started a gunpowder business in Delaware. Irénée’s success can be attributed to several factors:

·The french government gave him top secret machinery and plans to produce the best gunpowder possible in that day. It was state-of-the-art technology, and they supplied manpower to help get started.

·The DuPonts had friends in various places that helped them in numerous ways, getting financing, business, land, etc.

·Eleuthère lrénée DuPont was intelligent, worked very hard and worked with patience. If he hadn’t had so many commendable qualities, then the Du Pont family may have sunk back in history, and another family taken their place.


The DuPont’s are a dynasty of Kings. They have been called Kings- and rightly so even if people have been unaware that they are a dynasty of Illuminati Kings. I do not know which particular men have served during the Satanic rituals. The famIly has always had a head of the family. It may be that the most powerful DuPont may also secretly serve as the highest Satanist. I don’t know who has been representing the family at the highest levels of secret Satanism (I suspect or surmise it has not been the public head of the family in modern times), but I can list the public head of the family as it passed down through time:

Persons below --years as head of family-- generation coming to America Pierre Samuel Dupont- 1739-1817- first

Eleuthère lrénée DuPont- 1817-1834--second

Alfred Victor DuPont- 18341850-third Henry DuPont- 1850-1889--third Henry A. DuPont- 1889- -fourth

These men had great authority over the tribe of duPonts. The du Ponts had family council where even the women had voting rights. The DuPonts, like the Rothschilds helped set up their children’s marriages, and many of the early ones were to cousins. For instance, much to the delight of the duPonts, Sophie Madeleine du Pont married her cousin Samuel Prancis DuPont in 1833. (2 of Sophie’s drawing occur later in this article.) The family owned everything in common, and distributed according to needs and according to the contribution that each could give to the family business. The James Bidderman, the son of Evelina DuPont Bidderman, went to France and his decedents would give the DuPonts a lineage in France. One of the families that Intermarried and were close friends with the DuPonts was the Cazenoves family. Both families were close friends with Thomas Jefferson and Albert Gallatin, I have concluded that both Thomas Jefferson and Albert Gallatin were Illuminati. Further, I discovered in a forty volume set on American Statesmen in vol.

13, p.386 that Albert Gallatin claimed to be descended from the ancient Roman Consul Callatinus.

Incredible as it may seem, the black nobility have kept track of their bloodlines. The same people ruling the world today are in many ways the descendants of the rulers in past ages. Antoine Charles Cazenove, born in Geneva, Sw. was a business partner with Albert Gallatin. During the War of 1812, the DuPont gunpowder factory since it was the primary American powder company was the known target for the British to destroy. However, the British never attacked it. The Du Ponts had organized a local militia called the Brandywine Rangers. Interestingly, their militia flag was a beehive on white silk. Lafayette visited the DuPonts in Delaware the summer of 1825.

Another important Mason who would visit the DuPonts was Henry Clay who was the American Secretary of State and head of the whig party. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and GranD Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. He was one of the Freemasons involved in a high level meeting that used the U.S. Senate Chambers on Mar. 9, 1822 for their meeting. If the duPonts were already one of the primary top families, it may well be Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. The duPonts played a role too in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns.

THE NEXT GENERATION--Pierre Samuel’s grandchildren

Eleuthère lrénée du Pont had a daughter Sophie Madeleine du Pont (1810-1888). Sophie was also her mothers name. Sophie Madeleine du Pont (her name Sophie/Sophia is popular with Moriah) wrote diaries, journal voluminous correspondence. Sophie also drew hundreds are drawings and sketches, many of them charactures of people. Of her sketches, this article reproduces two of them which bear importance to this newsletter. The first is a drawing by Sophie du Pont of one of the duPonts dressed up like Satan with long paper horns and a tail. Interestingly, according to a 12/12/1829 letter by Sophie to one of her relatives Sophie comments that the costume of Satan was mistaken "for Old Nick." (See the article on Saturn in this newsletter for evidence of the connection between Satan and Santa.) The next drawing is a drawing that went with a letter from Sophie to Clementina Smith, 21

July 1837 which is a self-portrait of what Sophie calls "blackies" (black servants) who "toted"

(carried) her to her bath in a special chair. This drawing is included to show how wealthy the DuPonts were within a short time after coming to Delaware, U.S.A. Alfred Victor DuPont, who took over as head of both the family and the factories making gunpowder, was married to Meta. Meta was into Swedenborgianism, which was a type of mystical religious Freemasonry, that was based on the swedish mason Swedenborg’s teachings. Alfred Victor apparently didn’t feel anything negative toward this. His wife Meta organized a Swedenborg church in town. Around the CIvil War times, the DuPonts became less identified with Deism and more Identified with the Episcopal church. Joanna Smith DuPont was Instrumental in this change. One of the families that the DuPonts would marry with was the Cazenoves, who were Episcopalians, and some members were I suspect involved with the Illuminati. Christ Church was built off the DuPont communal property for Episcopal services. By the Civil War, the state of Delaware was lock-stock-and-barrel under the control of the DuPonts and their friends the Bayards, the Saulsburys, and the Greys, in this 20th century, the DuPonts have gotten firmer control. Because the state of Delaware is controlled by the DuPonts, et. al, it is worthwhile to examine some of the people the DuPonts and their elite friends have placed into office. This is a very unfinished skimpy list, I have done only a little research in this direction.


(chronological order)

John Collins (Gov. 1819-1822) -- Collin’s family

Caleb P. Bennett (Gov. 1832-1836) -- Freemason

Thomas Stockton (Gov. 1844-??) -- high ranking Freemason

Charles C. Stockley (Gov. 1883-87) -- Freemason

BenjaminT .B iggs( Gov.1 887-1891)-- Freemason

Pierre Samuel duPont,I V( 1977- ) -- also U.S.Representative, and other gov. positions U.S. SENATORS OF DELAWARE (alphabetical order of surnames) T.Coleman duPont ( Sen.1 921-192?)

Henry A. DuPont ( Sen.1 895-1896) ( 1906-1916) In 1896, the U.S. Senate rejected his election and therefore Henry duPont’s credentials due to proof of voter fraud.

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